Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Bottling Up Your Magic

In use since medieval times, magic bottles, or spell bottles, can function as protectors of your home. Called witch bottles in the 1600s in England, they were originally used to hold objects for magical uses. They have largely fallen out of use, but you can customize magic bottles for yourself with crystal stoppers for a variety of reasons. You can put one in your garden for healthy plants, on the mantel to protect your home, next to your bed for love and happiness, and in the kitchen for good health. These magic bottles are mostly used for protection, but you can also place into them symbols of your dreams and desires, such as a white rose for peace, the herb rosemary for remembrance, and cinnamon for the spice of life.

For a calm and peaceful home, take a teaspoon of soil from outside your house (or the closest park) and place it into a bottle with some smoky topaz or brown jasper. Place the bottle into the pot of a plant near the entrance of your home. Every time you water the plant, think about the sanctity of your home. As your plant grows, so will the tranquility of your residence.

For luck with money, place three pennies and some pyrite or jade into a bottle and put it on your desk at home or your workplace. Shake the magic jar whenever you think about your finances, and your fortune will improve in three days.

For love, place a pink or red rosebud or rose petal, rose essential oil, and rose quartz into a bottle and keep it at your bedside. Each night, burn a pink candle anointed with the oil from your lovemagic bottle. On the seventh day, your prospects for romance will brighten!

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