Thursday, March 13, 2025

Signs and Stones: Sagittarius

Sagittarius, First Half: November 22-December 5

Tourmaline—specifically the multihued specimen known as melonstone, which is pinkish red with a blue-green stripe—is the precious soul stone for the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarians. Individuals under this fire sign are lively and very action-oriented, and tourmaline, which readily gives off an electrical charge when warmed, can match and propel their energy. Tourmaline is the stone for adventurers and explorers. Get some today and hit the road, dear Sag.

Amber is the power stone for early Sagittarians. This rock formed from fossilized tree sap and resin, an organic crystal. Amber was thought by the ancients to have trapped the sun, and it was called electron by the Greeks, who observed its negative electrical charge. Even wildly active Sagittarians should wear this stone only on special occasions. It keeps energy cycling within, which is good, but it can have a weakening effect if worn all the time. Amber helps performers; actors and musicians swear by it.

Chrysocolla is the heart stone for first-half Sagittarians. Either blue or green, this copper-rich crystal is one of great life-giving vibrancy. Sagittarians always have many irons in many fires and often burn up their energy in typical fire-sign style. Chrysocolla can help prevent this and help Sagittarians direct their energy toward more purposeful and heartfelt pursuits.

Sagittarius, Second Half: December 5-December 20

Tourmaline is also the soul stone for later-born Sagittarians. (See “Sagittarius, First Half,” above.)

Turquoise is this group’s power stone. The rock has a rich and colorful history and was valued in the extreme by Persians, Egyptians, Mexicans, Bedouin, Chinese, Tibetans, Native Americans, and Turks. Turquoise is associated with horses and riders; Sagittarius is the centaur of the zodiac—half man and half horse. Once revered as the eye of Ra, the Egyptian sun-god, turquoise lends sight and aids in travel. Wearing this stone will help people born in this part of the year to find their purpose and harness the passion and vision to see it through.

The heart stone for second-half Sagittarians is bornite, a burnished red rock of copper and iron. Bornite used to be called peacock ore because of its impressive iridescent coloration. It is a very powerful energy crystal. Although it is not widely known, Sagittarians can be indecisive, and this stone abets them in overcoming that. This is also a stone of justice; Jupiter-ruled Sagittarians are lovers of justice. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Signs and Stones: Scorpio

Scorpio, First Half: October 23-November 6

The soul stone for early Scorpios is ruby, a gem celebrated in many legends dating from prehistoric times to the present day. Rubies were believed to be dragons’ eggs—very fitting for Scoprios, who have a lizard aspect to their souls. Rubies were believed to give the wearers invincibility. They were also thought to warn of danger by darkening in shade to a red that was nearly black. Rubies correspond to Mars, the first ruling planet of Scorpio, also associated with red. The most valuable rubies outrank even diamonds, and in the Bible, ruby is called the most precious of the gems first created in the world. If worn by a Scorpio, a ruby can re-channel passions such as lust, jealousy, and anger into more positive emotions. By all means, wear rubies, soulful Scorpios!

First-half Scorpios have a most unusual power stone in blue John. It is found in only one place in the world: the underground caverns beneath a hill in the county of Derbyshire, England. The Roman emperor Nero was crazy for it and paid an enormous price for a single vase made from it. It is the rarest of the fluorites, and its appearance of dark blue and reddish purple bands on a white background relates to Pluto, the second ruling planet of Scorpio. This is the sign of the underworld and secrets, and the origin of the name of its talisman is a mystery no one has yet solved. Though blue John can be difficult to come by, other fluorites are more readily available and will substitute nicely for the rare stone. Fluorite is thought to be healing to the bones and to wounds that lie underneath the surface. Secretive Scorpios carry many hurts beneath strong exteriors, and fluorites can gently resolve these over time.

