Your altar is the nexus of your magical
powers; it is also your medium through which you give gifts to the Roman god of
abundance, Jupiter, also known as Jove.

Jupiter is a rain and thunder deity who
also controls fertility. He will rain abundance down upon you if you gain his
favor through ritual observance. His “jovial” qualities include leadership,
jollity, generosity, expansiveness, and a royal manner. Your middle finger is
your Jupiter finger and you can also increase your fortunes by leaving a ring
on your altar overnight and then place it upon the middle finger of either
hand. Ideally, for the best result, it will be a green or gold stone such as
peridot, tourmaline, or citrine. If you can find a statue or bust of Jove, you
should place this symbol on the right side of the altar, accompanied by the
image of an eagle, which is the ideal prosperity altar emblem, as the eagle is
Jupiter’s bird totem. The eagles of Rome and America are this royal bird of the
king of gods. Lapis lazuli, the beautiful blue stone beloved of the Egyptians,
is also sacred to Jupiter. The alchemical symbol for this stone is the
astrological sign of Jupiter in reverse, and the blue of the lapis stone is
associated with the blue of the sky god. You can increase your prosperity by
remembering one of the most basic principles of prosperity: By giving, so
shall you receive.
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