Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Intuitive Cancer

First Half: June 21–July 4

Cancers are ruled by the Moon, so it is appropriate that the moonstone is the precious soul stone for the individuals born in the first half of this sign. The most priceless of moonstones is adularia, named after the place it was first discovered—Adula, Switzerland. Adularia was special to early Europeans who believed it could improve the memory, help stop seizures, overcome a broken heart, and foretell the future. Wearing moonstone jewelry will put Cancers in tune with their lunar-influenced changeable natures, giving them strength and the wisdom of intuition.

Pearl is the power stone of great price for early Cancers. Pearls have a long and rich history; they were first written about in China four thousand years ago. Cancers are the great historians of the zodiac, and they have incredible memories. They are connected to pearls because of a common link with the ocean and the tides, which are regulated by Cancer’s ruler, the moon. If you are a Cancer, honor your native element, water, by wearing pearls on occasion (but not constantly) and by decorating your home and work space with shells. This will help you stay secure, refreshed, and relaxed and help you avoid your great nemesis—worry.

Second Half: July 5–July 21

Opal is the soul stone for later-born Cancers. Opals can’t be duplicated artificially due to their varying hues, play of color, and the complicated nature of their patterning. The most precious of all opals feature a star, called an asterism. Opals are mysterious, just like Cancers, having much depth beneath their protective shells. The ancients exulted about opals; Pliny the Elder wrote, “For in them you shall see the living fire of ruby, the glorious purple of the amethyst, the sea-green of the emerald, all glittering together in an incredible mixture of light.” Cancers, you will come into your soul’s true purpose by wearing opal jewelry.

Desert rose, formed of cemented sand particles, is the heart stone for this group of Cancers. The Saharan Bedouin believed it was formed from the tears of women mourning for those who had died in battle. Originated in lake bottoms that have become deserts, desert rose is gypsum that comes in beautiful earth tones of red, yellow, gray, brown, and pink. For later Cancers, this heart stone helps contain and release emotions in a healthy, expressive way. Decorate your bedroom, your inner sanctum, with desert rose for a soothing and calming effect.

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