Monday, February 28, 2022

Lunar Eclipse Ritual: Hunting the Sun

In Norse mythology, the sun and moon were created by benevolent gods to bring light to a dark world. The Norse gods placed the sun and the moon in chariots that flew across the sky, shedding light on the entire world. However, the hungry Fenris Wolf chased the sun and, every once in a while, caught up with it and devoured it, which darkened the sky. When the sun began to burn the insides of the wolf, he would cough it back into the sky. This, according to Nordic folklore, is how eclipses happen.

Eclipses are celestial events that still fascinate us, and you can easily gather a group together for a ritual. Invite enough people to form two circles. Twenty is ideal so you have ten in each circle. Ask half of the people to wear all gold and the other half to wear all black. Those in black are the Fenris Wolves who will eat the sun, represented by those in gold. For safety, everyone needs to wear their best UV protection sunglasses (in gray, brown, or green) to safeguard their eyes.

Well in advance of the eclipse, form the circles and tell the story of the Fenris Wolf. Ask other people if they have any experiences of past eclipses that they can share with the group. Ten minutes before the eclipse begins, have the gold group form a circle around the black group. Direct the two circles to walk, dance, or move in opposite directions. Five minutes before the eclipse begins, have the black group move outside the gold circle and have the gold circle sit down.

When I was at a retreat in Mendocino, California, I witnessed people barking, howling, and moaning to express their roles and the immense power of this imminent heavenly happening. During the actual event, however, everyone will grow silent and experience the extraordinary power of this rare and sacred heavenly moment. As always, people should only look at the sun through special filters. The best way to experience this ritual is to sit with eyes closed and feel its immensity.

In about ten minutes, as the eclipse is occurring, the black- garbed folks should walk away one by one at least ten feet and sit in a circle. When the gold circle is the only group left, the symbolism is the full reappearance of the sun.

When people begin to stir and want to talk, ask everyone to share what came to mind. People often have amazing insights and visions during eclipses. Document these “eclipse epiphanies,” if possible, and remember to include them in your storytelling for the next solar eclipse ritual. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Full Moon

When the moon is full, that means Mother Moon is at her zenith, parading in all her glory across the night sky. Rituals that transform and call forth your personal power and psychic awareness are called for at this time. The full moon is powerful and promotes strength and supremacy. Her luminous glow surrounds us, and now is the time to clean our ritual tools, scrying mirrors, tarot decks, and crystals. Take time to honor the moon goddess during this phase. Wiccans have a tradition of “drawing down the moon,” which is a way of invoking the moon’s power into your body, thereby embodying the lunar goddess.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Waxing Moon

 As the moon grows to full, rituals for bringing about positive change are the order. Ceremonies for luck, growth, and love will succeed during the waxing moon. The moon is in full Maiden aspect for the fourteen days of the typical waxing period. Invocations for personal and positive change in your environment and the people around you will burgeon during this phase.

Invoking the Blessing of Nikadama

In China and Tibet, the mountain holds a special place in mythology and religions because they are so close to the sky. Tibetan Buddhists bring down the blessings of one of their most benevolent deities, Nikadama, the female protection deity who lives high in the Himalaya Mountains. To get her attention, tie strings of Tibetan prayer flags or white silk scarves to the trees and bushes near your home or in your yard. If you live in the city, you can hang them at your door

to fly in the breeze. Every time the flags and offering scarves flutter in the wind, Nikadama is blessing you! Here is a very simple ritual you can perform alone or with loved ones to bring luck and blessings during the waxing moon. Spring is the best time to do this, but any waxing moon will bring fortune and providence.

Tibetan Prayer Flag 101

The color symbology of a string of Tibetan prayer flags comes from hundreds of years of tradition. Monks always fly the blue flag highest and it should be at the top of the string of flags, as it symbolizes the closest you can get to higher consciousness. Other colors that represent aspects of nature are as follows:

Blue: Sky White: Cloud Red: Fire Green: Water Yellow: Earth 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Eternal Flame

When the first narrow crescent of the waxing moon appears in the twilight sky, place a green candle beside a white lily, freesia, or a spicy smelling stalk of stock (a plant in the mustard family). Make sure the flower you choose has a scent that you really love, as the floral essence is key to stirring your emotions, dramas, and visions. White flowers have the most intense aromas. For me, the best flower is a white gardenia floating in a clear bowl of water.

Anoint the candle with tuberose or rose oil. Take a handful of seeds such as sunflower, walnuts, or pistachios, still in their shells, and place them in front of the candle. Close your eyes and recite this aloud:

Under this newest of moons,
In Eden fair, I walk through flowers
In the garden of my desires,
I light the flame of my mind,
I plant the seeds of things to come.

Now speak out what you want in the coming time. By speaking your desires and intentions aloud, you are planting seeds for your future.

When the candle has burned down, take the little bit of leftover wax, the nuts and seeds, and your flower of the new moon and bury them in your yard or in the soil around your houseplants. Wonderful new energy and new ideas will begin to bloom immediately in your life. As the moon grows, you should continue to build upon what you began with the new moon. Projects and rituals you initiated will continue and you will begin to see changes. This is an active, creative time. You should use it to the fullest in your personal rites and ceremonies. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The New Moon

The new moon is sometimes called Diana’s Bow, a reference to the Roman goddess of the hunt. The Maiden phase arrives when the moon comes out of the shadows and begins to show its first glimmering crescent of light. The new moon is the time to begin new projects and bring new energy into your life. It is an auspicious time for blessing rituals. I save new ventures to begin them on the new moon. Now is the perfect time to plant a garden, reorganize your office, start a new business, begin an art project, or embark on a new relationship—anything that requires the energy of developing and growing. Budding and building are the key words for the new moon.

