Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Spell for Letting Go

Most of us have had problems giving up on a relationship at one time or another.

Gather together

    * a piece of black string, enough to tie around your waist

    * bolline

    * a photo or memento representing your ex

Timing: Ideally this should be done during the waning moon when things can be put to rest, but it works anytime you need it. Listen to your heart and you’ll know exactly when it is required.

Tie the black string around your waist during the waning moon. Tie something symbolic from the old relationship to the end of the string —a photo or the name written on a scroll of paper, for example. Speak this spell aloud:

    Bygones be and lovers part,

    I’m asking you to leave my heart.

    Go in peace, harm to none.

    My new life is now begun.

Go outside and, using your sacred bolline, cut off the string and toss it away along with the memento where it will no longer inhabit your living space. You should feel freer and lighter immediately and will attract many new potential paramours now that you are not weighed down by lost love.


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