Friday, December 31, 2021

The Meaning of Flowers Part V

V, W

Valerian: An accommodating disposition

Valerian, Greek: Rupture

Venus’ Car: Fly with me

Venus’ Looking Glass: Flattery

Venus Trap: Deceit

Verbena, Scarlet: Sensibility

Verbena, White: Pure and guileless

Vernal Grass: Poor, but happy

Veronica: Fidelity

Vervain: Enchantment

Vine: Intoxication

Violet, Blue: Faithfulness

Violet, Dame: Watchfulness

Violet, Sweet: Modesty

Violet, Yellow: Rural happiness

Virginia Creeper: Ever changing

Virgin’s Bower: Filial love

Volkmannia: May you be happy

Walnut: Intellect, stratagem

Wallflower: Fidelity in adversity

Water Lily: Purity of heart

Wax Plant: Susceptibility

Weigela: Accept a faithful heart

Wheat Stalk: Riches

Whin: Anger

White Lily: Purity and modesty

White Mullein: Good nature

White Oak: Independent

Whortleberry: Treason

Willow, Creeping: Love forsaken

Willow, Water: Freedom

Willow, Weeping: Mourning

Willow, Herb: Pretension

Willow, French: Bravery, humanity

Wisteria: I cling to thee

Witch Hazel: A spell

Woodbine: Fraternal love

X, Y, Z

Xanthium: Rudeness, pertinacity

Xeranthemum: Cheerfulness under adversity

Yew: Sorrow

Zephyr Flower: Expectation

Zinnia: Thoughts of absent friends

Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Meaning of Flowers Part IV

P, Q, R

Palm: Victory

Pansy: Thoughts

Parsley: Festivity

Pasque Flower: You have no claims

Patience Dock: Patience

Passion Flower: Religious superstition

Pea, Everlasting: An appointed meeting, lasting pleasure

Pea, Sweet: Departure, lasting pleasures

Peach: Your qualities like your charms are unequalled

Peach Blossom: I am your captive

Quaking Grass: Agitation

Quamoclit: Busybody

Queen’s Rocket: You are the Queen of Coquettes; passion

Quince: Temptation

Ragged Robin: Wit

Ranunculus: You are radiant with charms

Ranunculus, Garden: You are rich in all relations

Ranunculus, Wild: Ingratitude

Raspberry: Remorse

Rye Grass, Darnel: Vice

Red Catchfly: Youthful love

Reed: Complaisance, music

Reed, Split: Indiscretion

Rhododendron, Rosebay: Danger, beware

Rhubarb: Advice

Rocket: Rivalry


Saffron: Beware of success

Saffron, Crocus: Mirth

Saffron, Meadow: My happiest days are past

Sage: Domestic virtue

Sage, Garden: Esteem

Sainfoin: Agitation

Saint John’s Wort: Animosity

Salvia, Blue: I think of you

Salvia, Red: Forever thine

Saxifrage, Mossy: Affection

Scabicus: Unfortunate love

Scarlet Lychnis: Sunbeaming eyes

Schinus: Religious enthusiasm

Scilla, Blue: Forgive and forget

Scilla, Sibirica: Pleasure without alloy

Scilla, White: Sweet innocence

Scotch Fir: Elevation

Sensitive Plant: Sensibility

Shamrock: Light-heartedness

Snakesfoot: Horror

Snowball: Bound

Snowdragon: Presumption

Snowdrop: Hope

Sorrel: Affection

Sorrel, Wild: Wit, ill-timed

Sorrel, Wood: Joy

Stephanotis: You can boast too much

Stock, Ten Week: Promptness

Stonecrop: Tranquility

Straw, Broken: Rupture of a contract

Straw, Whole: Union

Strawberry Blossom: Foresight

Strawberry Tree: Esteem, not love

Sumac, Venice: Splendor

Sunflower, Dwarf: Adoration

Sunflower, Tall: Haughtiness


Tamarisk: Crime

Tansy, Wild: I declare war against you

Teasel: Misanthropy

Tendrils of Climbing Plants: Ties

Thistle, Common: Austerity

Thistle, Scotch: Retaliation

Thornapple: Deceitful charms

Thorns, Branch of: Severity

Thrift: Sympathy

Throatwort: Neglected beauty

Thyme: Activity

Tiger Flower: For once may pride befriend me

Traveler’s Joy: Safety

Tree of Life: Old age

Trefoil: Revenge

Tremella: Resistance

Trillium Pictum: Modest beauty

Truffle: Surprise

Tulip, Red: Declaration of love

Tulip, Variegated: Beautiful eyes

Tulip, Yellow: Hopeless love

Turnip: Charity

Tussilago, Sweet-scented: Justice shall be done you

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Meaning of Flowers Part III

K, L

Kennedya: Mental beauty

King-Cups: Desire of riches

Laburnum: Forsaken, pensive beauty

Lady’s Slipper: Capricious beauty

Lagerstromia, Indian: Eloquence

Lantana: Rigor

Larch: Audacity, boldness

Larkspur: Lightness, levity

Larkspur, Pink: Fickleness

Larkspur, Purple: Haughtiness

Laurel: Glory

Laurel, Common, in flower: Perfidy

Laurel, Ground: Perseverance

Laurel, Mountain: Ambition

Laurestina: A token

Lavender: Distrust

Leaves, Dead: Melancholy

Lemon: Zest

Lemon Blossoms: Fidelity in love

Lent Lilly: Sweet disposition

Lettuce: Cold-heartedness

Lichen: Dejection, solitude

Lilac, Field: Humility

Lilac, Purple: First emotions of love

Lilac, White: Youthful innocence

Lily, Day: Coquetry

Lily, Yellow: Falsehood, gaiety

Lily of the Valley: Return of happiness

Linden or Lime Tree: Conjugal love

Lint: I feel my obligation

Liquorice, Wild: I declare against you

Live Oak: Liberty

Liverwort: Confidence

Lobelia: Malevolence

Locust Tree: Elegance

Locust Tree, Green: Affection beyond the grave

London Pride: Frivolity

Lote Tree: Concord

Lotus: Eloquence

Lotus Flower: Estranged love

Lotus Leaf: Recantation

Love-in-a-Mist: Perplexity

Love-Lies-Bleeding: Hopeless, not heartless

Lucerne: Life

Lupin: Voraciousness

M, N, O

Madder: Calumny

Magnolia: Love of nature

Magnolia, Laurel-leaved: Dignity

Magnolia, Swamp: Perseverance

Mallow: Mildness

Mallow, Marsh: Beneficence

Mallow, Syrian: Consumed by love

Mallow, Venetian: Delicate beauty

