Thursday, August 29, 2024

Support from Afar

We all have friends and loved ones who live many miles away but who need our support. Long-distance magic can be quite effective so, on a Thursday, try this ritual with your group. It has worked really well for my spiritual circle.

Gather together

    * a photo of the friend in need or other symbol to represent that person
    * a small hand bell or chime
    * a vase of yellow flowers
    * a piece of paper and a pen

Take the photo of your friend or the symbol that represents him or her, for example a gift he or she has given, or even a business card, and place it on a pedestal or table. Surround it with a small hand bell or chime and a vase filled with one or more of these “flowers of fortune:” nasturtiums, golden poppies, daisies, yellow roses, or your friend’s favorite happy posy.

Take a piece of parchment and write your friend’s full name. Speak the following spell:

    On this earth and under these stars, I call upon the gods and goddesses to bring great help and good        fortune to ______ [your friend’s name].

Ring the bell or chime.

    In this air and through these waters, speed here in the name of _____.

Ring the bell or chime again.

    Through the fire and through the rain, bring aid, goodwill, and bright blessings to _____ now.

Ring the bell or chime again.

As a group, send the positive energy to your friend across the miles by saying, “We love you, ____”, and ring the bell vigorously one last time.

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