Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Citrine—Cairngorm Quartz

This is the orange or yellow kind of quartz and is actually rather rare in nature. The citrines you are seeing in the marketplace are quartzes that have been heated—low-grade amethysts or smoky quartzes cooked at high temperatures to make them more valuable in the jewelry stores. You can tell if you try by looking for the more reddish orange shades these faked citrines have. On the other hand, real citrine may have started its natural life as amethyst but then got heated by Mother Nature herself in seismic or volcanic activity. Ametrine, one of my absolute favorite stones, is half amethyst and half citrine.

True citrine is found in France, Brazil, Russia, the United Kingdom, and North America. Citrine is quite often mistaken for topaz, a gem higher in monetary value. There are dealers who have taken advantage of naive collectors and sold them citrine as topaz. Citrine’s sisters in the quartz family are amethyst, the purple color; milky quartz, a cloudy white; rock crystal, the clear variety; rose quartz, a pretty pink; and smoky quartz, which ranges from gray to brown. Citrine, also called cairngorm, is a birthstone for November and helps with stomachaches. It is a crystal that helps to heighten mental clarity and creativity, increase powers of concentration, and overcome a poor memory. Citrine is an aura protector, touching the chakra system and even helping to repair holes in the aura. It opens the sacral and solar plexus chakras and kindles the crown chakra. Citrine is especially wonderful if you wear it as a jewel in rings while you are working and handling your money.

You should keep a chunk of citrine in your place of work because it will allow you to hear and accept constructive criticism. Tradesmen in India kept citrine in their shops and bazaars to attract money and abundance. An immediate feng- shui cure would be to place a cluster of citrine crystals in your wealth corner. Citrine is also terrific to have on hand in your home, as it is a cleanser of the environment as well as the etheric body. Citrine can help maintain equilibrium between the yin and yang energies—the female and male.

Citrine is quite simply an essential to have; it promotes calmness and brings out a feeling of well-being and happiness. Citrine makes anyone want to be more active and is a strong motivator. So, greater success, better health, and more money? Give me citrine anytime! 

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