Manchineel Tree: Falsehood

Mandrake: Horror

Maple: Reserve

Marigold: Grief, despair

Marigold, African: Vulgar minds

Marigold, French: Jealousy

Marigold, Prophetic: Prediction

Marjoram: Blushes

Marvel of Peru: Timidity

Meadow Lychnis: Wit

Meadow Saffron: My best days are past

Meadowsweet: Uselessness

Mercury: Goodness

Mesembryanthemum: Idleness

Mezereon: Desire to please

Michaelmas Daisy: Afterthought

Mignonette: Your qualities surpass your charms

Milfoil: War

Milkvetch: Your presence softens my pains

Milkwort: Hermitage

Mimosa, Sensitive Plant: Sensitiveness

Mint: Virtue

Mistletoe: I surmount difficulties

Narcissus: Egotism

Narcissus, Double: Female ambition

Nasturtium: Patriotism

Nemophila: I forgive you

Nettle, Common Stinging: You are cruel

Nettle, Burning: Slander

Night-blooming Cereus: Transient beauty

Night Convolvulus: Night

Nightshade: Falsehood

Oak Leaves: Bravery

Oak Tree: Hospitality

Oats: The witching soul of music

Oleander: Beware

Olive: Peace

Orange Blossoms: Bridal festivities, your purity equals your loveliness

Orange Flowers: Chastity

Orange Tree: Generosity

Orchid: A belle

Osier: Frankness

Osmunda: Dreams

Ox Eye: Patience

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Meaning of Flowers Part II

Several flower dictionaries were written and published in the Victorian era in an effort to preserve the lore handed down through the ages on the meaning of flowers and the properties associated with them. This is known as “floriography,” and many a hedgewitch contributed to this body of wisdom for flower magic and herbal healing. Should you wish to favor a friend, family member, or even a new flame with a bouquet, this floral index will guide your choices.

F, G

Fennel: Worthy of all praise

Fern, Flowering: Fascination

Fern: Sincerity

Ficoides, Ice Plant: Your looks freeze me

Fig: Argument

Fig, Marigold: Idleness

Fig Tree: Prolific

Flax: Fate, domestic industry, I feel your kindness

Flax-leaved Golden Locks: Tardiness

Fleur-de-lis: Flame

Fleur-de-Luce: Confidence in heaven

Flower-of-an-Hour: Delicate beauty

Fly Orchis: Error

Fly Trap: Deceit

Fools Parsley: Silliness

Forget-Me-Not: True love

Foxglove: Insincerity

Foxtail Grass: Sporting

French Honeysuckle: Rustic beauty

French Marigold: Jealousy

Frog Ophrys: Disgust

Fritillary, Checquered: Persecution

Fullers Teasel: Misanthropy, importunity

Fumitory: Spleen

Fuschia, Scarlet: Taste

Furze or Gorse: Enduring affection

Garden Anemone: Forsaken

Garden Chervil: Sincerity

Garden Marigold: Uneasiness

Garden Ranunculus: You are rich in attractions

Garden Sage: Esteem

Garland of Roses: Reward of virtue

Gentian: You are unjust

Germander Speedwell: Facility

Geranium, Dark: Melancholy

Geranium, Ivy: Bridal favor

Geranium, Nutmeg: An expected meeting

Geranium, Oak-leaved: True friendship

Geranium, Pencil-leaved: Ingenuity

Geranium, Rose or Pink: Preference

Geranium, Scarlet: Comforting

Geranium, Silver-leaved: Recall

Geranium, Wild: Steadfast piety

Gillyflower: Lasting beauty

Gladiolus: Strength of character

Glory Flower: Glorious beauty

Gloxinia: A proud spirit

Goats Rue: Reason

H, I, J

Hand Flower Tree: Warming

Harebell: Submission, grief

Hawkweed: Quick-sightedness

Hawthorne: Hope

Hazel: Reconciliation

Heartsease or Pansy: You occupy my thoughts

Heath: Solitude

Helenium: Tears

Heliotrope: Devotion

Hellebore: Scandal, calumny

Hemlock: You will be my death

Hemp: Fate

Henbane: Imperfection

Hepatica: Confidence

Hibiscus: Delicate beauty

Holly: Foresight

Holly Herb: Enchantment

Hollyhock: Fecundity

Honesty: Honesty, sincerity

Honey Flower: Love sweet and secret

Honeysuckle: Bonds of love, sweetness of disposition

Honeysuckle, Coral: The color of my fate

Honeysuckle, French: Rustic beauty

Hop: Injustice

Hornbeam: Ornament

Hortensia: You are cold

Houseleek: Vivacity, domestic economy

Houstonia: Content

Hoya: Sculpture

Humble Plant: Despotism

Hyacinth: Sport, game, play

Hyacinth, Blue: Constancy

Hyacinth, Purple: Sorrow

Hyacinth, White: Unobtrusiveness, loveliness

Hydrangea: A boaster, heartlessness

Hyssop: Cleanliness

Iceland Moss: Health

Ice Plant: Your looks freeze me

Imperial Montaque: Power

Indian Cress: Warlike trophy

Indian Pink, Double: Always lovely

Indian Plum: Privation

Iris: Message

Iris, German: Flame

Ivy: Friendship, fidelity

Ivy, Sprig of with tendrils: Assiduous to please

Jacobs Ladder: Come down

Japan Rose: Beauty is your only attraction

Jasmine, Cape: Transport of joy

Jasmine, Carolina: Separation

Jasmine, Indian: Attachment

Jasmine, Spanish: Sensuality

Jasmine, Yellow: Grace and elegance

Jasmine, White: Amiability

Jonquil: I desire a return of affection

Judas Tree: Unbelief, betrayal

Justicia: The perfection of female loveliness

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Meaning of Flowers Part I

Several flower dictionaries were written and published in the Victorian era in an effort to preserve the lore handed down through the ages on the meaning of flowers and the properties associated with them. This is known as “floriography,” and many a hedgewitch contributed to this body of wisdom for flower magic and herbal healing. Should you wish to favor a friend, family member, or even a new flame with a bouquet, this floral index will guide your choices.



