Friday, June 15, 2018

Stone in Love: Crystal Magic for Romantic Bliss

As is well known, the ring finger on the left hand symbolizes a direct connection to your heart and serves as the love center. The ring finger also symbolizes creativity, and wearing an emerald will inspire ingenuity. Wearing tiger’s-eye or cat’s-eye will also help you meet creative goals. Wearing turquoise on this finger helps with practicality in your work and art. Traditionally, diamonds are worn on the left ring finger for deep and loyal love ties. A moonstone will also express your love. An opal shows service to your community and to the world. A ruby helps with serenity—both within and without.
Tourmaline - beautiful crystal creations -were put here for us to enjoy, so stop being afraid of those who try to push new age ideas - crystals DO have healing in them - I have proved it and you can also <3
Crystals and Gems for Love:

Chrysocolla increases the capacity for love, one of the sweetest and most beneficial qualities any stone can offer. But my favorite feature of chrysocolla is that it tells you when to be silent and when to speak. It doesn’t get better than that!

Emerald is also a heart stone, offering benefits on physical and emotional planes. I prefer emeralds above all other stones for engagement rings. This is your ultimate gem for happiness in a relationship. In fact, emerald has been called the stone of successful love and can engender utter felicity, total loyalty, and domestic bliss in a willing couple. The emerald is at its most powerful if worn as a pinkie—or ring—finger ornament or in a bracelet on the right wrist. But wearers, be warned! Do not wear emerald at all times or its super-positive force starts to reverse. A little emerald luck goes a long way.

Red garnets are love stones. These sexy stones can help those with a lethargic libido tune into their passion.

Herkimer diamonds are power tones, bringing great vitality and exuberance into your life. They can redirect stress away from you with their absorptive abilities. Placing these rocks in your bedroom will cause the stress to melt away and help you relax and feel safe.

Kunzite is indeed a spirit-lifting, soothing stone and helps neutralize stress and prevent worry and fear. This pink stone can help you control your thoughts and have the ability to detach yourself from what burdens you. Kunzite is a heart opener and creates the condition for love. It is also beneficial to the blood and circulatory system. Kunzite can help anyone with problems. Kunzite is another of the environmental stones that can absorb back harmful radio waves. It will also help you feel and express your love for your significant other without feeling possessive and jealous.

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