Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Color Connection

Color is a form of energy that can be broken down by individual vibrations. We use colors in our homes and at work to affect moods. The right colors can calm, energize, or even romanticize a setting. Colors promote many desired states of being. Anyone using color is tuning in to the vibration frequency of that particular color. Some psychics have the skills and training to read your aura; they can literally see the colors of the energy radiating out from your body.

Other colors not in the spectrum exist in metals, crystals, and stones, and are significant in their own right: brown, gray, black, white, silver, and gold.

  • Brown: the color of humility and poverty; it represents safety and the home and is also often associated with agriculture and grounding.
  • Gray: the color of grief and mourning; it symbolized resurrection in medieval times. Gray is the first color the human eye can perceive in infancy.
  • Black: protection and strength; it fortifies your personal energies and gives them more inner authority. Black symbolizes fertile, life-giving, rich earth, and nourishing rain in Africa.
  • White: purity, peace, patience, and protection; some cultures associate white with death.
  • Silver: relates to communication and greater access to the universe; it indicates a lunar connection or female energy.
  • Gold: direct connection to God or the sun; it facilitates wealth and ease.

The color spectrum is correlated with seven basic vibrations. These are the same vibrations that comprise the musical scale, and the same vibrations that are the foundation of our seven-vibration chakra system. The “lightest” vibrations are at the top and the “heaviest” vibrations are at the bottom. You may recall from earlier in this book that the color system is composed of seven colors, all visible in the rainbow—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. A great way to remember the colors is by their collective acronym, which sounds like a name when the letters are strung together: Roy G. Biv. Consult the following color guide when you are choosing a color for any aspect of your life.

Color management can help you on the most basic level each day. To combat feeling depressed, wear yellow to raise your energy level. If you have a business meeting and you want to put your colleagues at ease, wear earthy colors like brown or green. You can experiment with different combinations, too. Remember, the purpose here is to find your soul colors.

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