Monday, February 13, 2017

Cooking Up Lots of Love: Spells to Attract, Create and Keep Love in Your Life

Like many before me, love spells were my first.
  At the age of fourteen, I cast my first and soon my best friend was the object of amorous attention from a previously disinterested suitor. Since then, I have had many years and ample opportunity to perfect this most joyous aspect of the craft. I have happily watched these spells kindle and keep love’s passion alive time and again.

Any metaphysician will tell you the most common requests for help involve matters of the heart. Witchcraft is based in the knowledge that our destinies lie in our own hands, even where love is concerned. Why suffer the slings and arrows of romance gone wrong when you can do something about it? Below are lots of ideas for magical workings so you have a life you love and a life filled with love.

Light of Love: Altar Dedication

Use a small table or chest in your bedroom and cover with a rich red scarf or cloth.  Adorn it with objects that signify love- red candles, ruby-colored bowls, roses, a statue of Adonis, a heart-shaped chunk of amethyst, whatever stirs your feelings and senses. Give the area a good smudging to purify the space to refresh for new beginnings. Anoint your candles with oil of jasmine, rose or any scent that is redolent of romance to you and light similar incense. Light both and speak aloud:
I light the flame,
I fan the flame.
Each candle I burn is a wish,
I desire and will be desired in return.

Twin Hearts Candle Consecration
If you are seeking a soulmate, this simple spell will do the trick. At nearly any new age bookshop, you can find heart-shaped semiprecious stones. On the next new moon, take two pieces of rose quartz and stand in the center of your bedroom. Light two pink candles and cite:
Beautiful crystal I hold this night,
Flame with love for my delight.
Harm to none as love comes to me.
This I ask and so shall it be.
Keep the candles and crystals on your bedside table and think of it as shrine to love. Repeat three nights in a row and ready for yourself for amour.

Mists of Avalon Potion
If you are dreaming of real romance, you can bring about visions of your true love to come with this potent potion:
3 drops rose oil
3 drops lavender
3 drops neroli, orange blossom essence
4 ounces pure distilled water
Pour all these into a colored glass spray bottle and shake well three times. Fifteen minutes before you retire, spray lightly on your linens, towel, and pillow case. Keep a dream journal on your nightstand so you can record details of the great love that will soon manifest.

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