Thursday, June 6, 2024

Cleansing Winds Heart-healing Rite

Helping a jilted friend get over a bad relationship is good medicine, which can be therapeutic for you, as well. Recently, a brilliant male co-worker of mine was “dumped” unceremoniously by a woman he had been seeing for two years. As I witnessed him sink quickly into a deep depression, I felt compelled to help by using this heart-healing rite. I knew my friend walked to work each day, so, following the spell, I scattered the petals of one flower near his office front door so he would step on them and release their curative powers. I left the other rose on his desk. His spirits improved that very day. The healing of his “heart had begun and each day, he had more spring in his step.

Gather together

    * 2 long-stemmed white roses

Take the petals from one rose, and bless them, chanting:

    Eastern wind, wild and free,

    Help _____ [friend’s name] to see,

    A better love will come from thee.

Scatter the petals somewhere that your friend goes often, for example outside their house or place of work. Give the other rose to your friend.

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