Abatina: Fickleness

Acacia: Chaste love

Acacia, Pink: Elegance

Acacia, Yellow: Secret love

Acanthus: The fine arts, artifice

Achillea Millefolia: War

Aconite, Crowfoot: Lustre

Aconite, Wolfsbane: Misanthropy

Adonis: Sorrowful remembrance

African Marigold: Vulgar minds

Agnus Castus: Coldness

Agrimony: Thankfulness, gratitude

Almond: Stupidity, indiscretion

Almond, Flowering: Hope

Almond, Laurel: Perfidy

Allspice: Compassion

Aloe: Grief, affection

Althea Frutex: Persuasion

Alyssum, Sweet: Worth beyond beauty

Amaranth: Immortality, unfading love

Amaranth, Cockscomb: Foppery, affectation

Amaranth, Globe: Unchangeable

Amaryllis: Pride

Ambrosia: Love returned

American Elm: Patriotism

American Linden: Matrimony


Bachelor’s Buttons: Single blessedness

Balm: Sympathy

Balm, Gentle: Pleasantry

Balm of Gilead: Cure, relief

Balsam: Impatience

Balsam, Red: Touch me not, impatient resolve

Barberry: Sourness, sharpness, ill temper

Basil: Hatred

Bay Leaf: I change but in death

Bay Tree: Glory

Bay Wreath: Reward of merit

Bearded Crepis: Protection

Beech Tree: Prosperity

Bee Orchis: Industry

Bee Ophrys: Error

Begonia: Dark thoughts

Belladonna: Silence

Bell Flower, White: I declare against you

Betony: Surprise

Bilberry: Treachery

Bindweed, Great: Insinuation

Bindweed, Small: Humility

Birch: Meekness

Birdsfoot Trefoil: Revenge

Bitterweed, Nightshade: Truth

Black Poplar: Courage


Cabbage: Profit

Cacalia: Adulation

Calceolaria: Keep this for my sake

Calla Aethiopica: Magnificent beauty

Calycanthus: Benevolence

Camellia Japonica, White: Unpretending excellence

Chamomile: Energy in adversity

Campanula: Gratitude

Canariensis: Self-esteem

Canary Grass: Perseverance

Candytuft: Indifference

Canterbury Bell: Acknowledgement

Cardamine: Paternal error

Cardinal Flower: Distinction

Carnation, Red: Alas for my poor heart

Carnation, Striped: Refusal

Carnation, Yellow: Disdain

Catsus: Warmth

Catchfly: Snare

Catchfly, Red: Youthful love

Catchfly, White: Betrayal

Cedar: Strength

Cedar of Lebanon: Incorruptible

Cedar Leaf: I live for thee

Celandine: Joys to come

Centuary: Felicity

Cerebus, Creeping: Modest genius

Champignon: Suspicion

Crown, Imperial: Majesty, powerful

D, E

Daffodil: Regard

Daffodil, Great Yellow: Chivalry

Dahlia, Single: Good taste

Dahlia: Instability

Daisy, Double: Participation

Daisy, Garden: I share your sentiment

Daisy, One-Eyed: A token

Daisy, Particolored: Beauty

Daisy, Red: Unconscious

Daisy, White: Innocent

Daisy, Wild: I will think of it

Dandelion: Oracle

Daphne Odora: Painting the lily

Darnel: Vice

Dead Leaves: Sadness

Dew Plant: A serenade

Diosma: Uselessness

Dittany of Crete: Birth

Dittany, White: Passion

Dock: Patience

Dodder of Thyme: Baseness

Dogsbane: Deceit, falsehood

Dogwood: Durability

Dragon Plant: Snare

Dragonwort: Horror

Dried Flax: Utility

Ebony Tree: Blackness

Eglantine or Sweet Briar: Poetry, I wound to heal

Elder: Zealousness

Elm: Dignity

Enchanter’s Nightshade: Fascination, witchcraft

Endive: Frugality

Eschscholtzia: Sweetness

Eupatorium: Delay

“Evergreen: Poverty

Evergreen, Thorn: Solace in adversity

Everlasting Pea: Lasting pleasure, an appointed meeting

Friday, December 24, 2021

Herbal Wreaths Make a Home

Oftentimes, your kitchen is the heart of the home. Something about cooking and sharing food brings people together. An herbal wreath hanging on the kitchen door can be a source of love and luck. You’ll need the following for your creation:

    This is truly one of the simplest craft projects you can ever make; simply use the wreath frame as a base, and use string or the florist’s wire to anchor the fresh herbs into place. Finish it off with a colorful ribbon or other magical decorative touches you may want to add.

    Curative Wreath: These are the ideal herbs for a wreath that brings curative healing properties: lavender, barley, comfrey, rosemary, peppermint, borage, olive, eucalyptus, and apple blossom. Brown and green ribbon add a touch of healing color.

    Security Wreath: Hang a guardian wreath on your front door made with heather, holly, dill, foxglove, garlic, sandalwood, snapdragon, mustard, foxglove, mistletoe, and mugwort. White and blue ribbons add security and serenity.

    Prosperity Wreath: Greet prosperity at the door with herbs associated with money magic including clover, chamomile, sunflower, apple, cinnamon, myrtle, basil, and bay leaf. Weave in gold and green ribbons to add to your luck.

