Thursday, April 25, 2024

Spelling Love

Jasmine and rose have very powerful love vibrations to attract and charm a lover. This simple spell, said aloud, will create loving magic.

Anoint the candle with both essential oils and close your eyes. Say to yourself:

Gather together

    * 1 white candle

    * jasmine essential oil

    * rose essential oil

    Venus, cast your light on me,

    A goddess for today I’ll be.

    A lover, strong and brave and true,

    I seek as a reflection of you.

Now open your eyes and gaze at the candlelight. Venus, goddess of love, has heard you.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Spice Up Your Life Spell

Start a fresh chapter in your love life without delay with this cup of love.

Gather together

    * cinnamon spice tea (from a shop) or 3 chopped cinnamon sticks

    * 1 cup (240ml) of hot water

    * 1 teaspoon honey

    * 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (or 3 more sticks ground in your mortar and pestle)

Brew and steep the tea for at least 3 minutes. Stir in the honey and savor the sweet, spicy smell. Drink it while contemplating your hopes, intentions, and dreams for a happy, healthy love life. Now, sprinkle the ground version of this charismatic spice on the threshold of your front door and along your entry path. When the cinnamon powder is crushed underfoot, its regenerative powers will help heat things up in your love life.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Spell for New Beginnings

This spell can be used to meet someone new or to bring on a new phase in an existing relationship.

Gather together
    * 1 pink candle and 1 blue candle
    * rose or jasmine essential oil
    * 1 or more favorite flowers
    * a bobby pin/hair grip or safety pin

Before dawn, anoint each candle with rose or jasmine essential oil and place them on your altar. Light both candles, lay the flower(s) next to them, and chant:

    Healing starts with new beginnings, please show me who.
    My heart is open, I’m ready now.
    Today, my heart is open to love anew.
    Goddess, you will show me how.
    So mote it be.

Extinguish the candles and leave them on your altar. Pin the flower(s) to your lapel, jacket pocket, or in your hair and await the sweet message from the Goddess.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Love Magic Wands

Here is what you need to know about the perfect wand to use in rituals for romance:

    * Almond is a sweet wood and smoother than many; it is excellent for love magic.

    * Beech grants wishes, so be careful what you wish for!

    * Birch is a wood that is very powerful for new beginnings.

    * Ivy wood is related to women’s mysteries and will bind people together.

    * Lilac wands create beauty, harmony, happiness and bring you love.

    * Rosewood makes the ultimate wand for spellwork conjuring true, lasting love.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Timing Is Everything: Love Signs

If you want to strike up a conversation with the handsome, shy fellow at work, try it when the sun is in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, the best times for communication.

If, after a few successful dates, you are looking for things to heat up, fix an aphrodisiac dinner one Taurus or Scorpio moon evening, the most sensual of times.

Declaring your true love will go very well during the fiery signs of Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.

If you want to rekindle a long-lost love, try it when either the sun or the moon are in the signs of Pisces or Cancer, when sentiments run high. As ever, timing is everything, and certain days are made for love.

You’ll have your best success in romancing an ambitious amour during the earthy signs of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. You will probably find them while you are networking or building an empire.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Wanderful Invocation of Love

All of us want our home to be a welcoming place for love and contentment for ourselves and our significant other. You can greatly abet that outcome with this simple spell for binding love.

Gather together

    * 2 pink candles

    * rose essential oil

    * 2 long-stemmed pink roses

    * rose incense and incense burner

    * 2 rose quartz crystals, of any size

    * a tray to hold all these elements

    * your wand for love magic

Place all your ritual elements on the tray. Go to your bedroom and place the tray on your nightstand or another chest or table nearest your bed. Anoint your wand and both candles with the rose essential oil and place the roses and the quartz crystals beside the candles. Now light the candles and incense. Pick up your wand and intone aloud:

    This is a place where joy lives.

    This is a room where my heart gives.

    Here is a temple to love and delight.

    Here is a home filled with bliss and light.

    Blessed be, and so it is.

