Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Sacred Flame

Here is a marvelous way to “reset” and forge a new path for yourself with fire, best done on a Tuesday.

Gather together

    * your cauldron or an outdoor firepit or grill

    * sage for smudging

    * athame

    * several pieces of paper and a pen

Light a fire in your fire-safe vessel, then light the sage and smudge the area well. With your athame, draw the magic circle around your fire circle. Sit around the fire, relax, and think about what challenges you face and need to overcome in your life.

Write on a separate piece of paper each issue that comes up for you. Then, with great intention, place each piece of paper on the fire. Take a moment of silent meditation, and on a new piece of paper write your hopes for the future. Fold this paper and carry it with you in your purse or wallet. Your vision for the future will take on a life of its own. End the ritual with another sage smudging and make sure the fire is completely out before you go back inside.

You should perform this rite at least once a year.

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