Thursday, January 10, 2019

Kitchen Cupboard Cures: Easy Herbal Healing

How often to you see a panicky pagan or stressed out herbalist?
Image result for beautiful photos of herbs and potpourriRarely, I assure you. We all have to keep pace with the modern world, but our connection to the earth and the cycles of nature help maintain balance and harmony, despite the hurly burly of these tech-driven times. This post is aimed at conjuring wellness so you can stay centered, grounded and healthy. When our grandmothers and elders who came before us tended cuts, bruises, colds, flu’s, fevers and other illnesses their family suffered, they didn't have a corner drugstore. Instead, these wise women relied on simple wisdom, common sense, and pantries well stocked with herbal remedies. These preparations were made from plants that grew in the kitchen garden or were wild weeds gathered in the fields and woods surrounding their homes. This stash of kitchen cupboard cures combines the wisdom of our elders with a modern  sensibility. Yes, you will save money, but more importantly, you will begin to learn what works for you and master the art of self-care as you bring much comfort to your loved ones.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) This revered candy classic is also a wonderful anti-inflammatory which relieves the discomfort of colds in the sinuses, It can sooth sore throats, coughs and also is a GI curative. Treat licorice root exactly as you would ginger with 1 minced teaspoon of fresh or dried steeped in one cup of tea twice day, 
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) While it may seem like this is another “candy as medicine,” marshmallow is a time-tested plant long employed in field medicine.  It is highly valued as it contains a lot of mucilate, the same substance which coats and our mouth and throat as well as the stomach and gut. Minced fresh or dried root or the leaves are equally healing in quarter cup quantities, steeped for 4 hours, Strain out the stems and drink hot, cool, and sweetened or however you like this gentle herb.

Milk Thistle (Silybum manianum) Healers love mile thistle for its ability to protect the liver from toxins, harsh medicines, alcohol and unseen environmental pollutants, It can be obtained as an extract at any health food store or upscale groceries or pharmacies. There is some evidence it can also help heal the kidneys.
Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) Here is an herbalist’s favorite for healing any respiratory ailment involving congestion coughs sore throats and calms the breathing. Mullein flowers infused in oil are also used to aid earaches. Take one heaping tablespoon of the leaves and steep in one cup of boiling water for no more than 10 minutes. Taken as a tea once, you’ll feel better soon

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