With your wand, draw a heart shape twice in the wafting smoke of the incense while saying “I love ____.” Stand, eyes closed, while visualizing you and your partner enjoying each other’s company, happy and in love. End the ritual by saying: “Blessed be.” I recommend keeping the tray in your bedroom where it can be a mini shrine to love.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Dreaming Devotion

This charm will help you see whether a newfound interest will become long term. If you lack clarity on this issue, your dreams can guide you. Use this talisman for clairvoyance.

Gather together

    * a small red pouch

    * 1 teaspoon each of dried lavender, dried thyme, and cloves

    * bolline

    * 1 vanilla bean pod

    * 12 inches (30cm) red string or cord

Take the small red pouch and place the lavender, thyme, and cloves into it. Using your bolline, cut the vanilla bean pod into two pieces and place them in the bag. Now cut the red string or cord in two, using your sacred knife. Close the bag by tying it with the two sections of cord and hold the pouch in both hands until your warmth and energy fully infuse the potpourri inside. Recite:

    Venus guide my dreams tonight—is he [or she] the one?

    I dream of devotion and a lifetime of love.

    Please give me your answers from the heavens above.

    So mote it be. Blessed be.

Tuck your talisman under your pillow. Upon waking, think of your dream. You will receive your answer immediately.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

First Moon of New Love: Candle Bell Spell

If you are in a phase of your life where you wish to attract new love, try this Candle Bell Spell two days before the full moon.

Gather together

    * 1 pink votive candle

    * a tray

    * 1 long-stemmed red rose bud

    * a small hand bell

    * rose essential oil

Check your lunar almanac and on the first night of the full moon, place the candle on the tray on your altar. Lay the rose bud and bell beside the candle. Anoint the candle with the rose essential oil. For the next two nights, cup the candle in your hands and direct loving thoughts into its flame for at least 5 minutes. On the last night of the full moon, take a thorn from the rose and carve the name of your heart’s desire into the candle wax, reciting:

    I will find true love.

    Light the candle and ring the bell thrice, saying:

    As this candle begins to burn, a lover true will I earn.

    As this flame burns ever higher, I will feel my lover’s fire.

Ring the bell three more times and allow the candle to burn for a few minutes while gazing at the flame. Keep notes in your bedside journal or your Book of Shadows and note how long it takes for true love to walk into your life. It will be interesting to look back and see where it happens, what sign the moon and sun are in, and all the details that will inform your future magical workings.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Wealth of Wildflowers

Pagans revere poppies for their money magic. If you have a yard or any strip of ground you can garden, even a nearby meadow, buy poppy seeds and simply scatter half of them in early spring. Save the other half for the spell below. Soon, you will have a wealth of wildflowers. No doubt, you will be rewarded with the beauty and abundance of poppies for many years to come.

Gather together

    * poppy seeds

    * a small plain paper envelope

    * a pen

Place the remaining poppy seeds in the envelope. Bless the envelope by chanting aloud:

    Poppy, gold like the sun,

    Thank you for the new fortune I’ve won.

    With these words, this spell is sealed. And so it is.

Now, write the charm you have spoken on the envelope. Seal the envelope and place it in your wallet, behind your paper money. Your fortunes will begin to change as soon as the envelope is sealed.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Giving-tree Spell

In Celtic lore, certain kinds of trees were called wishing trees. Taoists refer to them as money trees; either way, they can be “giving” trees (see below).

Gather together

    * a plain white piece of paper

    * a pen

    * 1 stick of jasmine or rose incense

Write your wishes for prosperity and luck on the paper. Specificity is key and you should include the details of what you are asking for. If you need more money to buy a new laptop, write that down. It can be more than one wish. Now, fold your wish paper into a square as small as possible and bury the paper in soil at the bottom of a giving tree. Choose from the list of magical trees below, or trust your intuition in arboreal matters.

    Light the incense stick, place it by the buried paper and pray aloud:

    “Tree of plenty; I ask you to give

    More abundance and money so I can live,

    I ask for ______ [fill in blank] as it will truly help me.

    With harm to none, so mote it be.

Repeat the spell twice and your wish will be put into effect.