New Moon, New Beginnings

This new moon time is a wonderful opportunity to involve yourself in personal improvement and transformation, whether spiritual or health-related, like practicing yoga or following a new diet. The new moon has great advantages for healing. This phase is also marvelous for rituals that draw something to you. Rituals and charms commenced in the new moon can have tangible results by the next new moon. Divinatory rituals performed during the new moon can also bring great clarity.

Here is a new moon ritual to ignite new energy for new projects and new beginnings.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Phases of the Moon

Performing a ritual at the optimal time of the lunar cycle will maximize your power. As you read, keep this basic magical guideline in mind: Each lunar cycle begins with the new moon phase, when the moon lies between the sun and the earth so its illuminated side cannot be seen from the earth. During the next two weeks, the moon gradually waxes until it has moved to the opposite side of the earth. When the moon has reached the far side of the earth, its lit side faces us as the full moon. Now it begins to wane until it apparently vanishes. Then it cycles again.

The entire cycle takes approximately a month, during which the moon orbits the earth. To determine the sun sign governing the moon on any given day, you will need a celestial guide or almanac. My favorite is Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide. The moon moves into a new sign every two to three days.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Invoking the Goddesses Part II


Isis is the only goddess who could guarantee the immortality of the Egyptian pharaohs, resurrecting them as she did Osiris. Her worship spread and became an enormous cult that appealed to the entire Roman Empire. She has great appeal as a divine mother. Isis is the daughter of Nuit, the goddess of the sky, and of Seb, the god of earth. The ancients worshipped her as the Queen of Heaven, and she is often depicted with wings.

Isis is the link between birth and death and can be invoked in rituals designed to celebrate existence under our banner of stars.


She watches over the daughters of the earth, and as such attends nearly every female need and function. The Latin word for a female soul is juno, and as the mother of all women she can be invoked in any woman’s mystery of birth, menses, croning, and death. Some of her aspects include a goddess
of fate, Juno Fortuna; of war, Juno Martialis; of marriage, Juno Domiduca; of bones, Juno Ossipage; of mother’s milk, Juno Rumino. Because Juno is a special protector of brides, you can invent a Juno-centered ceremony to celebrate your own nuptials or those of a friend who espouses women’s spirituality.


She is the Hindu goddess of the ever-cycling nature of creation and destruction. Kali can be called on to protect and defend women of any age. If you are afraid for yourself, pray aloud to Kali in her destroyer aspect, which wears a necklace of skulls that will scare off any attacker. If someone is recovering from an abusive relationship, Kali can be called on to help with healing and renewing courage and self-esteem. Kali is not to be feared, but respected and admired. One of Kali’s aspects is the Indian goddess, Vac. This incarnation of Kali is the “Mother of All Creation” who spoke the first word, OM, which gave birth to the universe. She also invented the Sanskrit alphabet.

An image of Kali in your office or cubicle will keep trouble at bay and keep you strong and active and fully in your power. Give offerings to her occasionally with your girlfriends in your life with “womanpower” rituals.


She is the Greek goddess of the underworld. She spends half of the year, fall and winter, with her husband, Hades, in the underworld, and the other half, spring and summer, above with her mother, Demeter. Persephone is a wonderful deity to invoke once winter has ended, since her return from below marks the beginning of spring. Also, if a dear friend is moving, you can create a pomegranate ritual to ensure regular visits. Persephone is also associated with the element of earth. During equinoxes, you can design rituals with plants, flowers, trees, and fruits of the seasons and acknowledge Persephone’s transition to the other world. This goddess represents the balance between light and dark.


She is the full moon, another Greek aspect of the lunation cycle. She sheds light on the world and on all of us, inside and out. Her mythology is that as a teacher of magic and all things supernatural, she passed her special knowledge on to her students. She is also a mentor, and her light illuminates our intelligence and ability to think clearly with logic.


She is the female deity who is “God’s glory” and the spouse of an ancient Hebrew god. Older rabbinical texts describe her as the “splendor that feeds angels.” She was the only one to get away with being angry with the Hebrew god. She is associated with Sophia and Mari-Anna. Having been redacted from all biblical texts, Shekina was veiled in obscurity until some medieval cabbalists rediscovered her. Glimmerings of Shekina show up in passages of the Talmud telling the story of the exiled Israelis wandering into the wilderness with Joseph’s bones and a second ossuary, or “bone box,” containing “the Shekina” in the form of a pair of stone tablets. Be very creative in designing rituals, altars, offerings, and ceremonies honoring this deity, since you are rebuilding a lost part of goddess history. One daring ritual could include calling a women’s circle and rewriting the tablets of wisdom. Call upon your inner Sophia and inner knowledge for guidance in this highly original approach to ritual.


This Gnostic goddess charges us to be silent. In Roman mythology she stands for the secret name of Rome, which could not be spoken aloud, and thus she is depicted as a hooded woman with a finger to her lips. Gnostic texts speak of Sige’s origins as the mother of Sophia. She is the primordial female creator: out of silence came the logos, or the word. The cult, rituals, and folklore regarding Sige were held so strictly secret that we know nothing about them now.

But, since creation comes out of silence, there is complete creative freedom for you to recreate new myths, stories, and celebrations for this obscure deity. Silent celebrations, quiet meditations, and secret spells no doubt have the approval of Sige.


She is the ancient Germanic goddess of the sun, proof that our big star is not always deified as male. The Teutons also referred to this very important divine entity as “Glory of Elves.” In the great Northern European saga, the Poetic Edda, Sunna was said to have a daughter who sheds light on a brand-new world. Other sun goddesses include the Arabian Attar, the Japanese Amarterasu, and the British Sulis, “the sun’s eye."


The Roman goddess of love, Venus is associated with ultimate femininity, ultimate sexuality, ultimate fertility, and all that is beautiful. The word veneration means to worship Venus, and she should be venerated in all the love spells of your own design as well as celebrations and circles taking place on her day—Friday. The lore and mythology of Venus is well known, as she has been imprinted on our consciousness as the beautiful naked nymph on a half shell rising out of the foamy wave of the ocean. Honor her by creating venerable dances on the beach, and write love prayers and poems inspired by the love in your own heart. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Invoking the Goddesses Part I

Below is a group of goddesses you can invoke and honor in your ritual work. I strongly advise placing images of a goddess on your altar when you need her aid, her strength, or her special qualities. Please refer to the chart on page in the back for a quick breakdown.