For early Scorpios, the heart stone is stibnite, a blue-gray mineral that comes in clusters of needle-like rods. Stibnite is closely associated with Pluto and has a shiny and opalescent surface. It is soft, and because of its crumbliness, stibnite greatly alleviates this, making it easier for Scorpios to get along with other people and get along better in the world. If you’re a Scorpio, you know you have a strong will; this stone can help you get your ideas across without forcing them. A chunk of stibnite on your desk at work will help your career and reputation.

Scorpio, Second Half: November 7-November 21

Rhodochrosite is the precious soul stone for later Scorpios. Once called rosinca, or Inca rose, this pink beauty takes its color from iron, magnesium, and calcium. Rhodochrosite corresponds to the planets Mars, Pluto, and the Moon. The gem is formed over a very long period of time under relatively gentle geological circumstances and therefore has a gentle energy that calms the volcanic passions and anger that commonly erupts in Scorpios. As mentioned previously, Scorpios carry so much under the surface in silence. This gem can enable you to express your feelings healthily.

Everybody thinks of amethyst as the February crystal for Aquarians and Pisceans, but it is also the power stone for second-half Scorpios. The purple color related to the purple planet, Pluto. Amethyst can open the love vibration for individuals ruled by this most misunderstood and enormously powerful water sign. Wearing amethyst jewelry and keeping chunks of amethyst crystal in the home and workplace can reveal the sweet, funny, smart, approachable, and lovable side of Scorpios, offering them a much greater chance for happiness. 

Scorpios have their heart stone in the very available quartz crystal. Quartz is a tremendous healer, and so are Scorpios, though they rarely receive credit for this latent talent. When a Scorpio puts her mind to something, nothing can stand in the way! By acknowledging and utilizing the healing power of quartz crystal, Scorpios can use their personal power for the good of others and greatly benefit. Surround yourself with this inexpensive heat crystal and feel the love.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Signs and Stones: Libra

Libra, First Half: September 22-October 6

A soul stone that was extremely popular in days of old is spinel, a jewel available in a multitude of hues, including black, dark green, orange, white, blue, purple, and red. Spinels were symbols and stones of the royals; the Queen of England owns a grand specimen called the Timur ruby, and the czars of Russia wore a crown decorated with a magnificent spinel. Spinels are rarer than either rubies or sapphires, and I predict they will have a renaissance. The extremely rare precious green spinel is the type most highly prized among Libras, and it can bring out their aesthetic values and empower their pursuit of the arts.

Dioptase is the power stone for first-half Libras. A deeper green than any emerald, it has an extensive copper content. Venus is associated with the color green, and the intensity of this gorgeous green stone makes it a love crystal for Venus-ruled Libras, enriching both their personal relationships and their higher love for humankind. Dioptase can also awaken the spiritual side of Libras, making the usually attractive members of this sign even more beautiful inside and out. Dioptase is difficult to cut for jewelry because of its brittleness. Use uncut crystal clusters as lovely spirit enhancers all around the home.

Kyanite is the sky-colored heart stone for early Libras. Because it shares the same chemistry (but different crystal structure) as a couple of other minerals, kyanite is known as a stone of symmetry, perfect for providing balance. The Greeks favored this aluminum-based rock and called it disthene, meaning “dual strength,” because it is soft (and easily cut) lengthwise but much harder across. Kyanite most commonly occurs in long, bluish green crystal blades but also comes in cluttered rosettes with a pearly, opalescent surface. If you’re a Libra, an air sign, keep kyanite around to stay steady and strong and help avoid spreading yourself too thin and succumbing to petty, energy-draining distractions.

Libra, Second Half: October 7-October 22

Blue sapphire, exceedingly rare and of exceptionally high quality, is the soul gem of choice for later-born Libras. The name “sapphire” has several origins, among them sapphirus, the Latin word for blue. The blue in the stone comes from the iron and titanium inside. This gem represents Venus’s glinting blue in the blue black of the darkened heavens. Libras are great romantics, and blue sapphire’s high vibration of love can activate their creativity so they can craft great works of art—songs, poetry, paintings, and anything their imaginations can conceive.

