Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Energy Work: Managing Energy and Creating Sacred Space

Liz Ashling is a shamanic leader in Larkspur, California, who has worked with hundreds of people in her practice to help them live in balance and “awaken oneness.” She has inspired the following meditation. This uniquely holistic approach to energy management provides the opportunity for deep inner work, since within sacred space you experience meaningful exploration to transform your life.

I suggest that you create a special space for yourself, a safe space for healing, such as an altar or healing sanctuary. You want to focus on what you wish to heal. You may wish to write out an intention list with your desires. While you hold your healing intention in your mind, begin to notice what would support your intention. It may be a picture of a healed person, a symbol, or a picture of a spiritual master such as St. Francis, the Blessed Mother, Kuan Yin, or the Buddha. Choose whomever you feel most connected with. Honor Mother Earth by placing a bowl of water on the altar as well as a white candle to banish bad energy. Use something to represent the element of fire and something to represent the earth: fresh flowers, crystals, and pictures of a sculpture of your animal allies and totems. If you have a permanent sacred place with an altar, simply add items with healing powers that match your healing intentions. The ritual of creating an altar provides support to your process.

Here is where you can apply your personal design and creativity. Tap into your intuition and let it be your guide in this sacred shrine. Altars may include a variety of items, such as minerals like rose quartz, amethyst, quartz crystal, turquoise, or any other minerals that promote healing and add supportive energy during your process. Some people use sage, evergreen, or cedar to prepare themselves and their space, asking to clear away earthly demands and confusion as they smudge. The result is the enhancement of listening to yourself, which leads to a deeper inner wisdom. Some people choose to use holy water or wear a gold cross as they do their healing process, while other place a glass bowl of blessed salt water on their altar to keep the space clear. Any of these can help to create sacred space and prepare you for your process. You may wish to play classical or soothing music in the background while you process. I prefer silence of my drum and rattles.

You should do the following exercises in silence, without interruption, and in a safe place. Once you have created your space, sit quietly without being disturbed for an hour or so. Turn off your phone and get comfortable. I suggest that you sit rather than lie down because you will be less likely to fall asleep. Now close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to quiet yourself. Note: I suggest that you read these exercises into a tape player, so you can simple close your eyes and listen to the process. 

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