Giving Trees

    * Willow for healing broken hearts

    * Apple for divination and spellwork

    * Cherry for romance

    * Oak for strength and lust

    * Peach for love magic

    * Olive for peace

    * Aspen for sensitivity

    * Eucalyptus for purification

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Cash in a Flash: Crystal Currency

Another charm for solvency is to take seven tiny turquoise stones in the palm of your hand and speak this wish-spell aloud:

    Luck be quick,

    luck be kind,

    and, by lucky seven,

    good luck will be mine.

    Blessed be.

Place the seven small stones in your wallet or purse; more cash is on the way.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Money Magic Bath

You can almost seal the deal before a job interview with this prosperity ritual. This spell is most effective if practiced on a new or full moon Thursday night, but can certainly be used whenever you need.

Pour 6 drops of mint, verbena, or apple essential oil into running bath water. You can also use all three. Turn off all lights, step into the tub, and bathe by the light of a single green candle. As you close your eyes, meditate on your true desires. What does personal prosperity mean to you? What do you really need and what do you really want?

When you are clear about your answers, focus on the candle flame while whispering:

    Here and now, my intention is set.

    New luck will be mine and all needs will be met,

    With harm to none and plenty for all.

    Blessed be. So mote it be.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Finding Lost Treasure: Potion of Plenty

The humble dandelion, considered a bothersome weed by some, hides its might well. Dandelion root tea can help you find lost treasure, money, wallets, even people. When you drink it in direct moonlight, sleep will be sweet and clues and messages will appear in your dreams.

Gather together

    * mortar and pestle

    * 2 tablespoons dried dandelion root

    * 2 cups (480ml) freshly boiled water

    * a teapot

    * oven mitts

    * a large Pyrex bowl (or other heatproof bowl)

    * a strainer

With your mortar and pestle, grind the dandelion root and steep in the freshly boiled water in your teapot. Pour into the bowl through the strainer. Now slip on your oven mitts and hold the bowl in your hands. Say aloud seven times what you are looking for. Afterward, pour the potion onto your front stoop or the steps in front of your home. What you are looking for will return to you.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Luck by the Cup

When you are crafting money magic, it is good to get into the manifesting mindset with some prosperity tea.

Gather together

    * 1 tablespoon dried rose hips

    * 1 tablespoon dried chamomile

    * 1 teaspoon orange peel

    * 2 cups (480ml) freshly boiled water

    * a teapot

    * a green mug

    * strainer

    * 1 cinnamon stick

Steep the rose hips, chamomile, and orange peel in the freshly boiled water in the teapot for 4 minutes. Pour the tea into the mug through the strainer, and stir widdershins, or counterclockwise, with the cinnamon stick for a moment. As you drink, visualize the abundance coming into your life.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Celebration of Plenty: Morning Meditation

True abundance comes from looking at what you have, rather than focusing on what you lack. This spell will begin each day with magic.

Upon waking, take time to reflect on the good things in your life. After meditating upon those blessings, say this spell aloud:

    Today and every day,

    I see the richness of life.

    I thank you, Goddess,

    For all the gifts and beauty in my world.

    Today, I will share my blessings with others

    and honor you.

    I see plenty for all. Blessed be.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Coin Conjuration

We all have unexpected expenses that come out of the blue—car repairs, medical bills, or helping a loved one in need. I had the latter with my family and had to reach deep into my coffers to heed the call. When you need to recover quickly financially, this coin spell will fill the bill, literally.

Gather together

    * athame

    * 3 gold (or yellow) candles

    * frankincense or myrrh incense

    * 3 yellow or gold-colored crystals, such as tiger’s eye, amber, citrine, yellow jade, or another favorite         of yours

    * 3 pieces of yellow- or gold-colored fruit, such as yellow apples or oranges

    * 13 coins of different denominations

    * a green or gold jar with a lid

Timing: Perform this spell on the evening of a new moon or during a waxing moon phase.

Make a quickie temporary altar wherever you pay your bills and handle your money—maybe it is your desk or perhaps the kitchen table. Use your athame to create the circle of magic in this soon-to-be-sacred space. Place the candles, incense, crystals, and fruit on the temporary altar and arrange them into three groups so each group contains a crystal, piece of fruit, and candle. Light your candles and the incense. One by one, take the coins in your hand and pass them through the incense smoke. Place the coins in the jar. Now take the crystals in your hand and pass them through the smoke, then place in the jar and seal. Pick up one piece of fruit at a time and touch to your third eye (in the middle of your forehead). Pray aloud:

    This offering I make as my blessing to all,

    Comfort and earthly gifts upon us shall fall.

