Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Secrets of Seers: Prophecy Potion

If you and your circle, coven, or group want to increase your abilities to intuit and invent together, brew up a batch of creative juices at a Wednesday gathering.

Gather together

    * ½ cup (30g) of dried herbs: kava kava, borage, mugwort, yarrow, or dandelion

    * 4 cups (960ml) of freshly boiled water

    * a large teapot

    * 4 mugs

Steep the herbs in the freshly boiled water in your teapot for 4 minutes, then pour the tea into the four mugs. Before your group begins drinking, say:

    Goddess of the Oracles, please give us the sight!

    God of the Prophets, please give us the vision!

    Fate of the Future, we call on you for truth.

    Harm to none, so mote it be.

Notice we did not mention to strain the herbs. In addition to the dreams, visions, and all you will soon foretell, you can begin with these cups of aromatic herbs and read the tea leaves by interpreting the shapes you see at the bottom of the mug once you have drunk the liquid.

    * An apple symbolizes knowledge or success in studies.

    * A candle indicates wisdom and enlightenment.

    * A cat can mean you have a deceitful friend.

    * A dog can mean you have someone loyal in your life.

    * Flying birds represent a letter bearing a happy message.

    * Ravens are an omen of troubles ahead.

    * A shamrock shows a wish will come true.

    * Kite shapes show good news flying to you.

    * A letter of the alphabet references a person whose name starts with that letter.

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