Thursday, July 11, 2024

Crystalline Calm

You can create a sense of blissful and composed calm with the following spell.

Timing: The spell works best during early morning or twilight, when the light is half sun and half dark.

Sit with a turquoise stone for grounding in your left hand and with clear quartz in your right hand for calm and clarity. Feel the cool stones begin to warm to your hand and meditate in the quietude of half-light. Then speak this spell:

    Fear and doubt leave me now.

    Serenity and strength, come to me now.

    In these stones, I feel the earth, the mountain.

    I receive my vitality from Nature, grounding now.

    Now and in the future, all joy will enter.

    Harm to none, only good. Blessed be me.

Keep the two stones on your nightstand for whenever you need to regain calm and clarity.

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