    Fill my coffers with silver and gold.

    In this time of great need, I will be bold.

    For the good of all, young and old.

    Fill my coffers with silver and gold.

    And so it is.

Extinguish the candles and incense and place on your altar for future use, as well as the vessel containing the coins. When you go to sleep, dream of everyone you love, including yourself, receiving a harvest of material and spiritual wealth.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Money-attraction Herbs

As a kitchen witch and gardening enthusiast, I am always seeking to learn more about how the power of herbs, plants, roots, and flowers can be used in the craft. Grow your wealth, literally, with these handy herbs.

* Allspice berries bring good luck: Gather seven berries and place in a small pouch to carry in your pocket or purse for a week. On the seventh day, place the berries in your fireproof dish and burn them with cinnamon incense while making your wish for whatever you want.

* Basil is a major herb of abundance as well as love. Drop a few fresh basil leaves on the floor of your kitchen and sweep them out of your home with your magical broom while speaking this charm: “Scarcity is out the door; no longer will I be poor. Health and wealth, be here now. Harm to none, so mote it be.”

* Cinnamon has come to be called the “Sweet Money Spice” and this delightfully scented herb is a bringer of luck and will make a business more prosperous. Sprinkle a dash of ground cinnamon on the threshold of your front door, store, or business and watch the wealth walk in!

* Cloves are herbs of good fortune and even help in gambling. They also bring people together and bind them. If you need to turn your luck around, use cloves in spellwork as an herbal element or in incense or potpourri to create energy of abundance.

* Ginger root can speed up any magic. You can grind up the dried ginger root into powder; adding this to your money-attraction spells will bring the funds much sooner. Ginger tea brings money your way, briskly!

* Nutmeg is another spice beloved by gamesmen and gamblers. Carry a whole nutmeg in your pocket and your luck will improve the same day.

* Thyme is a common herb that will attract money to your home. Every time you cook with it you are drawing abundance and wealth toward you. Drink thyme tea for a quick fortune turnaround and fast money magic with this spell, “It is time for money to come my way; good luck is mine. Money thyme is mine with blessings for all.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Set Your Intention to Be a Master Manifestor

I learned the art of intention-setting some years ago and quickly incorporated it into my morning rituals. Upon waking, sometimes even before I open my eyes, I set my intention for the day—it only takes a minute! It can be about work, financial challenges, a problem I am dealing with, relationships, health, hopes and dreams— anything, as long as it is also for the good of all. It has become a morning prayer for me, quick and quiet. I simply state my intention, such as, “I intend that my presentation today at work will go really well and I will feel joy as it is happening and set the stage for success for this product launch, for the good of all. I am grateful for this wonderful day. And so it is.” During the peak of my money woes, I would get very specific and set intentions for the exact amount of money I needed to make the mortgage payments, pay credit card bills, etc. Granular detail is good when manifesting so it is fine to say how much you want when intending with money.

Keep these other tips in mind:

    * Avoid using words with any negative charge to them, such as “can’t,” “but,” and “won’t,” and amplify     your intention with a statement of gratitude immediately after.

    * Always state your intention as if it is happening now and not in the future. Be specific and intend             without limit.

    * Your intentions do not always have to be personal to you and intending for the greater good of all             contributes to a positive global shift.

    * By setting intentions every day, you will soon become a master manifestor. I intend that for you!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Prosperity Intention

I had a very scary financial situation in 2008, right before the “credit crunch,” which became known as The Great Recession. I had moved in with my fiancé and we bought a home together at the very edge of San Francisco with a teeny Pacific Ocean view. He worked in tech and his earnings were much more than mine but we never gave it a second thought. It was a modest home but we loved it and I threw myself into gardening, sowing herb beds, arranging sacred shrines and all the lovely aspects of Wiccan nesting.