She is the Italian “Queen of the Witches” who descends to earth to preserve the magic of the goddess, Diana, her mother. Through Aradia’s lineage, she is also a lunar deity. She is affiliated specifically with Dianic Wicca. Aradia is an excellent goddess to invoke for protection of for any moon rituals you perform or create.


She is the Greek goddess of the moon. In her Roman form, Diana, she is the deity to whom Dianic witches and priestesses are devoted. She is a bringer of luck, the goddess of the hunt, and a powerful deity for magic and spell work. As the huntress, she can help you search out anything you are looking for, whether it is tangible or intangible. As a lunar deity, she can illuminate you. Invoke Artemis when you want to practice moon magic, and study her mythology further to design original lunar ceremonies. Enshrine her to bring good luck.


She is a goddess who rules both wisdom and war. Athena is a deity to invoke if you are doing ceremonies for peace, learning, protection, or any work-related issues. She can help you overcome any conflict with friends, families, or foes.


She is the cat goddess and the Egyptians’ great protector. Her domain includes cats, childbirth, healing, passion, pleasure, joy, and happiness. Bast is associated with the element of fire. Call upon her to watch over you when you travel. If any of your feline friends are taken ill, pray to Bast and create a healing altar and ritual for your cat with a statue of her on the left side. Bast is a wonderful deity to develop a relationship with, and she can come into your life in the form of a stray cat. Remain open-minded about unexpected new animal friends. They could be Bast on a mission!


She was a Celtic solar goddess of poetry, smithcraft, and healing before the Catholic Church canonized her as a saint. Brigid is dually connected to the elements of water and fire. One way to bless water for ceremonies, your altar, and home is to pray to Brigid to sanctify the water. She is a guardian for all animals and children, taking care of all matter related to child rearing. Brigid is also a goddess of inspiration. You can create creativity rituals or purification rites that include Brigid.


She is the great Roman grain goddess. Think of her every time you have some cereal, which is named after her. The early summer festival, the Cerealia, honors Ceres for supplying the harvest and an abundance of crops. Any ceremony for planting, growing, and cooking could involve this bounty-bringer. If you are going to plant a magical garden, craft a ritual with Ceres and make and outdoor altar to this grain goddess.

The Eye Goddess

She is an extremely ancient Mediterranean deity depicted as an all-seeing eye. She was a goddess of justice in the form of a pair of huge, unblinking eyes, and no transgression could be concealed from her. The Eye Goddess’s first appearance was around 3500 BCE. You can conjure the Eye Goddess’s powers of justice with the depiction of eyes and invoke her assistance any time you need the truth brought to light. You can also practice simple protection magic for the home and for your car with eyes watching out for you. Her symbol is sometimes mistaken for the evil eye, which makes workers of mischief nervous and causes thieves to think twice before committing a crime.


She is the “cow goddess” who represents life, beloved in ancient Egypt for her ability to bring fertility. Hathor was also associated with royalty, and her priests were artists, singers, dancers, trained midwives, and seers. As the celestial cow, she held the golden disk of the sun in between her horns. Hathor’s other sacred animals include the lion, cobra, falcon, and the hippopotamus. The sacred sistrum, a rattle used in ritual,
was used to summon her. Mirrors were also her sacred tool. During spring rains and floods, you can stage a ritual dance for her to sanctify the joy of life. Invite your friends and let your imagination run wild with headdresses, costumes, and masks. Rattle, drum, and sway into the great dance of life.


She is a crone goddess who shows her face in the dark moon. Hecate is the goddess of where three paths meet and the banisher of evil, which serves us well in rites of closure, “letting go,” and getting rid of any negatively charged aspect of your life. Any time you want to bring something to an end, invoke Hecate for help. Funeral rites or ceremonies of remembrance, especially those for older women, are appropriate occasions for summoning Hecate. As the personification of the dark moon, she is also the goddess of divination and prophecy.

Try creating a dark moon prophecy circle and invite her for deep and wise insight. Design a ritual during the dark moon with Hecate for ultimate feminine wisdom and a fresh new beginning.


She is the goddess of home and hearth whom the Romans knew as Vesta. Hestia is associated with the element of fire and is concerned with the safety and security of the individual as well as families. As goddess of the hearth, she rules the kitchen, making it possible to perform magical baking recipes with your mixing bowl serving as a cauldron, enchanting it with spices such as cinnamon and cloves. Hestia is the perfect deity to help design a new house. She is a blessing there to help you with cleaning and purification rituals in your living space and sacred space.


She is the holy spirit, an ancient Hebrew goddess of wisdom, the Gnostic Sophia. Hokmah is also related to Egypt’s Ma’at, mother of creative works of power from which the universe was formed. It was believed by scholars that bereshith, the very first word of Genesis, really refers to this goddess of wisdom. The book Targum of Jerusalem discusses the first words of Genesis and the goddess of wisdom at length. Bereshith is traditionally translated as “in the beginning.” Hokmah appears often in pre-Christian and early Christian writings, and Philo of Alexandria described her as the spouse of Jehovah. King Solomon himself decreed that Hokmah must be obeyed in “The Wisdom of Solomon,” a chapter not included in the biblical canon and established as apocryphal. Hokmah’s symbol, like that of Venus, is the dove.