    Heart Wreath: Don’t wait until Valentine’s Day to try this; love should be twenty-four-seven, 365. Invite love into your home than by hanging a wreath full of love herbs on your door. Any combination of these will work beautifully, and I recommend using herbs that personally resonate for you among these options: allspice, clove, catnip, fig, bleeding heart, periwinkle, tulip, peppermint, violet, daffodil, lavender, and marjoram to light up your love light. Adorn with pink and red ribbons to let the universe know you’re ready to welcome love into your life.

    Thursday, December 23, 2021

    Lemon Works for Everything

    Instead of discarding lemon halves after you’ve used their juice for cooking or lemonade, save them to use as scrubbers for cleaning wood cutting boards without damaging them. You can also use fresh lemon juice mixed with baking soda to brighten white tiles, sinks, or tubs, or make natural wood polish for floors by mixing a little fresh lemon juice with olive oil. This citrus fruit is a natural lightening agent that you can use in place of bleach, which should be used sparingly, if at all. Throw discolored white socks, towels, or shirts in a stockpot with water and a few used lemons; simmer for a little while to lighten. If you hang them outside to dry, the combination of sunlight and your low-cost lemon whitener will refresh your laundry until it is practically gleaming!

    Make cleaning a cheese grater a snap: Take a lemon cut in half and rub it on all the surfaces of a cheese grater. The lemon’s acid breaks down the fatty cheese residue on the grater. If cheese is really stuck, here’s an extra technique to try: set up a small plate with a layer of table salt on it, then dip the lemon in the salt. Like commercial scrubbing powder (but without all the chemicals), the salt will increase the friction on your grater; together with the lemon, it will effectively remove most stuck-on food.

    Takes tarnish off your metal jewelry: Use two tablespoons of lemon juice concentrate to three cups water, then rub jewelry well with a soft cloth. The acidity of the concentrated lemon juice will work to remove tarnish.

    Add lemon to food to reduce bacteria: Since bacteria require an alkaline environment to stay alive, add lemon juice or fruit to produce, meat, or even water to slow down microbial growth.

    Sanitize your cutting board: Want to deep clean your cutting board without running it through a dishwasher? Putting a wooden cutting board in the dishwasher is just not a good idea, but especially after preparing meat, a natural antibacterial treatment is in order. Rub a cut lemon on your cutting board and let it sit with the lemon juice on it overnight, then rinse it well in the morning. Bacteria will be banished, and your cutting board will have a lemon-fresh aroma.

    Restore wooden furniture’s natural shine: Combine equal parts of olive oil and lemon juice with a little mayonnaise and stir well. This mixture will both remove previous polish buildup on wood furniture due to the acidity of the citrus and will also condition the wood.

    Keep rice from sticking together: Set up your rice pot; while the water is heating, put a teaspoon of lemon juice into the pot and your cooked rice will come out in nice separate grains. Other types of citrus fruit can also be used depending on what type of dish will be served with your grain. Believe it or not, citrus juice also enhances the whiteness of the rice itself.

    Degrease pots & pans and stovetop or grill: Cut a lemon in half and dip it in salt as described above for cleaning a cheese grater. When you scrub a copper-bottomed pot with it, tarnish will be removed so quickly you’ll swear it’s magic. It works wonderfully well to clean the stovetop and barbecue grill, too, as well as stainless steel pots and pans.

    Natural weed killer: Don’t give in to the marketing of chemical herbicides; besides exposing you and your family to dangerous toxins, they are bad for the planet as well. Combine one part white vinegar with four parts lemon juice in a spray bottle, then give it a good shake and spray your plantings, whether in indoor pots or your garden.

    Wednesday, December 22, 2021

    Salt is Magic!

    Some people swear by scouring pots, pans, and cooking surfaces with salt. It absorbs oil and grease, making it great for the stovetop, which can have cooking splatters that can be tough to remove. Sprinkle it on and scrub away with a sponge or enamel-safe scrubber.

    Tuesday, December 21, 2021

    Baking Soda Fresh

    Baking soda is wonderful deodorizer around the house and can be used to freshen and launder clothing as well as to freshen furniture or carpets. It can also be used as an eco-friendly oven cleaner. Since the oven is where you cook your food, it’s better to skip oven cleaner chemicals, which leave a residue that could be quite unhealthy. Make a paste by adding water, or equal parts water and vinegar, to one cup of baking soda. Coat the inside of the oven and leave overnight. In the morning, turn the oven on low heat for an hour, then let cool. Use a spray bottle of water and vinegar to soften the hardened paste, then use elbow grease to scrub it off. When you are baking that batch of cookies for your loved ones, you can rest assured no fumes are getting into the yummy treats!

    Monday, December 20, 2021

    Natural Cleaning with Vinegar

    If I could only use one item to clean my home with, it would be vinegar. A natural disinfectant that only costs pennies, vinegar deals with dirt, smells, stains, grease, and mold—especially in the shower. I’ve cleaned my whole house with just a spray bottle of vinegar and a little liquid soap. To make it smell really clean and good, add a few drops of calming lavender oil (also a natural disinfectant), easily found at a reasonable cost at your local health food stores. Just remember, you’re not making gallons, you’re making a small bottle. Because they contain no preservatives, DIY cleaning mixes don’t last very long, so use regularly for a clean green home and then fill your spray bottle anew!

    Sunday, December 19, 2021

    Tea Tree Clean

    Instead of toxic, chemical-laden wipes you get at the store, make your own to have handy for spills as well as for scheduled cleanings. Mix one cup of white vinegar, half a cup of lemon juice, and eight drops of tea tree oil. Soak clean washcloths or paper towels in the mixture and store them in a sealable bag; they can last a month for on-the-go spills.

