Thursday, October 6, 2022

Beyond Essential Oils: A to Z Oils for Candle Enchantments Pt. 1

Agrimony oil has been used since ancient times and is very highly regarded as an all-purpose healer for the body. Turn to agrimony for help with sleep. It is a protective herb which brings about a sense of well-being and ease. Remember agrimony essential oil for your wellness rituals.

Amber oil is derived from the resin of tree sap. You can tell by its delightful scent that it contains much magic and is excellent for love spells. Amber will ground and balance your personal energy; it is also beneficial for purification psychic shielding and protection. 

Basil oil is used in making perfumes, as well as in aromatherapy. It is extracted from the leaves of the basil plant; far from only being a culinary herb, this oil serves to aid in alertness, lifts the mood, and as a bonus, repels insects. The scent of this splendid oil is often spicy, warm, and healing. A must for money magic.

Bergamot’s origins trace to Southeast Asia, where it was prized for its spicy and floral scent. Bergamot oil is most often used to lift moods and alleviate stress. Bergamot is like liquid sunshine. Send anxiety packing with bergamot essential oil, which is also exceptional for house magic. 

Black Pepper oil, derived from the common peppercorn, is an oil that promotes emotional wellness and relaxes the nervous system. Aside from the common usage of flavoring meals, black pepper oil can be administered topically for stimulating the senses and engendering courage. It is also a protectant and can help keep bad energy and bad people out of your home.

Caraway oil enables us to rise above the earthly plan and see life in spiritual terms. It strengthens mental alertness and enhances memory. Caraway essential oil will protect your aura and empower visionary dreams if you sprinkle a couple of drops on your pillowcase at night before sleep.

Cardamom oil has a rich and spicy scent and is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their spirituality in magical workings. It has a strong feminine energy and brings out generosity and open-hearted love. If you want to have greater happiness in love, try cardamom in romance rituals.

Carnation oil comes from a sweet small flower yet offers steadiness and strength, and it is also a guardian essence. Carnation will uproot buried emotions and help you process them so you can renew and reset. Carnation will improve communication and open your mind and heart to new experiences. If someone has been ill, carnation oil will support the renewal of stamina as it helps release the weakness and sadness of sickness and eases the way to a return to joy.

Cinnamon oil is beloved for its strong earthy and spicy scent. It is excellent for prosperity and protection. When properly diluted, cinnamon oil also serves as a great topical oil and brings anti-aging properties that work by enhancing circulation beneath the skin. Cinnamon essential oil brings money and blessings.

Citronella is best known for keeping insects at bay, but it is a truly wonderful antidepressant that is uplifting and encouraging. The sharp aspect of the scent clears the mind, too. Using it in a steam or a diffuser will keep the energy of your home clean.

Clary Sage oil is as magical for your skin as it is for your spellwork. When applied topically, it stimulates the skin and circulation while it soothes the mind. It is a natural antidepressant; and as its name hints, it brings clarity. It has a distinctly earthy aroma. Clary sage also brings visions and can open up your psychic ability.

Coconut oil is a sweetly scented favorite. Originating in Southern and Central America, coconut oil’s plethora of healthy fats are a great addition to anyone’s skincare and overall health. It also boosts moods and energy wherever its scent can go. Coconut oil’s happy perfume aids memory retention, balances emotions, and stimulates weight loss, and it is a base oil that support and blends with other oils seamlessly.

Coriander oil is a clearing essential oil that abets overall health. With a fresh and fragrant scent, coriander oil is also a great aphrodisiac!

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