You can summon the eternal wisdom of Hokmah with an image of a dove on your altar. Ignored and redacted from history, she holds vast beneficial power. You can design a women’s mystery rite by meditating on this ancient spirit. Allow inspiration to come and be literally filled with the holy spirit. Her wisdom will enlighten you and reveal how the rite should be designed.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Invoking the Gods

Here is a selection of male deities to choose from in your ritual work. Included are some of the more commonly invoked gods and also some rare and obscure powers to consider for ceremonies and incantations. There are many rich resources for further study, such as mythology, which is a real tapestry of humankind’s deepest truths, eternal struggles, and victories. I have learned many stories that have inspired and enriched my spiritual practices from books such as Bullfinch’s Mythology, Robert Graves’s The White Goddess, and James G. Frazer’s The Golden Bough. Reading more about the history and folklore of deities will give you ideas and inspiration for rituals of your own creation.


He is the god of love, and partner of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Adonis is also an herbal deity with domain over certain plants and flowers, representing earth, fertility, and health. He is often invoked for love rites and spells. Ask Adonis for help with your gardens and for healing.


He is the god of music and the arts and brother to Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt. If you are an artist of musician, ask Apollo to help you with the creative process or invoke him to banish writer’s block.


He is the Horned God of the Celts, sometimes also called Herne the Hunter. Cerunnos is a virile figure and represents man’s sexual power. He is the one to call on for animal magic, for fertility, and any earth or environmental ceremonies you want to create and represent the wild man’s spirit.


He is the fishtail god of the Phoenicians who symbolizes the sea and rebirth. Originally a corn god, Dagon protects against famine and is also a god for oracles. He can be called on in water, gardening, and food rituals, and the celebration of life. Pisceans should familiarize themselves with this half man- half fish god when creating original rituals and should ask for Dagon’s aid in divination.


This elephant-headed Hindu god of good fortune is the “remover of obstacles.” Ganesha’s domain is literature and he dispenses much wisdom. Summon him for any new business and for rituals of prosperity. Many people keep Ganesha figures and images in their offices and on altars to ensure that he keeps obstacles at bay. Money spells and work-related rites are greatly abetted by the presence of this agreeable divinity.


He is associated with the Roman god Mercury and the Egyptian scribe god, Thoth. Hermes is an important deity for astrologers and metaphysicians as he is credited with the invention of alchemy, astrology and several other occult sciences. “Thrice Great Hermes” is revered by ceremonial magicians and is believed to be the wisest of all. He is the psychopomp who conducts the newly dead to the Underworld. Early Christians and Gnostics saw Hermes as a precursor to Christ, a divine prophet, the revealer of mysteries, and the giver of enlightenment. The Hermetic Cross is an adaptation of the insignia of Hermes. Hermes should be invoked if you are fashioning any rituals using the signs of the zodiac, foretelling the future, or acquiring the deepest wisdom.


He is the Egyptian god of light and healing, the “all-seeing eye,” and child of Isis and Osiris. Horus is often depicted with the head of a falcon and the body of a man. You can turn to him in meditation and prayer when you are looking for his beacon of “enlightenment.” Horus is also a healing power to invoke in healing rituals.


He is the gatekeeper from whom the word “janitor” comes. Janus has two faces and was at one time identified with Jupiter. He is the gatekeeper of the year, as the divinity of the first month of the year, January.


His name comes from the Celtic languages, translating to “Shining One.” He is a warrior sun god and also guardian of the crops. Lugh has his own festival, Lughnasadh, which takes place every year on August 1 to celebrate harvest time. A ritual of gratitude for life, luck, and prosperity will keep the bounty flowing. If you need a guardian or help with interpersonal problems at work, turn to Lugh as your defensive deity.


He is the “Bringer of Light,” a Persian god of the sun and protector of warriors. Mithra corresponds with the element of air and comes from a deep mystery tradition of Mesopotamian magic and fertility rites. If you have a loved one in a war far away from home, you should create a special altar for your beloved with Mithra, who is the “soldier’s god."


He is the Norse equivalent of Zeus and Jupiter and is King of the Aesir. Odin rules wisdom, language, war, and poetry. You can appeal to him by carving runes or writing poetry. Odin can help you with any kind of writing, giving you the energy to forge ahead with purpose and passion. He can even help you write your own rituals and poetic magical chants.


He is the Egyptian god of death and rebirth who also takes care of the crops, the mind, the afterlife, and manners. Husband to Isis and father of Horus, Osiris is a green god who is deeply connected to the cycles of growing and changing seasons. Turn to this god for rites of remembrance and for help with grief and mourning.


He is the goat-like god of the pastoral world as well as of lust and fertility. Pan represents the earth element and can be invoked for any erotic spells or ceremonies of a sexual nature. Call on Pan any time you want to have fun. As a minor love god, he is an essential guest for Beltane, a modern Pagan version of Valentine’s Day.


Although not technically a god, this monumental figure is said to live in the land or “summer stars” and is invoked in higher degrees of initiation in some esoteric orders. Talieisin is the harper poet from Welsh tradition, steeped in magic and mystery. He is associated with the magic of poetry, and embodies wisdom and clairvoyance. Talieisin is a helpmate to musicians and creative folks. If you are a solo practitioner and want to create a ceremony of self-initiation, Taliesin is a potent power to engage.


The Norse sky and thunder god of justice and battle uses his thunderbolt to exact his will. Medieval Scandinavians believed the crack of lightning and thunder was Thor’s chariot rolling through the heavens. Turn to Thor when you need spirituality to solve a legal matter. He is also a powerful protection deity to use in ritual. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Lord and Lady of Magic

Wiccan traditions frequently address twin deities and energetic dualities. The early Celtic goddess Danu, matriarch or the Tuatha de Danaan, or People of the Goddess Danu, is one of the goddesses venerated through this modern earth religion. Wicca is based on “the old ways” that hold a sacred connection to earth and to spirit—secrets, legends, and lore from European fertility cults that survived in various forms through the ages. Similar influences can be traced farther back in history to Paleolithic peoples who worshipped a hunter god and a fertility goddess. They represent the twofold principles of feminine and masculine energy inherent in nature. Wicca is enormously popular today, in part because it gives us freedom to create our own way of worshipping. Understanding the primal aspect of nature and the world as revealed in the gendered mysteries and myths, you can begin to plan rituals customized to fit your truest nature.