    Saturday, December 18, 2021

    No Chemicals Laundry Detergent

    Want to get away from the chemicals, foaming agents, and synthetic fragrances found in most laundry detergents? Using a box grater to grate a bar of pure natural soap into a powder. Freeze the soap for super-fast grating, and then mix the grated powder with one cup of Borax, one cup of washing soda, and a few drops of lemon juice (optional) for cold and warm water loads. Use one to two tablespoons per load.

    Friday, December 17, 2021

    Do-It-Yourself Herbal Homekeeping: Soda Scrub

    To make your own all-natural cleaning scrub, try this simple scrubbing paste recipe: mix a half cup of baking soda with liquid castile soap until it’s the consistency of frosting. Scrub whatever surface needs cleaning, then rinse with water. Do bear in mind that baking soda is slightly abrasive so fragile fabrics and surfaces may not fare well, including glass, mirrors, or antique and rare woods. You can do a little test on an area that is not noticeable, and if no issues arise, then scrub a dub to your heart’s content.

    Thursday, December 16, 2021

    Floral Floor Cleansing

    I haven’t used store-bought cleansers since the year 2004, when a health challenge awakened me to the importance of ridding my environment of any toxins or potentially harmful chemicals. I think it is a very good idea for all of us to consider as our health is precious. I know this made a difference for me and my loved ones. And the smell of a home freshly cleaned with lemons and scentful natural oils feels wonderful.

    Gather the following:

    • 1 quart of white vinegar
    • ⅓ cup of lemon juice
    • 8 drops lavender oil
    • 3 cinnamon sticks
    • 3 sage leaves
    • 3 mint stems with leaves
    • 1 cup hot water
    • a new mop

    In a medium glass mixing bowl, pour the cup of boiling hot water, then add the mint, eight drops of lavender oil, sage leaves, and cinnamon sticks. Stir once and let steep covered for a half hour. After it has finished steeping, stir in the one-third cup of lemon juice.

    Take a clean bucket and fill with two gallons of warm water and a quart of white vinegar. Using a kitchen sieve, strain the herbal mix into the bucket and give it a stir with a wooden spoon. If your floor is a delicate or antique and rare wood, leave out the lemon, but otherwise, this is a suitable albeit magical floor wash for any purpose. Take your brand-new mop and dip it into the bucket, wring it out, and clean the floor very thoroughly.

    Wednesday, December 15, 2021

    Good for Wood Eco Floor Cleaner

    Combine the following in a big bowl:

    • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • 5 drops lemon essential oil
    • 1 quart warm water

    Mix everything together, preferably in a glass bowl, and pour into a clean spray bottle. As always, use caution even with these homely, organic ingredients and avoid getting vinegar, lemon juice, Borax, or any of your eco witchery concoctions in your eyes. Simply aim the spray at your floor and mop with a clean damp mop. Follow by mopping with hot water. Allow the floor to dry a bit and buff with clean dry cloths into which you have sprinkled a few drops of lavender oil. Your floors will look really good and smell even better.

    Tuesday, December 14, 2021

    Love Your Linens and They’ll Love You Back: Secrets of Stain Removal

    If you spill coffee or red wine on your couch, carpet, or tablecloth, pour plain table salt into the spill and it will soak the staining liquid right up. The salt turning purplish blue as it soaks up red wine is truly spellbinding! Vacuum it up and the stain will be gone.

    Stained clothes, linens, and such should be soaked in cold water with either baking soda or white vinegar, and then washed in cold water only to avoid setting the stain.

    There is no need to use bleach in your laundry; for white fabric, use a cup of Borax in your load.

    Monday, December 13, 2021

    Eco-Detergents and Nontoxic Paint

    We all want to live in an enchanted cottage, a charming residence in every sense of the word. Several years ago, I learned that all the chemicals in our conventional cleansing products introduce potential toxins into our lives, along with a certain amount of negative energy. Who likes the smell of raw bleach, over-perfumed detergents, and those scary oven cleaners? They strip away the natural and are simply too harsh. It is even a danger to have them around young children whose curiosity could lead them into trouble. I think we can all agree it makes a lot of sense to simply not have anything in your kitchen cabinet that is marked “poisonous.” There are so many options that are inexpensive and will make your home and anyone who walks in the door feel healthier and happier. Creating your own all-organic green witchery cleaners gives you the opportunity to put the most magic into every surface, room, and corner of your home. Every time your home is cleaned using these pagan potions, you are bettering the vibrations of your home, creating healing energy, eliminating toxins and introducing a light, bright positivity right where you live. There is no more powerful enchantment than this; it is the foundation for a peaceful and pleasurable home.

    DIY All-Purpose Cottage Cleaner

    • 1 Teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 Teaspoon liquid Castile soap
    • 3 drops lemon essential oil or 1 teaspoon lemon juice
    • 1 quart warm water

    Pour the above into a bowl and mix well; transfer to a clean spray bottle and shake. If you have a tougher job than usual, add a cup of white vinegar to the other ingredients. Baking soda is a mild alkaline abrasive, so don’t use it on fine furniture or delicate fabrics. Otherwise, it is quite miraculous for tough stains, rust, ovens, tiles, stain removal, tough greases, smelly fridges, and so many other household chores.

    Sunday, December 12, 2021

    Ritual for Letting Go

    Truth be told, many of us have hoarded to some extent in our lives. I joke to my friends and family that I have “paper issues” with all my books and magazines, but I also amass colored glass vases and bottles, interesting chairs, and quirky candleholders. And much more. At a certain point, I realized that things had gotten out of control and that what had once been an interesting collection of “objects” was quickly headed toward “Cat Lady Hoarder Next Door.” When I really looked at my home, I knew I needed to give away a lot of things I didn’t really even see anymore. Nevertheless, it’s hard. We love our shiny objects! The following spell for letting go will transform both you and your home.

    “Rite for Releasing

    Take a few of the items you are giving away (selling on eBay is a good idea, too!) and place them on a little table, then put the table somewhere near the front door. You are setting up a temporary altar. Gather a white candle, copal incense, and a sage leaf in a white dish, along with a small white sheet of paper and a black pen.

    Light the candle and the incense and intone:

    As I walk in wisdom, this I know,

    Material goods are meant to flow.