The power talisman for this group of Libras is jadeite, sometimes called imperial green jade. The Chinese highly prize this stone in their lengthy history and culture and believe it contains all that you need for a happy, long life—courage, modesty, charity, wisdom, and, most important for the

Libra scales to be in balance, justice. Jade bookends on your desk are perfect balancers.

Limonite, an icicle-like mineral appearing in long, shiny pieces, is the heart stone for second-half

Libras. This represents the striving for higher mind, higher beauty, and higher love necessary for the completion of Libra karma.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Signs and Stones: Virgo

Virgo, First Half: August 22-September 5

Black opal is the soul stone for early Virgos. Virgos are perhaps the most discriminating of signs and would relish the fact that until recently, black opals came from only a few acres in Australia. The ancient Romans, seeing the rainbow colors of opals, believed them to be the bridge between heaven and Earth, but they especially desired the few poor-quality black opals (now believed to have been faked) held by the barbarians in Hungary. The finest grade of black opal was discovered on the island of Java, in Indonesia. For Virgos, only the best and only the real black opals will do. Members of the sign of service and help to others, Virgos gain strength and intensity and augment their own purity with black opals. This stone has been called the gem of hope, and, as such, offers a high level of consciousness for Virgos.

The power talisman for first-half Virgos is labradorite, the lovely iridescent stone that originated in Labrador. Like Geminis, Virgos are ruled by Mercury, and the quicksilver, peacock-hued labradorite is good for providing the mental swiftness Virgos need to accomplish all of their goals in life. This type of feldspar can reflect every color of the spectrum and help Virgos from becoming too task oriented—too focused on one thing. No one can work harder than Virgos, and labradorite can prevent exhaustion from overwork and can also ensure that early Virgos activate a variety of talents.

Magnetite, also known as lodestone, is the optimal heart stone for first-half Virgos. Another glittery, surface-changing rock, magnetite contains a lot of iron, and thanks to its common occurrence and adaptability, it is popular in jewelry. Virgos are associated with health, medicine, and nursing, and magnetite has become a good healing stone because of its magnetic qualities. If you are a Virgo, wear this stone and give it to people you love for good health and prosperity.

Virgo, Second Half: September 6-September 21

Virgos in this group celebrate iolite as their precious soul gem, which is associated with their ruling planet Mercury due to its crystalline composition of two dark and two light metallic elements. Iolite is named after the Greek word ios, meaning “violet.” Formed under enormous pressure in extremely high temperatures, iolite has a high vibration. The stone can help Virgos stay out of career ruts and achieve their true spiritual natures.

Tiger’s-eye, another iridescent gem, is the power stone for later Virgos, denoting strength and courage and perception. Virgos are great critics, missing no flaw, and tiger’s-eye can help them to have incredible vision and be able to see the wonderful possibilities in all things.

The heart stone for second-half Virgos is obsidian, a glinting black, extremely hard and tough natural glass formed by volcanic activity. Virgos are always helping other people and sometimes become vulnerable because of this. Using obsidian as home decoration can help them keep all of their energy from going to others and causing imbalance. Some obsidians have stripes; in ancient Mexico, where obsidian was plentiful, the striped variety was believed to prevent negative, or dark, magic. Virgos can be extremely self-critical, and having obsidian nearby can absorb their negativity and help turn it positive. This is an essential stone for the September-born!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Signs and Stones: Leo

Leo, First Half: July 22-August 5

Yellow diamond is a brilliant soul stone, befitting the king of the zodiacal wheel. Diamond is pure carbon and the hardest substance on Earth, and its name appropriately originates from the Greek word adamas, meaning “invincible.” Yellow diamonds represent the Sun, the ruling planet for Leos and the symbol of this sign’s high level of consciousness—true heart, great generosity, and incredible courage. Yellow diamond earrings will keep you Leos in balance.

First-half Leos can count zircon as their power stone. Beloved by early cultures, the brilliant zircon was believed to safeguard against poison and was thought to be a holy healer in India. In the early Roman Catholic church, it was held to be the sign of humility. For Leos, whose downfall can be pride, zircon can guard against this and keep the astrological Lions on an even keel.