He passed away unexpectedly before our marriage and before the shock of that even subsided, I was hit with bills for funeral arrangements, house payments, hospital bills, and myriad unforeseen expenses that left me close to broke and going underwater on the mortgage. I was deep in grief but knew I had to get myself out. I needed to sell the house as quickly as possible, find an affordable place to rent in the San Francisco Bay Area, pack up and move and also earn more money.

In times like these, group magic is called for. I asked a group of girlfriends who had been very supportive during all the “travails if they would meet with me once a week for Intending. They were happy to help and curious, too. The first time we met, we all set an intention for a desired outcome or need—I couldn’t help but notice that all their intentions were more achievable than mine—and brought potluck food to share.

We began our group ritual by going round the circle and stating our gratitude for all we do have in our lives.

Next we each set our intention regarding our desired need or outcome. Kara said, “I need a free bookcase for my baby’s books and toys. I ask this for the good of all. And so it is.”

Our circle was a small and loving group of five women so it took less than 5 minutes for us to set our individual intentions. Afterward, I spoke my deep thanks for their support and we shared the food.

The next morning, I got a call from Kara. She said, “You are not going to believe this but I walked outside of our apartment building and there was a bookcase. It looks new and it’s white and exactly what I had in mind. Wow, that intending stuff really works!” Kara is exactly right. The group magic of setting intentions that are good for you and also for everyone on the planet really does work. It took a month but I got everything on my list, too. Goddess is good. Friends are great.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Prosperity Pouches: DIY Charm Bags

A charm bag is a little bag or pouch filled with objects charged with magic for a specific intent. You can charge the objects with magic by placing them on your altar for 24 hours or, for a 5-minute fix, use spellwork, as suggested here.

Gather together

    * 12 inches (30cm) green cord or string

    * 1 green candle

    * thyme or cinnamon incense

    * a small muslin or cloth bag/pouch (that could fit in the palm of your hand)

    * bolline

    * 1 cinnamon stick

    * 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves

    * 3 pebble-size crystals of green jade, peridot, or turquoise

Set the cord or string aside and place all the other items on your altar. Stand at your altar and light the candle and incense. Pick up the pouch and smudge it in the sweet smoke of the incense while saying the following spell:

    My life is blessed and this I know.

    Into this bag, prosperity will flow.

    I see the future is bright wherever I go,

    My life is blessed; this much I know.

    With harm to none; so mote it be.

Using your bolline, cut the cinnamon stick into 3 pieces. Cut the green cord or string into 3 pieces. Place the basil, crystals, and cinnamon into the pouch. Now take the pieces of green cord and, one at a time, tie the end of the bag securely. Keep it with you in your pocket and into your life, money will flow.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Money Flow: Feng Shui Fountain

Water fountains are good feng shui and can enhance your prosperity quotient. For those of us who can’t pull off a fountain in our home or garden, this works just as well to get the money flowing.

Gather together

    * at least 8 small, smooth river rocks

    * a large green bowl or tall vase

    * enough water to fill the container

    * your prosperity wand

Stand in the front door area of your home and identify which is the far-left corner. This is the prosperity area and, therefore, the perfect place for this ritual. Place the smooth river rocks in the bottom of the bowl or vase and carefully pour in the water so you avoid spilling any. Take up your wand and speak aloud:

    In the name of the Goddess, I dedicate this space.

    Peace and prosperity flows throughout this place.

    Everyone here will enjoy abundance and grace.

    With harm to none. So mote it be.

Gently stir the surface of the water with your wand so it swirls and circles. Repeat the spell, then bow and say thank you to the energies of abundance.

Remove the stones from the vessel and pour the water onto the roots of the nearest tree or one of your larger potted plants, ideally right outside your home. Keep the stones in the far left corner of your home for continual good feng shui. This will keep the flow of abundance in your personal space.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Artemis, Goddess of the Healing Moon

Artemis is one of the best-known goddesses and, as it turns out, is one of the most needed as she is a healing divinity. She is the Greek goddess of the moon. In her Roman form, Diana, she is the deity to whom Dianic witches and priestesses are devoted. She is a bringer of luck, the goddess of the hunt, and a powerful deity for magic and spellwork. As the huntress, she can help you search out anything you are looking for, whether it is tangible or intangible. As a lunar deity, she can illuminate you. Invoke Artemis when you want to practice moon magic, by saying aloud “I call upon you, beloved Artemis.” I suggest you study her mythology further to design original lunar ceremonies. Enshrine her by dedicating an altar or sacred space to her to bring about any of her marvelous qualities and to bring about healing.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Goddess of Healing: Artemis Invocation