    I rid myself of blocks so I can grow.

    With this rite, I am letting go!

    And so it is.

    Take each item and name it as you release it; for example, “Purple dish, with grace and gratitude, I let you go!” Make a brief note of each possession to be released on the piece of paper.

    After you have recorded all the items, read your list aloud, then carefully light the piece of paper and burn it in the white dish while repeating the spell words above. When the paper has burned to ash, snuff the candle while the ashes cool down completely. Take the dish outside the door and toss the thoroughly cooled ashes into the air and wind. Now, go back in and pack up the newly released items and get them out of your house into the trunk of your car, a storage shed, or the nearest Goodwill or recycling/reuse center. The important thing is to get all those things out of your house so the energy flow inside is improved. If you moved bigger pieces such as shelves or chairs, I highly things out of your house so the energy flow inside is improved. If you moved bigger pieces such as shelves or chairs, I highly recommend a ritual floor wash. Once you have done that, the energy in your home will shimmer and sparkle with freshness!

    Saturday, December 11, 2021

    Change Your Life with Sacred Stones

    • amber for grounding
    • aventurine for creative visualization
    • bloodstone for abundance and prosperity
    • carnelian for opening doors for you your family
    • citrine for getting motivated and attracting money and success
    • geode for getting through periods of extreme difficulty
    • hematite for strength and courage
    • jasper for stability
    • rhodochrosite for staying on course with your life’s true purpose
    • watermelon tourmaline for help with planning your best possible future

    Friday, December 10, 2021

    Your Chakras

    First Chakra—Patchouli Grounds Your Root Chakra

    Patchouli balances the root chakra at the base of your spine. Represented by the color red and associated with the then physical element of earth, the root chakra is about grounding to the physical world and basic survival and self-preservation. Using patchouli will enable you to be grounded and have more stability, stillness, prosperity, and robust health, as well as a sense of safety and security. This essential oil also helps you overcome fatigue and feeling down.

    Second Chakra—Neroli Balances Your Sacral Chakra

    Neroli essential oil stabilizes the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen between the pelvis and the navel center, a few inches below the belly button. Associated with the element of water and the color orange, it represents vitality and passion and is associated with the sacral vertebra as well as the reproductive organs and the body’s circulatory system. A balanced sacral chakra carries the following characteristics: ability to enjoy pleasure, emotional intelligence, sexual satisfaction, passion, and the ability to embrace change. This essential oil brings the energy of pure love and lightness of being, driving away sorrows and bringing a peaceful, stable sense of calm. Neroli also opens you to love within yourself and the freedom of allowing love to flow freely.

    Third Chakra—Pine Invigorates Your Solar Plexus Chakra

    Pine essential oil is connected to the solar plexus chakra, which is located above the navel and correlates with the color yellow and the element of fire. The solar plexus chakra represents willpower, motivation, and vigor and is associated with the pancreas, liver, spleen, stomach, lower back muscles, and the metabolism and digestion. A balanced solar plexus chakra gives rise to confidence, warmth, self-discipline, steadiness, and a positive sense of self. Pine essential oil is an oil for the restoration of the heart when your emotions have become hard or jaded. This oil releases you from old wounds, letting you move forward without the baggage of the past and bringing the ability to experience your emotions in real time versus playing out echoes from the past. This oil allows you to move forward. You will feel replenished and new, which will allow you to bring growth and inner peace to your future relationships.

    Fourth Chakra—Rose Oil Opens Your Heart Chakra

    Rose essential oil will open and balance your heart chakra and bring self-acceptance and love into your life. This chakra center is associated with the color green and the element of air, and it is related to the lymph glands, heart, rib cage, lungs, skin, arms, hands, circulation, and the immune system. A balanced heart chakra will lead to the following characteristics in an individual: healthy self-esteem, contentment, compassion, acceptance, and peace of mind. Use rose essential oil’s scent for releasing blocked feelings stored in the chest, internalized grief, melancholy, and repressed emotions.

    Fifth Chakra—Lavender Aids Your Throat Chakra

    Lavender essential oil is connected to the throat chakra, which correlates to the colors blue or turquoise and the element of spirit or ether. The throat chakra is about speaking, self-expression, and communication and is associated with the thyroid, esophagus, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and the sense of hearing. A balanced throat chakra will support the following characteristics: clear communication with others and self, good listening skills, good sense of time, and a full voice. Lavender essential oil brings spiritual growth by helping you integrate your experiences, bringing an expanded awareness and perspective. This oil will help you communicate more effectively.

    Sixth Chakra—Sandalwood Awakens Your Third Eye Chakra

    The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and is represented by the color indigo and the element of light. The third eye chakra represents self-reflection and knowledge. It is also associated with the pituitary gland, left brain hemisphere, left eye, nose, ears, sinuses, conscious mind, the endocrine system, neurological system, and small muscle control. A balanced third eye chakra will yield strong intuition, good memory, ease remembering dreams, the ability to visualize, and a guiding vision for life. Sandalwood essential oil abets meditation and is used by healers and spiritual leaders worldwide as it brings an inner awareness and sense of ease in engaging with higher consciousness. Sandalwood helps break down illusions, helping you align with your most authentic self.

    Seventh Chakra—Lime Energizes Your Crown Chakra

    Lime essential oil is for the crown chakra at the very top of your head. Represented by violet and the element of thought, this chakra is the center of self-knowledge, self-will, and divine connection. It is associated with the pineal gland, pituitary gland, cerebral cortex, cerebrum, the right eye, the right brain hemisphere, the central nervous system, the subconscious mind, and large muscle control. A balanced crown chakra will produce wisdom, intelligence, the ability to analyze, spiritual connection, and open mindedness. Lime is a great essential oil to use for cutting and detaching energy cords that no longer serve you. This oil is useful for enhancing your perception of the truth inside any situation. It allows you to release any illusion that you may have confused with reality.

