Several flower dictionaries were written and published in the Victorian era in an effort to preserve the lore handed down through the ages on the meaning of flowers and the properties associated with them. This is known as “floriography,” and many a hedgewitch contributed to this body of wisdom for flower magic and herbal healing. Should you wish to favor a friend, family member, or even a new flame with a bouquet, this floral index will guide your choices.
F, G
Fennel: Worthy of all praise
Fern, Flowering: Fascination
Fern: Sincerity
Ficoides, Ice Plant: Your looks freeze me
Fig: Argument
Fig, Marigold: Idleness
Fig Tree: Prolific
Flax: Fate, domestic industry, I feel your kindness
Flax-leaved Golden Locks: Tardiness
Fleur-de-lis: Flame
Fleur-de-Luce: Confidence in heaven
Flower-of-an-Hour: Delicate beauty
Fly Orchis: Error
Fly Trap: Deceit
Fools Parsley: Silliness
Forget-Me-Not: True love
Foxglove: Insincerity
Foxtail Grass: Sporting
French Honeysuckle: Rustic beauty
French Marigold: Jealousy
Frog Ophrys: Disgust
Fritillary, Checquered: Persecution
Fullers Teasel: Misanthropy, importunity
Fumitory: Spleen
Fuschia, Scarlet: Taste
Furze or Gorse: Enduring affection
Garden Anemone: Forsaken
Garden Chervil: Sincerity
Garden Marigold: Uneasiness
Garden Ranunculus: You are rich in attractions
Garden Sage: Esteem
Garland of Roses: Reward of virtue
Gentian: You are unjust
Germander Speedwell: Facility
Geranium, Dark: Melancholy
Geranium, Ivy: Bridal favor
Geranium, Nutmeg: An expected meeting
Geranium, Oak-leaved: True friendship
Geranium, Pencil-leaved: Ingenuity
Geranium, Rose or Pink: Preference
Geranium, Scarlet: Comforting
Geranium, Silver-leaved: Recall
Geranium, Wild: Steadfast piety
Gillyflower: Lasting beauty
Gladiolus: Strength of character
Glory Flower: Glorious beauty
Gloxinia: A proud spirit
Goats Rue: Reason
H, I, J
Hand Flower Tree: Warming
Harebell: Submission, grief
Hawkweed: Quick-sightedness
Hawthorne: Hope
Hazel: Reconciliation
Heartsease or Pansy: You occupy my thoughts
Heath: Solitude
Helenium: Tears
Heliotrope: Devotion
Hellebore: Scandal, calumny
Hemlock: You will be my death
Hemp: Fate
Henbane: Imperfection
Hepatica: Confidence
Hibiscus: Delicate beauty
Holly: Foresight
Holly Herb: Enchantment
Hollyhock: Fecundity
Honesty: Honesty, sincerity
Honey Flower: Love sweet and secret
Honeysuckle: Bonds of love, sweetness of disposition
Honeysuckle, Coral: The color of my fate
Honeysuckle, French: Rustic beauty
Hop: Injustice
Hornbeam: Ornament
Hortensia: You are cold
Houseleek: Vivacity, domestic economy
Houstonia: Content
Hoya: Sculpture
Humble Plant: Despotism
Hyacinth: Sport, game, play
Hyacinth, Blue: Constancy
Hyacinth, Purple: Sorrow
Hyacinth, White: Unobtrusiveness, loveliness
Hydrangea: A boaster, heartlessness
Hyssop: Cleanliness
Iceland Moss: Health
Ice Plant: Your looks freeze me
Imperial Montaque: Power
Indian Cress: Warlike trophy
Indian Pink, Double: Always lovely
Indian Plum: Privation
Iris: Message
Iris, German: Flame
Ivy: Friendship, fidelity
Ivy, Sprig of with tendrils: Assiduous to please
Jacobs Ladder: Come down
Japan Rose: Beauty is your only attraction
Jasmine, Cape: Transport of joy
Jasmine, Carolina: Separation
Jasmine, Indian: Attachment
Jasmine, Spanish: Sensuality
Jasmine, Yellow: Grace and elegance
Jasmine, White: Amiability
Jonquil: I desire a return of affection
Judas Tree: Unbelief, betrayal
Justicia: The perfection of female loveliness