The God represents the sun. He is born on December 21, the winter solstice, and grows steadily until June 21, the summer solstice, when his power reaches its fullest. After Midsummer, his power wanes and he expires with the shortening daylight hours. On the longest night of the year, he is reborn again. The God is seen and represented in the physical and tangible. He can be seen in the hunt, in harvest, and it vitality, strength, sexuality, and passion.

The Goddess is creator of all; the Horned God is her consort. The Great Mother is the keeper of the cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth that are reflected in nature and the seasons. In some modern traditions, the God rules the physical world while the Goddess governs intuition, dreams, and the mind.

The Triple Goddess is a combination of the Maiden, the young, sweet girl; the Mother birthing us all; and the Crone, the wise older woman. The three faces of the Triple Goddess are reflected by the waxing, full, and waning phases of the moon. 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Stone Shrines: Creating a Crystal Altar


By building a stone shrine, altar, or power center in your home, you can create a place for daily conjuring, rituals, and thinking. This will set the stage for you to focus your ideas and make them grow. Having a shrine in your home allows you to rid yourself of personal obstacles and invite friendly spirits. Your shrine will spark your inner flame and bring daily renewal. The more use an altar gets, the more energy it builds, making your spells even more effective.

Create your shrine on a low table covered in a white scarf. Set rainbow candles in an arc and then add black and white candles. Place a heatproof bowl containing amber incense (good for creativity and healing), and place it in the center of the rainbow, surrounded by quartz. You should also keep a stick of sage or a seashell on your altar for cleansing the space every day.

Prosperity stones should be to the far left on the altar, in the money corner. Romance crystals should sit to the far right on the altar.

The rest of your altar should consist of meaningful, personal symbols. They should reflect your spiritual aspirations. I keep fresh wildflowers in a vase, a statue of a goddess, abalone shells, a magnetite obelisk, and a rock-crystal ball on my altar. An obelisk or pyramid on your altar can be used for writing out desires and wishes. You can use just about anything—photos of loved ones, religious images, and so forth.

With your altar, you can create a bridge between your outer and inner worlds. It can even be a place where you commune with the deepest and most hidden parts of yourself. An altar is where you can honor the rhythms of the season and the rhythms of your own life. An altar is a touchstone, a place to see the sacred and incorporate it into your life each and every day. It can be your special corner of the world where you can rest and connect with your spiritual center. Creating and augmenting your altar every day is one of the most soul- nourishing acts you can do.

Following it a table of different crystals and what their presence on your altar will mean:

Altar Crystal: amazonite, aventurine, carnelian, chrysolite, chrysoprase, citrine, green tourmaline, malachite, yellow fluorite

What They Mean: Creativity

Altar Crystal: amethyst, azurite, celestite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, selenite, smoky quartz, sodalite, star sapphire, yellow calcite

What They Mean: Intuition

Altar Crystal: amethyst, magnetite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, twinned rock crystals 

What They Mean: Love

Altar Crystal: bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, dendritic agate, diamond, garnet, hawk’s-eye, moss agate, peridot, ruby, tiger’s -eye, topaz, yellow sapphire

What They Mean: Prosperity

Altar Crystal: amber, apache tear, chalcedony, citrine, green calcite, jade, jet, smoky quartz 

What They Mean: Protection

Altar Crystal: azurite, chalcedony, chrysocolla, green tourmaline, hematite, rutilated quartz, tiger’s-eye

What They Mean: Self-Assurance

Altar Crystal: amber, aventurine, blue jade, dioptase, Herkimer diamond, jasper, kunzite, moonstone, onyx, peridot, quartz, rhodonite

What They Mean: Serenity

Altar Crystal: carnelian, obsidian, quartz, selenite, sodalite, topaz

What They Mean: Success

Altar Crystal: agate, aventurine, bloodstone, calcite, chalcedony, citrine, dioptase, emerald, garnet, orange calcite, ruby, topaz

What They Mean: Vigor

Altar Crystal: emerald, fluorite, Herkimer diamond, moldavite, serpentine, yellow calcite 

What They Mean: Wisdom 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sacred Aztec Animal Altar: Become Conscious of Your Nagual

In Central Mexico, the Nahuatl Indians believe we all have at least one “animal soul.” Like your natal chart, the animal soul, or nagual, is born exactly when you are. It is tied to your destiny. Legend tells us that our soul animals are kept and cared for in the underworld by the Aztec Lord of Animals. If you care for your nagual, you will also be under the safekeeping of the Lord of the Underworld. One excellent way to take care of your nagual is to create and altar to honor and work with it. Place photos and mementos of living loved ones and pets on an altar table in a circle to represent the world in which you live. Hang symbols or illustrations of protective presences on the wall behind your nagual altar—gods, goddesses, saints, orishas, or whoever you feel is benevolent. These deities connect you to the realm of the sky. Beneath your altar, place a treasure box of photos, gifts, or keepsakes in honor of your ancestors to please the spirits of the underworld and their realm, known as Talocan.

Place fresh flowers upon your altar every day and “feed” your soul animal, the Lord of the Underworld, and his throng. They will feel well served if each day you share with them water, food that you have cooked for yourself, freshly baked bread, and sweets. While it might seem surprising, the spirits of the nether realm like the earthly pleasures of tobacco and alcohol, so provide them with these offerings as well. Light a candle on your altar each and every day as homage. Obtain a feather, a horn, a bone, and another animal relic to place on your altar; it is important that you get this sacred object without harming any beasts. Your altar is a blessing to the animals of this world and the next.

You now have a way to discover your personal soul animal. The dream world is where we can encounter such spirits. Sleep in front of your Aztec altar, and pray to the Lord of the Underworld to care for you and reveal your nagual to you. Keep a dream journal and pay close attention to any animals that show up in your life. As you go about your day, take time to pet and commune with these animals if it is safe or possible to do so. Taking care of animals is our sacred duty and is pleasing to the spirits of Talocan.