Early-born Leos have a special heart stone in lesser-known vandanite, which can be a beautiful red orange or a glorious yellow gold. Vandanite is rich in lead and also vanadium, the mineral used to strengthen steel. Vandanite is formed at intense temperatures, which can be related to our Sun, a furnace in the heavens. For Leos, this unusual heart stone can help them deal with the pressure of a lot of attention, which Leos naturally attract with their vibrant and magnetic personalities. You should keep your heart stone at home and at work for optimum stability and inspiration.

Leo, Second Half: August 6-August 21

White diamond is the soul gem for late Leos. It is regarded as the purest of all the hard, pure- carbon crystals. Old cultures deemed this diamond a guard against harm and a bringer of great fortune and enlightenment. Gemologists sometimes refer to this stone as “of the first water,” in reference to its unmatched purity. The lion is the king of the beasts, and Leo the Lion is zodiacal royalty; white diamond is as hot as the Sun itself. Leos can use this rock in all jewelry to aspire to the greatness within it.

Heliodor, named for Helios, the Greek god of the sun, is the ultimate power stone for second- half Leos. Heliodor, a member of the beryl family, is the sunny yellow sister of the popular green emerald and blue aquamarine. It is formed under extremely high temperatures and pressures. Heliodor can help you Leos call upon your greatest qualities and talents and provide the impetus to go out and try to make your dreams come true!

The heart stone for later-born Leos is the most unexpected—sulfur, called brimstone in biblical times. Sulfur is a very dynamic rock; the crystals enlarge even by the heat of a hand that holds it. If you rub sulfur, it will give off a negative charge. A cluster of sulfur is a luminous mass of gold crystals and is quite beautiful despite the images its name may conjure. Obviously, sulfur is associated with fire and has been used for centuries in explosive materials such as gunpowder, fireworks and matches. Leo is a fire sign, and Leos can hold emotions in until they ignite and explode. Keeping sulfur at home can help Leos stay balanced and release their energy in healthy and positive ways.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Signs and Stones: Cancer

Cancer, First Half: June 21-July 4

Cancers are ruled by the Moon, so it is appropriate that moonstone is the precious soul stone for the individuals born in the first half of this sign. The most priceless of moonstones is adularia, named after the place it was first discovered—Adula, Switzerland. Moonstones have an opalescent sheen reminiscent of the Moon in the night sky. Adularia was special to early Europeans who believed it could improve the memory, help stop seizures, overcome a broken heart, and foretell the future. Wearing moonstone jewelry will put Cancers in tune with their lunar-influenced changeable natures, giving them strength and the wisdom of intuition.

Pearl is the power stone of great price for early Cancers. Pearls have a long and rich history; they were first written about in China 4,000 years ago and were celebrated in all the ancient cultures of the world after humankind first opened a shell and found the prize inside. Cancers are the great historians of the zodiac, and they have incredible memories. They are connected to pearls because of a common link with the ocean and the tides, which are regulated by Cancer’s ruler, the Moon. If you are a Cancer, honor your native element, water, by wearing pearls on occasion, but not constantly, and by decorating your home and work space with shells. This will help you stay secure, refreshed, and relaxed and help you avoid your great nemesis—worry.

Calcite, made up of many fossilized seashells, is the heart stone for first-half Cancers. Because the ocean makes up so much of the surface of the planet (and encompassed even more area in the first few million of Earth’s years), calcite is common, but there are many lovely specimens, such as Iceland spar, flos ferri, and nailhead calcite. Iceland spar is a beautiful clear type of calcite, and when you look at it from certain angles you can see a double image. Nailhead calcite shows many small, rounded circles of variegated colors. Flos ferri, maybe the most beautiful of the three calcite stones, boasts fragile, white, treelike branches that take on other colors when exposed to different minerals. Cancers, scatter this Moon-ruled rock all around your homes for grounding and healing.