Creating a healing altar will safeguard your physical health and that of your loved ones. Your altar is your sacred workspace. It is charged with your personal power. Set up your healing altar facing north, the direction associated with the energy of manifestation. North is also the direction of the hour of midnight, the “witching hour,” and an altar set up facing north at midnight promises potent magic. Your shrine to the healing craft should be highly personal and represent all that signifies wellness to you.

This altar is dedicated to the goddess Artemis (see right).

Gather together

    * white fabric

    * 2 green candles, for health, in green glass holders or votive glasses

    * a small statue of Artemis, or a moon-shaped symbol to represent her

    * incense such as sandalwood, camphor, or frankincense

    * healing crystals and objects that bring comfort

To ensure healthful beginnings, drape the white fabric over your altar to make a tabula rasa, or altar equivalent to a blank slate. Take the candles and position them in the two farthest corners of the altar. Place the Artemis statue at the center of the altar. Place an incense burner between the two candles and light the incense.

Now adorn your altar with objects that symbolize healing energy to you. You may perhaps choose a candleholder carved from a chunk of amethyst crystal, which contains healing properties; an abalone shell with the iridescent magic of the oceans; a sweet-smelling bundle of sage; a small citrus plant bursting with the restorative power of vitamins; or a bowl of curative salts from the sea.

These symbolic items, and any others that you select, will energize your altar with the magic that lives inside you. It is also important that the altar be pleasing to your eye and “makes you feel good when you look at it so that you want to spend time there each and every day. After you have been performing rituals there for a while, a positive healing energy field will radiate from your altar.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Awesome Altar Stones

Crystals are finally being acknowledged for their power to give greater physical strength and health, and can be added to your healing altar (see page 76). Turquoise stones are grounding, and agates raise the energy level. For good circulation, try carnelian. For keeping life on an even keel, the organic gem family— shells, corals, and abalone—is optimal. For impetus and motivation, work with carnelian. To boost your health and well-being, try red coral for the lungs, bloodstone for the heart, and moonstone during pregnancy.

Quick Tips:

Instant Inspiration

    * To lift your spirits, light a green candle and hold harmony-bringing jade while meditating.

    * Carrying a quartz crystal will create tranquility inside and around you.

    * If you’re feeling overwhelmed or under duress, hold black obsidian. If the stress is caused by an             overabundant workload, keep the obsidian on your desk. Obsidian absorbs the negative.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Mineral Medicine

Since the dawn of human kind, people have carried stones and crystals as helpers and as talismans; for protection and good luck. In so doing, they have brought themselves a greater sense of security. For peace of mind, the strongest “medicine” consists of an amethyst, a rhodochrosite, and a turquoise. While they may sound exotic, they are commonly available in metaphysical stores.

Gather together

    * a small sky-blue bag

    * an amethyst crystal

    * a rhodochrosite crystal

    * a turquoise crystal

Place the crystals in the bag. When you are ready, hold the pouch in your hand and incant:

    Stones of the earth,

    warmed by the sun,

    Clear away trouble,

    Help and healing is now begun.

I recommend leaving your pouch on your altar where it can be at the ready whenever needed.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Awakened Breath Incantation

Unless you are already a practitioner of magical arts, you may well be casting spells unconsciously that throw obstacles in your path. Negative thoughts can imprint and start to manifest in an unfortunate way.

To clear the way to greater wealth and happiness, go for a walk during the next new moon. Pick up a white stone or white flower and place it on your altar. Light a white candle, and then close your eyes. Empty your mind and breathe deeply. Check to make sure your mind is not wandering; if any negative thoughts are lingering, send them out of your mind permanently.

After ten deep inhales and exhales, you should begin to feel a buzzing at the crown of your head. Now, open your eyes stare into the flame of the candle and repeat seven times:

    I am alive.

    I have power

    It is real

    And so it is.

