Thursday, August 8, 2024

Good Impression Incantation

Are you going for an interview, attending an important meeting, or speaking to your new editor? Clearly, you will want to make the best impression when launching this important new relationship. To ensure that you start on the right footing, let the enchantment begin!

Gather together

    * 1 orange candle

    * 1 yellow apple

    * 5 pumpkin seeds

    * a citrine or clear quartz

All of these objects contain the properties of sharpness, intelligence, and clarity.

In the first light of a Tuesday morning, place the items on your altar. Light the orange candle and eat at least half of the apple and all the pumpkin seeds. Ancient Romans called our sun Sol and viewed it as an invincible life-bringing force. Meditate and visualize the beginning of your successful encounter and watch as the glow of sunshine fills the room with the radiant energy of the yellow-orange sun. Chant:

    Sol, I bask in your bountiful rays, this and all days.

    As you shine, so shall I.

    So mote it be.

Snuff out your candle and be prepared for a productive new relationship that will carry your work to new heights.

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