Thursday, May 30, 2024

Brewing Up a Batch of Passion

For a passionate pick-me-up, drink this tasty tonic with your lover.

Gather together

    * ½ cup (120ml) of lemonade

    * 2 mugs

    * 2 cups (480ml) of water

    * ½ cup (50g) of sliced fresh ginger root

    * 1 teaspoon cardamom

    * honey, to sweeten

Pour half of the lemonade into each mug. Boil the ginger and cardamom in the water for 4 minutes, strain, then pour into the mugs and sweeten with honey to taste. Before you drink this lustful libation, simply say:

Gift of the Goddess and magic of moon,
May the flower of our love come to full bloom.

Shared between two lovers before a tryst, this enchanted potion will give great endurance for a memorable encounter. Each sip is full of love’s sure power.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Seal It with a Kiss: Binding Love Potion

When we are in love, we all hope for it to be requited. Spellcraft can help with that! Here’s one to share with your lover.

Gather together

    * 2 teaspoons dried lemon balm, basil, blackberry, or magnolia buds

    * 2 cups (480ml) of water

    * a teapot

    * 2 mugs

    * honey, to sweeten

To ensure a faithful relationship, make a tea from any of these herbs of loyalty in love. Boil the water and add to the teapot along with the herbs. Steep for 3 minutes, then pour the tea into the mugs and sweeten with honey. Intone this spell as you stir each cup.

    Lover be faithful, lover be true.

    This is all I am asking of you.

    Give thy heart to nobody but me.

    This is my will.

    So mote it be.

Before you and your lover share this special treat together, whisper this wish in secret:

    Honey magnolia [or whichever herb you chose], Goddess’s herb,

    Perform for me enchantment superb,

    Let _____ [name of lover] and I be as one.

    As ever, harm to none.

    With this, the spell is done.

This spell must be sealed with a kiss between you and your beloved. Now enjoy drinking the tea with the object of your affection, from whom you wish not to stray, and his or her loyalty will never sway.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Passion Potion Massage Mix

Jasmine, neroli, amber, and just a touch of vanilla essential oils create a romantic and exotic scent that lingers on your skin for hours.

Gather together

    * ½ cup (120ml) unscented carrier (or base) oil, ideally jojoba

    * ¼ cup (60ml) jasmine essential oil

    * 10 drops amber essential oil

    * 5 drops neroli essential oil

    * 5 drops vanilla essential oil

    * dark-colored, sealable bottle with a dropper cap

Mix all the oils together in the tightly capped bottle and keep in a dark cupboard. Passion Potion will last six months. Remember to always shake well before using.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Enchanted Evening Rite

Take the time to prepare yourself for romance and turn your thoughts to love and sensuality.

Gather together

    * petals of 1 red rose

    * a large glass or ceramic bowl and a wooden spoon

    * ½ cup (90g) of Epsom salts

    * ½ cup (70g) of baking soda

    * ½ cup (120ml) carrier (or base) oil, ideally jojoba or apricot

    * 6 drops each of jasmine, ylang ylang, and neroli essential oil (or 12 drops of one, if you prefer just              one scent)

A soothing bath is the perfect prelude to your date. Make the water warm enough to be relaxing, but not so hot that it makes you sleepy. Mix all the ingredients, except for the rose petals, together in the bowl with the wooden spoon and then add the mixture under the running faucet. The Epsom salts will relax tense muscles and the baking soda combined with the carrier oil will soften your skin. These aphrodisiac essential oils are very potent. Lastly, float the rose petals in the water, and bathe by natural light before nightfall. As the mix of warm water, oils, and bath salts smooths your skin, let it also soothe your soul.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Ultimate Glamour

Few people know that the word “glamour” comes from the seventeenth-century Scottish word “glamour,” which meant to cast a spell or enchantment over anyone who looks upon you.

During the waxing moon, take the rings, necklace, and earrings you are planning to wear during a special tryst and lay them on your altar to imbue them with magic. Mix together one tablespoon each of the dried herbs vervain, thistle, chamomile, and elderflower. Cover your jewelry with the herb mixture and then sprinkle salt on top. Leave for at least 5 minutes, then shake off the herbs and pick up your gems. Hold the jewelry in your hands and chant:

    Bless these jewels and the hand and heart of the wearer

    with the light of heaven above.

    May all who look upon me

    See me through the eyes of love.

Now put on the empowered and enchanted jewelry and go off for your special date.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Oil of Love

Indulge in this sensually satisfying ritual concoction that will make your skin glow and will also surround you with a seductive aura. Your personal vibration will draw people toward you thanks to this lovely essence.

Gather together

    * 2 tablespoons (30ml) sweet almond carrier (or base) oil

    * 6 drops jasmine essential oil

    * 6 drops rose essential oil

    * 1 ounce (30g) aloe vera gel

    * 3-ounce (85ml) squeeze bottle

    * 1 tablespoon (15ml) rose water

    * 1 pink candle

    * 1 stick of rose incense

Timing: Perform this ritual on a moonlit night.

Place all the oils, rose water, and the aloe vera gel into your squeeze bottle. Shake the mixture well. As you undress, imagine you are preparing for the one you love. Light the pink candle and rose incense and say:

    My heart is open, my spirit soars.

    Goddess bring my love to me. Blessed be.

Now, pour the Oil of Love into your palm and gently rub into your skin. As you do so, dream of what delights are heading your way.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Attracting That Attractive Stranger

Don’t tell me you have never had a brief but meaningful encounter at your local café or exchanged long glances on the bus crossing town. Shyness tied your tongue, and now your only hope is that chance will bring you together. Try this trusty attraction spell.

Gather together

    * a man-shaped mandrake root or substitute (see spell)

    * 1 cup (20g) of red, white, and pink rose petals

    * 1 red, 1 white, and 1 pink candle

    * 2 goblets of red wine

Place the mandrake root (commonly available at herbalists and metaphysical shops) on your altar. If you cannot find the mandrake root, you could substitute any statue, drawing, photograph, or figure of a man that reflects some quality of your heart’s desire. Surround the root or figure’s base with the rose petals and candles. Place the goblets with a small amount of red wine in them beside the candles. Make sure it is a wine you really like and would want to share with a romantic interest, as you will refill the goblet each evening. Burn the candles for 5 minutes every night for a week, starting on Friday, Venus’s Day.

Sip from one of the goblets, and recite:

    Merry Stranger, friend of my heart,

    Merry may we meet again.

    Hail, fair fellow, friend well met,

    I share this wine and toast you,

    As we merry meet and merry part

    And merry meet again.

Make sure you look your best when you step out as you will soon lock eyes again.