Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Ambitious Scorpio

First Half: October 23–November 6

First-half Scorpios have a most unusual power stone in Blue John. It is found in only one place in the world: the underground caverns beneath a hill in the county of Derbyshire, England. Its appearance of dark-blue and reddish-purple bands on a white background relates to Pluto, the second ruling planet of Scorpio, which is the sign of the underworld and secrets. Though Blue John can be difficult to come by, other fluorites are more readily available and will substitute nicely for the rare stone. Fluorite is thought to be healing to the bones and to wounds that lie underneath the surface. Secretive Scorpios carry many hurts beneath strong exteriors, and fluorites can gently resolve these over time.

For early Scorpios, the heart stone is stibnite, a blue-gray mineral that comes in clusters of needle-like rods. Stibnite is closely associated with Pluto and has a shiny and opalescent surface. It is soft, and, because of its crumbliness, stibnite makes it easier for Scorpios to get along with other people and get along better in the world. If you’re a Scorpio, you know you have a strong will; this stone can help you get your ideas across without forcing them. A chunk of stibnite on your desk at work will help your career and reputation.

Second Half: November 7–November 21

Everybody thinks of amethyst as the February crystal for Aquarians and Pisceans, but it is also the power stone for second-half Scorpios. The purple color relates to the purple planet, Pluto. Amethysts can open the love vibration for individuals ruled by this most misunderstood and enormously powerful water sign. Wearing amethyst jewelry and keeping chunks of amethyst crystal in the home and workplace can reveal the sweet, funny, smart, approachable, and lovable side of Scorpios, offering them a much greater chance for happiness.

Scorpios have their heart stone in the very available quartz crystal. Quartz is a tremendous healer and so are Scorpios, though they rarely receive credit for this latent talent. When a Scorpio puts her mind to something, nothing can stand in the way! By acknowledging and utilizing the healing power of quartz crystals, Scorpios can use their personal power for the good of others and greatly benefit. Surround yourself with this inexpensive heat crystal and feel the love.

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