Sunday, September 16, 2018

Chains of Change: Crystals for a Charmed Life

Over time, we all collect chains, especially necklaces. How can you use these for magic?

Chains represent links between people, the ties that bind you to another. Other mystical associations for chains are happiness and justice; prayer; reason and the soul; communication and command. Plato referred to a chain of being, a golden chain linking the earth to the heavens above, a bond between humans and immortals. Socrates tied our human happiness to the concept of justice with a chain of steel and diamonds. Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite compared the practice of prayer to an infinitely luminous chain going from Earth to heaven. An astral cord, akin to a golden chain, binds the spirit to the psyche and binds reason to the soul.  Here are a few suggestions for magical gems to add to your personal chain of being:

Here are a few irresistible crystals to consider using in your Chains of Charm:

-Amazonite makes you hopeful.
-Amber boosts your spirits—you will feel good!
-Aventurine creates good opportunities.
-Banded agate attracts a lover of strength and courage.
-Brown jasper makes you confident and emotionally secure.
-Opal enhances beauty and makes you more psychic.
-Pearl augments femininity.

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