Thursday, April 26, 2018

Poppy Power Money Spell

The San Francisco Bay Area is magical in spring and summer, with its profusion of poppies growing along the highway and in every available crevice. No wonder California is one of the wealthiest places in the world. Pagans revere poppies for their money magic. If you have a yard, meadow, or any strip of ground you can garden, buy poppy seeds and simply toss them all around. Months later, you will have a wealth of wildflowers.

Harvest the dried seedpods and store some for replanting next winter. Take a couple of pods and place them in a tiny green or gold cloth bag.

Bless the bag with these words:

Poppy, gold like the sun, 
Thank you for the new luck I’ve won.

Sew the seed-bag shut and carry it in your pocket, purse, or wallet for a complete lunar cycle 

More Poppy Magic:

Take a dried poppy seedpod and empty the seeds onto the ground. Take a strip of paper and write down a question about how to attain meaningful and positive rewards in your life. Sleep with the little green bag you made and the paper under your pillow. You will experience prophetic dreams that will answer your question. This is best done during the Pisces Moon, Cancer or Scorpio Moon. 

Keep a dream journal by your bed and write down the dream immediately upon waking. Make this a ritual and you will have a rich resource of inner wisdom to guide you.

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