Magical Animal Correspondences

Canary: harmony, joy, love, luck

Chameleon: mutability, color, invisibility, protection, and power over weather

Fish: wealth, family, children, divination, finding your spouse

Frog: initiation, transformation, regeneration, annihilation of the negative and psychic blocks

Bird: travel, amplified mind and memory, divination

Cat: independence, protection, uncovering secrets, spirits

Dog: loyalty, sustained effort, hearing, friendship, guardian

Lizard: dreams and dream divination, powers of the imagination

Lovebirds: love and marriage, partnership and companionship

Parrot: impersonation, mindless chatter, repetition 

Snakes: creativity, wisdom, psychism, rebirth and regeneration, relation to spirits

Spider: insight, originality, new start

Turtle: patience, perspicacity, longevity 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Banishing Creative Blocks: Nature as Altar

To overcome any blocks of fear obstructing your creative output, you can dispel the negative energy by going for a walk in the nearest park. Find a round, flat rock, six to ten inches wide. This will become an altar supplied directly to you by Mother Nature, and it will have the purest energy. Begin by charging this stone on the full moon at your home altar. Light a white candle for purification, and then place your hand on the stone and chant three times:

Goddess of Night, moon of tonight,
Fill this stone with your light,
Imbue it with all your magic and might,
Surround it with your protective sight.
So mote it be.

Ideally, you’ll want to perform this spell three times on three consecutive full moons before you begin drawing upon its energy. Like your altar, your stone will be a reservoir you can turn to any time you feel stuck or uninspired. Make a pilgrimage to it when you require creative rejuvenation. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Aphrodisiacal Altar: Sacred Space for Love


To prepare for new relationships and deepen the expression of feeling and intensity to your lovemaking, create a center from which to renew your erotic spirit. Here you can concentrate your energy, clarify your intentions, and make wishes come true. If you already have an altar, incorporate some special elements, such as red candles or red crystals, or anything associated with Venus, like copper or a seashell to enhance your sex life. Your altar can sit on a low table, a big box, or any flat surface dedicated to magic. One friend of mine has her sex altar at the head or her bed. Begin by purifying the space with a sage smudge stick—a bundle of sage that you burn as your pass it through the space. Then cover your altar with a large red silk or silk-like fabric. Place two red candles at the center of your altar and place a soul mate crystal—two crystals naturally fused together—at the far right corner of the altar. These are available at metaphysical stores. Anoint your candles with jasmine and neroli oil. Also keep the incense you think is sexiest on your altar. Your sex altar is also a place where you can keep sex toys that you want to imbue with magic. Place fresh Casablanca lilies in a vase and change them the minute they begin to fade. Lilies are heralded as exotic and erotic flowers prized for their seductive scent. 

Love Altar Dedication

Light candles and incense and dab the jasmine and essential oils above your heart. Speak aloud:

I light the flame,
I fan the flame,
Each candle I burn is a wish.
My lust will never wane.
I desire and I will be desired.
Harm to none, so mote it be.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Inspiration Altar: Unleash Your Creative Powers

Your personal altar is the ideal environment to incubate your ideas and can be a touchstone for daily conjuring and contemplation. By preparing your home and sparking your inner flames, you can clear away personal blocks and invite in friendly spirits who will aid you in personal pursuits, no matter what your line of work is.

On a low table or chest, place an orange or gold scarf and the following elements: yellow, orange, and gold candles for stimulating intelligence and clarity; bergamot oil for energy; and vanilla incense for mental power.

In an amber or clear glass bowl on the altar, place cloves and sage leaves or bundles. Next, add items that symbolize your personal creativity—perhaps a poem you wrote, a figure you sculpted, or a photograph you took of the altar.

Place benzoin, an herb for all-around mental strength and clarity, in your incense burner; it will bring inspiration from the psychic realm. Add any gifts from nature that inspire you— luminous shells, chunks of quartz, or feathers. Arrange your altar in a way that pleases you and stimulates your senses. Now, anoint the candle with bergamot essential oil while you meditate to clear your mind of any distractions. This is an essential step in opening the mental and spiritual space necessary to create, whether your intention is to create a ritual of your own design or an art project. Once you feel focused, light a sage leaf and wave it gently around so the cleansing smoke permeates your altar space. Light the anointed
candles and the incense with a candle. Now set and speak your intention:

By my hand,
And by the blessing of the spirits,
The fire of my creativity
Burns bright,
Burns long,
Burns eternal.
Blessings to me and all who create!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

New Moon Herbal Potpourri

This flower-infused potpourri is wonderful for clearing the way for the new in your life and planting “seeds” for new moon beginnings. You can also create a wreath with garlic bulbs for self-protection and insurance that your newly laid plans won’t go awry.

Flower ingredients:

- Rose, Marigold, Cyclamen, Snapdragon, Carnation

Place the flowers in a bowl and then sprinkle them with a few drops of geranium, clove, and cinnamon oil. Place the mixture on the south point of your altar for the duration of a full lunar cycle, from new moon to new moon. A wreath of these same flowers with garlic cloves woven in will protect you from harm and illness. If you want to remain calm at your place of work, place a small, sweet-smelling bowl of your sanctuary incense on your desk for constant comfort.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Sanctuary and Serenity Magical Potpourri

Potpourri was a medieval product revived by the Victorians, who used the symbolic meanings and powers of flowers. Grow these flowers in your kitchen garden or buy cut flowers. Dry them; then pace them in a pretty container. Choose flowers that connect with your astrological sign and personal energy from the following list:

Aries, ruled by Mars: carnation, cedar, clove, cumin, fennel, juniper, peppermint, and pine

Taurus, ruled by Venus: apple, daisy, lilac, magnolia, oak moss, orchid, plumeria, rose, thyme, tonka bean, vanilla, violet