    Here are a few more suggestions:

    • Root Chakra: Cypress
    • Sacral Chakra: Ylang-ylang
    • Solar Plexus Chakra: Ginger
    • Heart Chakra: Jasmine
    • Throat Chakra: Roman Chamomile
    • Third Eye Chakra: Rosemary
    • Crown Chakra: Frankincense

    Thursday, December 9, 2021

    Ganesha Mudras

    Elephant-headed Ganesha is the Indian god who helps overcome all obstacles. What better way to start the New Year that with this mighty deity at your side? Ganesha is beloved in India, where he is also called Vighnaharta, the “Lord and Destroyer of Obstacles.” When people seek success in work or school, they turn to this jolly elephant god. I keep a little bronze statue of a supine Ganesha on my computer.

    Mudra is a type of yoga you do with your hands. It is also called “finger power points.” This is a portable yoga that you can do anywhere—on the bus, on the phone, at your desk, even walking down the street. This is a marvelous way to calm yourself and handle stress. Buddha statues are usually shown with the hands in a mudra position.

    The very easy Ganesha mudra begins with you holding your left hand in front of your chest with the palm facing outward, away from your body. Bend your fingers. Grasp your left fingers with your right finders bent, toward your body. Move the hands to the level of your heart, right in front of your chest. Exhale vigorously and gently try to pull your hands apart without releasing the grip. This will create tensions in your upper arms and chest area, exercising those muscles.

    Now relax those muscles while inhaling. Repeat these steps six times, then place both your hands on your sternum in the Ganesha clasping position. Note the energy and heat you feel in your body. Now repeat six times with your hands facing in the reversed positions.

    The Ganesha mudra opens the fourth chakra and gives us “heart”—courage, confidence, and good feelings toward others. It opens us up to fresh encounters and positive new experiences. Performed once a day, this is a marvelous way to strengthen your upper body. It is also believed to open the bronchial tubes and stimulate the lung area.

    Use the rituals in this chapter to become one with yourself and find peace within. May you use this learned tranquility to better participate in other rituals that focus on important aspects of your life.

    Ayurveda is the ancient Indian “Science of Life” that has become very popular in the past few years, Aromatic plants and the oils derived from them are a major part of this wellness wisdom tradition. Herbaceous species used for ayurvedic healing include tulsi (holy basil), coriander, fennel, and various sages and mints, as well as aromatic roots including vetiver, valerian, and calamus. Ayurvedic flowers include roses, jasmine, champa, marigolds, and lotuses. Woody and tree species include agar, cedar, eucalyptus, pine, and sandalwood. Fragrant resins are utilized, including frankincense and myrrh. As you might expect, Ayurveda is also rich in spices, including cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, long pepper, ginger, nutmeg, and clove. Several aromatic grasses, such as lemongrass, are found in the tradition as well.

    Wednesday, December 8, 2021

    Color Guide

    Color: Red

    Soul: Passionate and intense

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Security and survival; matters of the body; strong physical connection

    Color: Rose Red

    Chakra: Root

    Soul: Loving

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Motherhood, home, grounding, money

    Crystal Connection: Red gems and crystals aid in matters of the body. Jasper, amber, and agate in shades of red can help shy people feel stronger.

    Color: Clear Red

    Soul: Angry

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Related to sense of smell


    Color: Red Orange

    Soul: Passionate

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Sexual Passion


    Color: Red Coral

    Soul: Vitality

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Skeleton and bones


    Color: Pink

    Soul: Nurturer

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Boosts self-esteem

    Color: Orange

    Chakra: Sacral

    Soul: Ambitious

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Hunger and sex; lucidity and orderliness; potency and immunity; stimulation and motivation

    Crystal Connection: Orange stones can help you focus and build energy.


    Color: Yellow

    Chakra: Solar Plexus

    Soul: Intellectual

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Personal power, freedom, control; fire; the eyes; mental activity

    Crystal Connection: Yellow stones such as citrine carry healing energy and can help with nightmares and indigestion.

    Color: Green

    Chakra: Heart

    Soul: Caring nurturer and healer

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Relationships; the heart and lungs; the element of air; sense of touch; will to live; balance of overall health

    Crystal Connection: Green stones such as emeralds can represent healing and salvation, as well as closely guarded secrets; green is also the color associated with the Eastern element of wood in Chinese astrology.


    Color: Blue

    Chakra: Throat

    Soul: Teacher

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Communication, listening; intuition; the ears; creativity and mind control

    Crystal Connection: Blue stones help maintain calm and protect the aura.

    Color: Indigo

    Chakra: Third Eye/Intuition

    Soul: Spiritual Growth

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Opens third eye; promotes clear-headedness

    Crystal Connection: Indigo stones can aid in psychic work.

    Color: Violet

    Chakra: Crown/Entire Universe

    Soul: Deep connection to the spirit

    Healing Characteristics and Associations: Helps clear deep pain; works on deep tissue, hypersensitivity; promotes stability and contentment; secrecy

    Crystal Connection: Amethysts are good for sensitivity issues. They keep one’s energy from draining away. Purplish agates guard stability and contentment.

    Tuesday, December 7, 2021

    Color Connection

    Color is a form of energy that can be broken down by individual vibrations. We use colors in our homes and at work to affect moods. The right colors can calm, energize, or even romanticize a setting. Colors promote many desired states of being. Anyone using color is tuning in to the vibration frequency of that particular color. Some psychics have the skills and training to read your aura; they can literally see the colors of the energy radiating out from your body.

    Other colors not in the spectrum exist in metals, crystals, and stones, and are significant in their own right: brown, gray, black, white, silver, and gold.

    • Brown: the color of humility and poverty; it represents safety and the home and is also often associated with agriculture and grounding.
    • Gray: the color of grief and mourning; it symbolized resurrection in medieval times. Gray is the first color the human eye can perceive in infancy.
    • Black: protection and strength; it fortifies your personal energies and gives them more inner authority. Black symbolizes fertile, life-giving, rich earth, and nourishing rain in Africa.
    • White: purity, peace, patience, and protection; some cultures associate white with death.
    • Silver: relates to communication and greater access to the universe; it indicates a lunar connection or female energy.
    • Gold: direct connection to God or the sun; it facilitates wealth and ease.