Cancer, Second Half: July 5-July 21

Opal is the soul stone for later-born Cancers. Opals can’t be duplicated artificially due to the complicated nature of their patterning, varying hues, and play of color. The most precious of all opals feature a star, called an asterism. Opals are mysterious, just like Cancers, having much depth beneath their protective shells. The ancients exulted about opals; Pliny the Elder wrote, “For in them you shall see the living fire of ruby, the glorious purple of the amethyst, the sea- green of the emerald, all glittering together in an incredible mixture of light.” Cancer, you will come into your soul’s true purpose by wearing opal jewelry.

Red coral is the power stone for the second half of Cancer. It is formed by lime secreted by sea creatures to create their homes. One memorable old story associated with the oceanic gem is the ancient Greek belief that sea sprites stole Medusa’s severed head and took it to the bottom of the sea, and that each drop of her blood formed a red coral. The stone was believed to be healing and protective then, and it still is today. For Cancers, red coral is good for vitality and is a symbol of life and love and health. Wear red coral beads over your heart and you will immediately feel vibrant.

Desert rose, formed of cemented sand particles, is the heart stone for this group of Cancers. The Saharan Bedouin believed it was formed from the tears of women mourning for those who had died in battle. Desert rose is gypsum originating in lake bottoms that have become desert and comes in beautiful earth tones of red, yellow, gray, brown, and pink. For later Cancers, this heart stone helps contain and release emotions in a healthy, expressive way. Decorate your bedroom, your inner sanctum, with desert rose for a soothing and calming effect.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Signs and Stones: Gemini

Gemini, First Half: May 20-June 4

Orange sapphire has long been associated with communication, specifically the telling of truths. As a soul stone, it can help early-half Geminis achieve the mastery of communication that is their karmic due. Sapphires are the hardest of gems after diamonds. In India of old, the orange sapphire was prized beyond any other; it was called padparadscha, the Sanskrit word for lotus blossom. The Chaldeans associated this stone with this sign after observing the orange tint of the planet Mercury, the ruler of Gemini.

Moss agate, quartz with a plantlike pattern caused by metallic crystalline grains, is the power stone for first-half Geminis and represents the dualism of this sign of the Twins. The ancients actually thought the dark green markings inside the stone were fossilized moss. They used moss agate for water divining, so it was especially sacred to farmers. It is associated with the metal-rich planet Mercury and makes a great grounding stone for members of this air sign, who need to keep their feet on the ground.

The heart stone for early Geminis is staurolite, named from the Greek word staurus, which translates to “cross.” Staurolite forms a natural crucifix because of the way the iron molecules in the stone line up. Bright red is one of the colors associated with Geminis, and staurolite most commonly appears in this vibrant color, causing it to be mistaken for garnet. This stone can help Geminis align with their true purpose, so they will benefit from keeping it at their bedsides or on their desks.

Gemini, Second Half: June 5-June 20

Cat’s-eye, the lovely golden yellow gem, is the special soul stone for late-born Geminis. The ancient Greeks, who called this crystal cymophane, meaning “waving light,” believed this stone guarded against danger to the soul and the body. The iridescent surface of the stone causes it to appear in different colors; the shade depends on the angle from which the cat’s-eye is being seen. This mutable stone reflects back to Geminis their changeable nature and helps them to acknowledge their quicksilver personalities and to grow from that deep recognition. Geminis, wear a cat’s-eye ring and see your soul reflected back at you.

Late Geminis can count on the garnet known as Transvaal jade, or grossular, for their power. People most often think of garnets as red stones of great clarity, but this specimen is opaque and a beautiful bright green. Under certain light, it appears as a blazing yellow color. This ability to change color symbolizes the dual nature of the June-born. Originating many millions of years ago in the deep core of the earth, Transvaal jade contains many metals in its makeup, a fact that also corresponds to the Gemini nature of having so many different qualities and talents. Wearing this garnet can awaken hidden talents in Geminis and bring them to the fore.

