Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lady of Silver Magic: Full-Moon Circle Gathering

The full moon is the most powerful time of the month and the perfect time to celebrate with special people in your life. This ritual will heighten your spirituality, your friendships, and your connection to the powers of the universe.

As I write this, it is a full moon in Pisces, and I look forward to getting together with some of the sisterhood, some fellow spiritual seekers, and kicking up our heels in celebration of life and asking for what we need from the universe. We will wait until midnight, the traditional witching hour. We will gather in one of our favorite spots near water under the magical moonlight.

Here is our recipe for ritual: We place the biggest crystal we can—usually a geode, an amethyst chunk, or a big quartz or rock crystal—in the middle of the altar. We place a goblet of wine before an image of the Goddess. We all bring candles in sturdy, tempered- glass votives to light our way, and we perform a rite we learned from our elders. Each of us holds a crystal that is our touchstone.

You can perform this ritual in your home or garden or a sacred place of your choosing. Designate a leader who will perform all the incantations as the group forms a circle. Begin with the appropriate chanting:

Oh, lady of silver magic, we honor you here, 
In this place, sacred and safe.
This circle is in your honor. 

The person in the northern point of the circle places her candle and her crystal on the ground as the leader chants: 

Blessed one, all earth is yours. 
May we all heal,
May we all draw strength, May we grow. 

The person in the eastern point places her candle and her crystal on the ground while the leader chants: 

Oh, lady of laughter and joy, so is the sky yours, too. 
May the air be clear and pure,
And the clouds sweet with wind and rain. 

The person at the southern point lays down her crystal and candle while the chanter speaks: 

Oh, lady of summer, each season is yours.
May each spring bring flowers and crops for all. 

The person at the western point lays down her candle and crystal while the chanter speaks: 

Goddess of the waters,
The rivers and the ocean are yours.
May they once more flow crystal clear.
Lady, we have built this circle in your honor.
Be with us here now.

Now each member of the circle goes to the altar and kneels, placing her candle and crystal on the altar. Each takes a sip from the goblet of wine and says: 
I toast thee, bright lady, In your honor. Blessed be. 

Then, all members pick up rattles and drums and sing and dance under the sparkling crystals in the sky. If you are able to observe every full moon with a ritual gathering, your life will be very rich, indeed.

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