    The color spectrum is correlated with seven basic vibrations. These are the same vibrations that comprise the musical scale, and the same vibrations that are the foundation of our seven-vibration chakra system. The “lightest” vibrations are at the top and the “heaviest” vibrations are at the bottom. You may recall from earlier in this book that the color system is composed of seven colors, all visible in the rainbow—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. A great way to remember the colors is by their collective acronym, which sounds like a name when the letters are strung together: Roy G. Biv. Consult the following color guide when you are choosing a color for any aspect of your life.

    Color management can help you on the most basic level each day. To combat feeling depressed, wear yellow to raise your energy level. If you have a business meeting and you want to put your colleagues at ease, wear earthy colors like brown or green. You can experiment with different combinations, too. Remember, the purpose here is to find your soul colors.

    Monday, December 6, 2021

    Personal Pilgrimage—How to Walk the Labyrinth

    The labyrinth represented wholeness to the ancients, combining the circle and the spiral in one archetypal image. The labyrinth is unicursal, meaning there is only one path in and one path out. Put simply, it is a journey into the self, into your own center, and back into the world again. As a prayer and meditation tool, labyrinths are peerless; they awaken intuition.

    Do your best to relax before you enter. Deep breaths will help a great deal. If you have a specific question in mind, think it or whisper it to yourself. You will meet others on the pilgrim’s path as you are walking; simply step aside and let them continue on their journey as you do the same. The three stages of the labyrinth walk are as follows:

    Purification: Here is where you free your mind of all worldly concerns. It is a release, a letting go. Still your mind and open your heart. Shed worries and emotion as you step out on the path.

    Illumination: When you have come to the center, you are in the place of illumination. Here, you should stay as long as you feel the need to pray and meditate. In this quiet center, the heart of the labyrinth, you will receive messages from the Divine or from your own higher power. Illumination can also come from deep inside yourself.

    Union: This last phase is where you will experience union with the Divine. Lauren Artress says that as you “walk the labyrinth, you become more empowered to find and do the work you feel your soul requires.”

    Walking Meditation

    This is the simplest of rituals you can do every day of your life. As you walk, take the time to look and really see what is in your path. For example, my friend Eileen takes a bag with her and picks up every piece of garbage in her path. She does this as an act of love for the earth. During the ten years I have known her, she has probably turned a mountain of litter into recycled glass, paper, and plastic. Goddess bless! This is one type of walking meditation. This very simple daily ritual honors the earth and helps preserve life for all beings.

    Friday, December 3, 2021

    Centering: Getting Grounded in Yourself

    The best way to prepare for personal ritual is to center yourself. I call this “doing a readjustment,” and I believe this is especially important in our over-scheduled and busy world. Doing a readjustment helps pull you back into yourself and gets your priorities back on track. Only when you are truly centered can you do the true inner work of self-development that is at the core of ritual.

    Centering takes many forms. Experiment on your own to find out what works best for you. My friend Kat Sanborn, for example, does a quick meditation that she calls “the chakra check-in.” As previously outlined in this chapter, the chakra system comprises energy points in the astral body associated with various endocrine glands in the physical body. My friend closes her eyes and sits lotus-fashion (ideal if possible, but if you are on a bus or in a meeting you can do this centering exercise just sitting down with your feet on the floor) and visualizes the light and color of each chakra. She visualizes each chakra and mentally runs energy up and down her spine, from bottom to top, pausing at each chakra point. After she does this a few times, a soothing calm surrounds her. I have seen her perform her “chakra check-in” at trade shows and in hotel lobbies, surrounded by the hubbub of many people. She is an ocean of calm at the center of a storm. By working with your chakras, you can become much more in touch with your body and soul.

    Prior to performing a ritual, try this centering exercise. Take a comfortable sitting position and find your pulse. Keep your fingers on your pulse point in your wrist until you feel the steady rhythm of your own heart.

    Now begin slowly breathing in rhythm with your heartbeat. Inhale for four beats, hold for four beats, and then exhale for five beats. Repeat this pattern for six cycles. People have reported that although it seems hard to match up with the heartbeat at first, with a little bit of practice, your breath and heartbeat will synchronize. Your entire body will relax, and all physical functions will seem slower and more natural than ever before. Another excellent way to center is to light a candle and meditate on it. By focusing on the flame, you bring your being and awareness into focus and come into present time.

    Thursday, December 2, 2021

    Shekinah’s Salts

    Shekinah translates as “She who dwells within” and is the Hebrew name for the female aspect of God. Legend has it that she co-created the world side by side with Yahweh, the god of Israel. This simple recipe for salts calls up the scents and primal memories of what the Edenic paradise must have been like. A real plus to this recipe is that you can change the essential oils to suit your needs and mood.

    The ingredients for the recipe are as follows:

    • 3 cups Epsom salts
    • ½ cup sweet almond oil
    • 1 tablespoon glycerin
    • 4 drops ylang-ylang essential oil
    • 1 drop jasmine essential oil
    • 1 drop clary sage essential oil

    Mix well and store in a colored and well-capped glass bottle. You can use these special Shekinah salts in your ritual rub.

    Wednesday, December 1, 2021

    Body Purification Ritual Rub

    Since the time of the ancients in the Mediterranean and in Mesopotamia, salts from the sea combined with soothing oils have been used to purify the body by way of gentle ritual rubs. From Bathsheba to Cleopatra, these natural salts have been used to smooth the skin and enhance circulation, which is vital to overall body health as the skin is the single largest organ. Salts from the Dead Sea have long been a popular export and are readily available at most health food stores. You can make your own salts, however, and not only control the quality and customize the scent, but save money, too. The definitive benefits that is far and above cost saving is that you can imbue the concoction with your intention, which is absolutely imperative when you are performing rites of self-healing. Cook up your own “kitchen cupboard cure.