Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Magic Amplified: Prayer for Pagan Partnership

Perhaps what you need most is a partner to support, encourage, and collaborate with in your magical workings. On a waxing moon Friday night, this spell will bring your partner to you.

Gather together

    * 1 lemon

    * 1 orange

    * 2 rosemary sprigs

    * 1 orange candle

    * a fireproof clay or glass dish

Group the fruit and rosemary around the orange candle. Light the candle and intone:

    On this night

    I do invite

    new energy to bring delight

    Under this lunar light. So mote it be.

Now, using the candle flame, light the tip of the rosemary sprigs and set them in the fireproof dish. Rosemary has a very powerful cleansing smoke. It was used as an incense by ancient priests and priestesses in Greek and Roman times and by prophets and seers. It cleanses the aura and paves the way for major magic. Soon your partner in spellwork will appear.

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