Geode, which usually comes in two split halves, is the ideal heart stone for later-born Geminis, but they must have both halves to help integrate the two parts of their nature and make for a complete, whole person. Geodes are formed from old volcanic bubbles and are usually solid agate outside with a center of gorgeous amethyst, opal, or rock crystal. If you are a Gemini, I recommend keeping one of the geode halves at home on your altar or in a special spot where you can see it every day and the other half at your place of work, to reflect and connect the two parts of your nature.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Signs and Stones: Taurus

Taurus, First Half: April 19-May 2

Emerald is the soul stone for those born in the first half of this luxury-loving and Venus-ruled sign. Tauruses are frequently very good with managing wealth and investments, so it makes sense that emeralds are the color of money. If you are an early-born Taurus, you would do well to obtain an emerald and wear it to work and to the bank for enhancing energy.

The power stone for this group is another gorgeous green stone, malachite, which alsocorresponds to the planet Venus. An earthy rock, it is befitting for this earth sign of the zodiac and has many magical tales to its credit. A malachite heart pendant or paperweight is perfect for early Tauruses.

Pyrite, or fool’s gold, is the heart stone for people in this family, who, again, tend to be bankers and money managers. Stunning and shiny, pyrite has a hardness of six, the number sacred to Venus. Pyrite brings great luck to early Tauruses along with abundance and an atmosphere conductive to joy. Delight everyone at work by keeping a chunk of fool’s gold on your desk.

Taurus, Second Half: May 3-May 19

Andalusite is the precious soul stone here, a magically metamorphic crystal. Tauruses are deeply rooted to the earth, and andalusite represents that elemental energy through its range of colors, from earthy black to clear and watery. In fact, andalusite comes in nearly all the colors of the rainbow (yellow, green, red, purple, brown, and gray), manifesting another Venusian quality—glamour.

Jadeite, the power stone for later Tauruses, also comes in many colors. Jadeite is a symbol for abundance and permanence. Jadeite rings with a lovely tone when struck, representing the natural musical talent possessed by members of this sign. A jadeite bracelet, ring, or bowl is essential for the May-born.

Tauruses in this group have a most whimsical heart stone, the Irish fairy stone. This is a mutable crystal made up of several elements: bluish galena, clear quartz crystal, yellow sphalerite, and pyrite. While Irish fairy stone is composed of these different stones, it has its own unique qualities of endurance and stability. This stone brings many blessings to the May Tauruses.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Signs and Stones: Aries

Each astrological sign is associated with at least one precious gem, or soul stone; one power stone; and one heart stone. The most precious gem for each sign is another kind of birthstone, the jewel marking entry into the world—a guide for your life, if you will. Power stones are lucky omens, and heart stones are the more affordable of crystals, so we can all afford to keep them in our homes, on our desks, and in our bedrooms. I highly recommend them as altar crystals.

Aries, First Half: March 20-April 3

Pink diamond is the soul stone of choice for early-born Aries. Among the rarest of all diamonds, pink diamonds became a huge fad in late 2002, when actor Ben Affleck gave one to lady love Jennifer Lopez as her engagement ring. They are both Leos, but no matter! Aries babies are ruled by the planet Mars. The finest-quality pink diamonds usually come from Western Australia.

A secondary precious-crystal stone for this part of Aries is the pink sapphire, also rare. Sunstone is the power crystal for these Aries folks. Appropriately red with an iridescent glow, sunstone is a gold-flecked good-luck charm for the Mars-ruled. Jasper and heliotrope are the other power stones for this part of the year. These red rocks will amp up your lust for life. The heart stones for these zodiac pioneers are dolomite, rose quartz, and cinnabar. So, Aries, put a rose quartz by your bedside for self-esteem, self-love, and spiritual comfort.