Gemini, ruled by Mercury: almond, bergamot, mint, clover, dill, lavender, lemongrass, lily, parsley

Cancer, ruled by the Moon: eucalyptus, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lotus, rose, myrrh, sandalwood

Leo, ruled by the Sun: acacia, cinnamon, heliotrope, nutmeg, orange, rosemary

Virgo, ruled by Mercury: almond, cypress, bergamot, mint, mace, moss, patchouli

Libra, ruled by Venus: catnip, marjoram, mugwort, spearmint, sweet pea, thyme, vanilla

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto: allspice, basil, cumin, galangal, ginger Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter: anise, cedar wood, sassafras, star anise, honeysuckle

Capricorn, ruled by Saturn: mimosa, vervain, vetiver Aquarius, ruled by Uranus: gum, almond, acacia, citron, cypress, lavender, mimosa, peppermint, pine

Pisces, ruled by Neptune: anise, catnip, clove, gardenia, lemon, orris, sarsaparilla, sweet pea

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Home Protection Potpourri

Simmer this mixture whenever you feel the need to infuse your home and heart with the energies of protection. This will safeguard you and your loved ones from outside influences that could be negative or disruptive. Set your intention and gather together the following herbs:

1⁄4 cup rosemary
4 bay laurel leaves
1 tablespoon basil
1⁄8 cup sage
1 teaspoon dill weed
1⁄8 cup cedar
1 teaspoon juniper berries

Mix the herbs together by hand. While you are doing this, close your eyes and visualize your home as a sacred place protected by a boundary of glowing white light. Imagine that the light runs through you to the herbs in your hand and charges them with the energy of safety, sanctity, and protection. Add the herbs to a pan filled with simmering water. When the aromatic steam rises, intone:

By my own hand, I have made this balm;
This divine essence contains my calm.
By my own will, I make this charm;
This precious potpourri protects all from harm.
With harm to none and health to all,
Blessed be!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Peace of Mind: A Happy Home Altar

On a low table or chest of your choosing, place a forest green scarf and a brown candle to represent your family. Add lovely objects that you have found around your home and garden: a special fallen leaf, ocean-carved driftwood, lacey dried lichen, smooth stones, or whatever your heart desires. It is of utmost importance to add a bouquet of wildflowers native to your area that you have gathered close to your home or purchased locally. This bouquet will help integrate your home into your neighborhood and the geographic area in which you live. If possible, add a sweetly scented sachet of potpourri made from your home kitchen garden. Add personal mementos like photos or a locket with a photo of your spouse and children. Burn your favorite essential oils, the ones that create an aura of instant comfort for you, such as vanilla, cinnamon, or sweet orange neroli in an oil lamp. Finally, anoint the brown candle while concentrating on peace and bliss surrounding your home. Chant:

Here burns happiness about me.
Peace and harmony are in abundance,
And here true bliss surrounds.
From now on, disharmony is gone.
This is a home of peace and blessings.
Here sheer joy lives.

This consecrated space will ease your spirits at any time. Your altar connects you to the earth of which you are a part. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Bounty of Nature

The following list of herbs can be used in ritual work whose intention is prosperity. Try these alone of in mixtures, tinctures, or incense. You can also plant a prosperity garden and refresh your abundance altar with herbs and flowers grown by your own hand.

Prosperity herbs include: allspice, almond, basil, bergamot mint, cedar, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, clover, dill, ginger, heliotrope, honeysuckle, hyssop, jasmine, myrtle, nutmeg, oak moss, orange, peppermint, pine sage, sassafras, vervain, and woodruff.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Pot of Gold: An Abundance Altar Blessing

Cauldron magic is more about the act of brewing something new than it is about purification by water. To attract money, fill a big pot with fresh water and place it on your altar during the waxing moon. Pour into it an offering of a cup of milk mixed with honey. Toss handfuls of chamomile, woodruff, moss, and vervain into the cauldron. With your hands raised, say aloud:

I call upon you, gods and goddesses of old, to fill my purse with gold. In return, I offer your honey’s gold and mother’s milk. With harm to none and blessings to thee, I honor you for bringing me health and prosperity.

Place the offering bowl on your altar and leave the aromatic mixture there to imbue your space with the energy of abundance. When the magic has been fulfilled (or before the milk and herbs begin to spoil, pour it outside your home into the ground and bow in appreciation of the kindness of the gods and goddesses.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Prosperity Altar: Using the Laws of Attraction

Your altar is the nexus of your magical powers; it is also your medium through which you give gifts to the Roman god of abundance, Jupiter, also known as Jove. Jupiter is a rain and thunder deity who also controls fertility. He will rain abundance down upon you if you gain his favor through ritual observance. His “jovial” qualities include leadership, jollity, generosity, expansiveness, and a royal manner. Your middle finger is your Jupiter finger and you can also increase your fortunes by leaving a ring on your altar overnight and then place it upon the middle finger of either hand. Ideally, for the best result, it will be a green or gold stone such as peridot, tourmaline, or citrine. If you can find a statue or bust of Jove, you should place this symbol on the right side of the altar, accompanied by the image of an eagle, which is the ideal prosperity altar emblem, as the eagle is Jupiter’s bird totem. The eagles of Rome and America are this royal bird of the king of gods. Lapis lazuli, the beautiful blue stone beloved of the Egyptians, is also sacred to Jupiter. The alchemical symbol for this stone is the astrological sign of Jupiter in reverse, and the blue of the lapis stone is associated with the blue of the sky god. You can increase your prosperity by remembering one of the most basic principles of prosperity: By giving, so shall you receive.

To create a prosperity altar, consecrate the area with sea salt. Cover a low table with green and gold altar cloths or scarves and place matching candles on it. Each day, “recharge” your altar with an altar gift such as flowers, jade or other green crystals, golden flowers, scented amber resin, and coin-shaped pebbles. On any Thursday or new moon, light your candle at midnight and burn frankincense and myrrh incense. Make an offering of a golden fruit such as apples or peaches to Jupiter, and anoint your third eye with a corresponding essential oil such as myrrh, frankincense, apple, or peach. Pray aloud:

This offering I make as my blessing to all.