Any time you find yourself engaged in negative self-talk or thinking, repeat this spell.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Cast Out All Ills: Floor Cleanser

Commercial cleansers are chock full of chemicals and potential toxins so I urge you to rethink using them. Simple herbal DIY cleaners are much healthier for you and your loved ones and always smell more natural. Who doesn’t love the smell of lavender, citrus, and fresh mint?

Gather together

    * a ceramic bowl

    * hot water

    * 1 quart (1 liter) of white vinegar

    * 2 limes

    * 2 lemons

    * a handful of fresh mint

    * 6 drops lavender essential oil

    * a bucket

    * a clean mop

In a ceramic bowl, pour 2 cups (480ml) of hot water and half a cup (120ml) of lime and lemon juice, then add the fresh mint leaves and the lavender oil. Stir and let steep for a half hour, then strain out the leaves and compost them.

Take a clean bucket and fill it with two gallons of warm water, then pour in the essential oil mixture. Dip your mop into the bucket, wring it out, and clean the floor very thoroughly. Chant this charm as you use the mop:

    Nothing but health and happiness here

    Brightness and joy only remain in this sphere.

    Anything dark and ill, I cast you out!

    Harm to none, blessing throughout.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Waters of Wellness

For thousands of years, we humans have been “taking the waters” as a way to restore, and also heal illness. A ritual bath that will simultaneously relax and stimulate you, is a rare and wonderful thing.

Gather together

    * 4 cups (720g) of Epsom salts

    * a large glass bowl

    * ½ cup (120ml) of almond carrier (or base) oil

    * 6 drops comfrey essential oil

    * 4 drops eucalyptus essential oil

    * 4 drop rosemary essential oil;

    * 6 drops bergamot essential oil

Pour the salts into the bowl and fold in the carrier (or base) oil. Now add in the essential oils, stirring after each is added. Continue to blend the mixture until it is moistened thoroughly. You can add more almond oil if necessary.

When your bath tub is one-quarter full, add one-quarter of the salt mixture under the faucet. Breathe in deeply ten times, inhaling and exhaling fully before you recite this:

    Healing spirits I offer myself to you.

    Remove from me any impurities

    Of the spirit and mind, I open myself to you,

    Body, heart, and soul.

    With harm to none and healing to me, so mote it be.

When the tub is full, step inside and exercise your breath ten more times. Repeat the prayer while you use the rest of the salts to scrub your body, carefully avoiding your eye area. Rest and rejuvenate as long as you like while visualizing your renewed health and vigor.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Calm Emotion Potion

Why does every day seem like it is as long as a week nowadays? Unplugging from cable news and constant social media feeds will help, as will this time-tested aromatherapy healing potion. This remedy is an excellent way to recharge and refresh after a hectic week.

Gather together

    * a small ceramic or glass bowl

    * 2 drops bergamot essential oil

    * 2 drops vanilla essential oil

    * 1 drop amber essential oil

    * 2 drops lavender essential oil

    * 4 drops carrier (or base) oil, apricot or sesame, ideally

Timing: This tincture is most potent right after the sun sets, by the light of the moon.

Mix all the oils together in the bowl.

Take off your shoes so you can be more grounded. Walk outside, and stand on your veranda or by an open window. Now, close your eyes, lift your head to the moon, and recite aloud:

    Bright moon goddess, eternal and wise, give your strength to me now.

    As I breathe, you are alive in me for this night.

    Health to all, calm to me.

    So mote it be.

Gently rub one drop of Calm Emotion Potion on each pulse point: on both wrists, behind your ear lobes, on the base of your neck, and behind your knees. Close your eyes and breathe the sweetly serene scent in as you stand barefoot for 5 full minutes. If you need more time to restore yourself and regain your calm, continue your mindful breathing and contemplation. As the oil surrounds you with its warm scent, you will be filled with a quiet strength.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

First Aid Aromatherapy: Essential Oil Magic

Blending essential oils for magic is both an art and a science. Combining these herbal oils can take their individual properties to the next level, interacting together to perform curative miracles.

Classic Essential Oils

    *One drop of lavender essential oil warmed between the palms of your hands can summon an instant         sense of serenity.

