Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Visualizing Your Bright Future: Jovial Enchantment

As the sun sets on a Thursday, you can connect to the god of all good things who can shine his bright light on your accomplishment and productivity. Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter and the color of this day is blue.

Gather together

    * mortar and pestle

    * ½ teaspoon each of amber resin and patchouli

    * a censer or fireproof clay or glass dish

    * 1 blue candle

    * amber essential oil

With your mortar and pestle grind together the amber resin and patchouli. Burn this incense in your censer or on a piece of charcoal in a fireproof dish. Anoint a blue candle (for expansion and Jovial energy) with amber essential oil. Light the candle and meditate on the flame, inhaling deeply the scent of the warm and sweetly fragrant amber oil. As you meditate, think about how you sometimes doubt yourself and your instincts. Visualize clearing that from your mind. Think about your talents and your potential as you chant:

    Jupiter, great god in the sky

    as you may flourish, so do I.

    Right now, under your blue light,

    I see my future and it is bright.

    And so it is.

Blow out the candle and cast both it and the incense ash remnants into a fireplace or your cauldron. You must completely destroy the candle, as it contains the energy of your inner critic.

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