Greatest of gods, Lord Jove of the sky.

From you, all heavenly gifts do fall.

Most generous of all, you never deny.

To you, I am grateful, and so mote it be!

Put the candle in a safe, fireproof place and let it

burn all night. You will dream of your loved ones,

including yourself, receiving a bounty of material and spiritual wealth. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Altar Herbs

Refer to this list whenever you are setting up your altar and setting your intention for ritual work. It is a concise guide to the enchanted realm of herbs, essences, plants and plant properties.

  • Benzoin can be used for purification, prosperity, work success, mental acuity, and memory.
  • Camphor can be used for healing, divining the future, curbing excess, especially romantic obsessions, and a surfeit of sexuality.
  • Cinnamon refreshes and directs spirituality. It is also a protection herb and handy for healing, money, love, lust, personal power, and success with work and creative projects.
  • Clove is good for bringing money to you, for protection, for your love life, and for helping evade and deter negative energies.
  • Copal should be used for love and purification.
  • Frankincense is another spiritual essence that purifies and protects.
  • Lavender is a plant for happiness, peace, true love, long life, chastity, and is an excellent purifier that aids with sleep.
  • Myrrh has been considered since ancient times to be deeply sacred. It aids personal spirituality, heals and protects, and can help ward off negative spirits and energies.
  • Nutmeg is a lucky herb that promotes good health and prosperity and encourages fidelity.
  • Patchouli stimulates and grounds while engendering both sensuality and fertility. It also supports personal wealth and security.
  • Peppermint is an herb of purification, healing, and love. It supports relaxation and sleep as it helps to increase psychic powers.
  • Rosemary is good for purification, protection, healing, relaxation, and intelligence. It attracts love and sensuality, helps with memory, and can keep you youthful.
  • Sage brings wisdom, purification, protection, health, and a long life. It can help make your wishes come true.
  • Sandalwood is a mystical, healing, protecting essence that helps attract the objects of your hopes and desires and dispenses negative energies and spirits.
  • Star Anise is a lucky herb that aids divination and psychism.
  • Tonka Bean brings courage and draws love and money.
  • Vanilla brings love and enriches your mental capacity.
  • Wood Aloe is good for dressing or anointing talismans and amulets you want to use for protection.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Healing Altar: Crafting Well-Being

 Creating a healing altar will safeguard your physical health and that of your loved ones. Your altar is your sacred workspace. It is charged with your personal power. Set up your healing altar facing north, the direction associated with the energy of manifestation. North is also the direction of the hour of midnight, the “witching hour,” and an altar set up facing north at midnight promises potent magic.

To ensure healthful beginnings, find a pure white square of fabric to drape over your altar to make a tabula rasa, or altar equivalent to a blank slate. Take two green candles and place them in green glass holders or votive glasses and position them in the two farthest corners of the altar. Place your incense burner in the center between the two candles and light the incense. Sandalwood, cinnamon, camphor, and frankincense are all powerful purification incenses that are perfect for the creation of a healing altar. Burn one or all of these purification essences to consecrate the space. Adorn your altar with objects that symbolize healing energy to you. You may perhaps choose a candleholder carved from a chunk of amethyst crystal, which contains healing properties; an abalone shell with the iridescent magic of the oceans; a sweet-smelling bundle of sage; a small citrus plant bursting with the restorative power of vitamins; or a bowl of curative salts from the sea.

These symbolic items, and any others that you select, will energize your altar with the magic that lives inside you. It is also important that the altar be pleasing to your eye and makes you feel good when you look at it so that you want to spend time there each and every day. After you have been performing rituals there for a while, a positive healing energy field will radiate from your altar.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Seasonal Altars

There are many reasons to create personal altars, and four of those reasons are the seasons of the year. You altar helps you to maintain balance in your life and deepens your spiritual connection to the world around you. A seasonal altar is your tool for ceremonies to honor Mother Nature and connect with the deeper wisdom of the earth. A seasonal altar enshrines the natural world and blends the energies of flowers, stones, shells, leaves, and any and all gifts of the season. I think of my seasonal altar as the middle ground between earth and sky, the meeting point of the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. Creating a seasonal altar is a life-affirming act. It is my way of honoring our ecology and our planet.


You can create a wonderful outdoor altar for spring by planning two seasons ahead and planting tulip or hyacinth bulbs in a circle. When the flowers begin to bud, place an image or statue in the center. It could be a bust of the Greek youth, Hyacinth, immortalized in myth and in the gorgeous flower itself. Throughout the spring, you can stand inside your circle and pray or chant for the rebirth of the world all around you.


During this season of sun and heat, th fullness of life and growth can be celebrated with colors of yellow, green, and red. As you travel on vacation, bring back shells and stones and create an altar devoted to this season of joy.


The leaves are now falling and the harvest is here, calling for a gratitude altar that reflects the bounty and continuance of live. An arrangement of pumpkins, acorns, multicolored branches, and a handsome bouquet of leaves will honor the natural changes that characterize autumn.


White and blue represent snow and sky. Star-shaped candles and a bare branch on your altar symbolize this time to go within, explore the inner reaches of self, and draw forth the deepest wisdom for the coming spring. In The Blessed Bee, a Pagan family magazine, Selene Silverwind writes on the subject of setting up a candle-free children’s altar. She emphasizes the importance of changing the altar for every season and holy day, specifically for Samhain, our modern- day Halloween, and Yule, the precursor to our Christmas. In so doing, Silverwind points out that you are “teaching children to connect with faith at a deep level,” helping them participate in their religion in a physical way instead of trying to stand quietly at a ritual. You are also teaching them the meaning of the seasons and how they affect us.