    *One whiff of bergamot essential oil can calm anxiety and stimulate the mind.

    * Ylang ylang essential oil can combat hypertension.

    * Rosemary essential oil kindles the memory and can help with perspiration.

A great blend involves combining notes—typically a top, middle, and base, though some blends don’t require a base—to create a balanced and effective aroma.

The top note is the first scent impression, which gives way to the middle note—the star of the show. The base note gives the blend its staying power and usually comes to the forefront much later. The aim in blending these three notes is to create a ratio that results in a harmonious cocktail that works (olfactorily or topically, depending on the blend) to address specific moods or ailments. A good rule of thumb is to use approximately 30 percent top note, 50 percent middle, and 20 percent base. If the blend doesn’t require a base note, round it up to about 40 percent top and 60 percent middle. Always use the highest-quality organic essential oils (see Resources, page 141) for the best outcomes. Consult your local herbal apothecary and look for brands that have had GC/MS testing as that is known as the gold standard test for essential oils. I keep a stock of ½-ounce (15ml) dark-colored vials with stopper lids and blank labels for when aromatherapy needs arise.

For the following blends, carefully pour the oils into a vial and shake gently to blend. You can rub this on pulse points or use a diffuser. These are quite popular. If you are using a diffuser, no carrier (or base) oil is needed. I use the simplest and most old-fashioned kind of diffuser, which is a clay ring you can put at the base of a light bulb in a lamp. The warmth of the bulb slowly fills the space with the desired scent and effect. If you plan to use your blend on pulse points, you will need a carrier oil. Always do a skin test first to avoid any potential irritation.


The sweet scent of this blend makes you feel all warm and fuzzy—euphoric, even.

    * 1 drop each of top notes: bergamot, lemon, neroli

    * 1 drop each of middle notes: ylang ylang, jasmine, Roman chamomile, geranium, rose

    * 1 tablespoon of a carrier (or base) oil, ideally jojoba or apricot


If you need a moment of peace, try this citrus-floral blend.

    * 3 drops of top note: orange

    * 5 drops of middle note: ylang ylang

    * 2 drops of base note: patchouli

    * 1 teaspoon carrier (or base) oil, ideally sesame or jojoba

Bright Mind

Clear the mind and gain a keen sense of alertness with this bright, sunny blend.

    * 1 drop each of top notes: rosemary, peppermint, bergamot, lemon

    * 1 drop each of middle notes: mint, geranium, ylang ylang, jasmine, Roman chamomile

    * 1 teaspoon carrier (or base) oil, almond or grapeseed

Friday, January 5, 2024

A Cup Brimming with Health: Vitamin C Tea

This tonic provides bioflavonoids and vitamin C in an organic, natural way so all the nutrients are easily available for absorption. Drink this blend regularly and you will feel fantastic. The amounts of ingredients are given in parts, as you may want to make a big batch of tea for the whole family.

Gather together

    * 2 parts lemongrass

    * 3 parts hibiscus

    * 4 parts rose hips

    * 1 part chopped cinnamon sticks

    * a teapot

    * honey

Blend the herbs using your mortar and pestle. Place in a teapot with 4 cups (960ml) of hot water. Steep for 5 minutes in your teapot, then strain and serve sweetened with honey to taste. If you make ahead, you should keep the mixed herbs in an airtight container. Serve regularly as a preventative during cold and flu season.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Other Herbs for Medicinal Teas

You can use the basic recipe of steeping a palmful of herbs for 5 minutes in a cup (240ml) of boiling water and use these plants either fresh or dried:

    * Lemon balm is a true aid for insomnia, anxiety, and restlessness.

    * Licorice root is marvelous for stomach and mouth ulcers.

    * Marshmallow, both root and leaf, strengthens the gastrointestinal tract and your mucus membranes.

    * Milk thistle is excellent for your liver and kidneys.

    * Mullein leaves help sore throats, coughs, and chest congestion.

    * Nettle, either fresh or dried, prevents allergies.

    * Slippery elm bark will get rid of heartburn, a bad cough, and a sore throat.

    * St John’s Wort extract is good for depression, PMS, and hot flashes.

    * Thyme is trusted to help with colds and congestion and is an antispasmodic.