Friday, January 29, 2021

Carnelian—Safety Stone

Said the ancient Egyptian religious leader Jafar, “He who wears carnelian will have whatever he desires.” Wearing Carnelian dates back to at least biblical times; there are several mentions of soldiers and priests wearing it.

Carnelian was a favorite in ancient times, when people believed that wearing the stone could protect them against injury from falling stones. As the saying goes, “No man who wore a carnelian was ever found in a collapsed house or beneath a fallen wall.” Other lore of this jewel includes the Armenian belief that an elixir of powdered carnelian would life any cloud to life and fill the heart with happiness. In olden days, carnelian was credited with being able to defy no less than the devil! So, people wore this lovely red-orange stone with the intention of protecting themselves from evil, oftentimes repeating this prayer:

“In the name of God the Just, the very Just!
I implore you, O God, King of the World,
God of the World,
Deliver us from the Devil
Who tries to do harm and evil to us
Through bad people and from the evil of the envious.”

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