The Star of our Solar System

We started out as sun-worshippers on this planet, and the Sun is the center of our planetary system, as Copernicus, my birthday mate (we were both born on February 19), pointed out long ago. Composed of hydrogen and helium, our fantastic and fiery Sun is actually a midsize and rather ordinary star in the whole scheme of things. An impressive 870,331 miles in diameter, the Sun is 300,000 times the size of Earth. Its gravitational pull affects all bodies within a range of nearly 400,000 miles, which is why Earth and all the other planets circles it so loyally. The temperature at the Sun’s core has been estimated at seventeen million degrees centigrade, and at its surface, 5,5000 degrees.

Astrologically, the Sun is linked with the sign Leo the Lion. Naturally, fire is the element of our Sun. Around old Sol, all the planets rotate, pulled by the gravitational force of the star. Each of the astrological signs and their corresponding stones has a planetary influence.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Rings of Rejuvenation

Gemstones and crystals have transformative powers and magic that has been worked with since olden days. Bring birthstone blessings into your life by using these Rings of Rejuvenation.

Sapphire has violet energy. Worn on the first Saturday of the month on the middle finger of the right hand two hours before sunset, the stone is said to be a curative for kidney ailments, epilepsy, tumors, and sciatica.

Diamond, which contains rays of indigo light, is good for maintaining the health of the eyes and nose, managing asthma and laziness, and maintaining sobriety, especially if worn on the right pinkie on Friday during the waxing moon.

Emerald has green light rays and can help with the heart, ulcers, cancer, asthma, and influenza. Wear emerald on the right pinkie on Wednesday two hours after dawn.

Pearls radiate orange rays and operate as a curative if worn on Monday morning by the individual afflicted with insanity, diabetes, colic, or fever.

Topaz has blue rays and helps with laryngitis, paralysis, hysteria, scarlet fever, and assorted glandular disorders if worn on the right ring finger on Thursday mornings.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Birthstone Blessings

Sit in a comfortable position with your birthstone placed in a bowl or dish in front of you. Think

about the blessings in your life and gifts your particular stone offers. What are you grateful for at this

moment? There is a powerful magic in recognizing all that you possess and in having an attitude of 

gratitude. Breathe steadily and deeply, inhaling and exhaling slowly for twenty minutes. As you meditate, 

send the positive energy into the bowl containing your personal gem. Now, the birthstone blessings are 

there any time you need them.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Birthstones and Astrogemology

Birthstones are very special stones that have traditionally been correlated with every month of the year. Hallmark didn’t invent the concept of birthstones, however; it came from the Bible! In Exodus chapters 28 and 39, there is much discussion about a burnished and stone-set breastplate of the High Priest of the Hebrews. Here is the biblical description of the breastplate:

And he made the breastplate, artistically woven like the workmanship of the ephod, of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen. They made the breastplate square by doubling it; a span was its length and a span its width when doubled. And they set in it four rows of stones: a row with a sardius, a topaz, and an emerald was the first row; the second row, a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond; the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper. They were enclosed in settings of gold in their mountings. There were twelve stones according to the names of the sons of Israel: according to their names, engraved like a signet, each one with its own name according to the twelve tribes. (NKJV, Exod. 39:8-14)

These twelve stones from the famous breastplate became linked with the twelve signs of the zodiac, resulting in our cherished modern tradition of birthstones. The long history of birthstones has many more chapters, but an important point to know is that your birthstone is yours by divine right and birthright. I know I was thrilled when I found out amethyst was mine, even though it was ranked as semiprecious. All I knew was that it was purple, my favorite color.

What you need to know about your birthstone is that it is a major power source for you. You should have at least one piece of jewelry made from your birthstone, and treat it as the special stone it is. You should also keep this sacred personal stone around in other forms as well. I have a candleholder made of a large amethyst geode on my mantelpiece surrounded by candles. Just lighting the candle immediately calms and centers me. I realize you can’t do that with diamonds, although Herkimer diamonds can be substituted nicely. If you are a January Capricorn, for instance, and your birthstone is garnet, you can have an entire set, or parure, of garnet jewelry—rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces—for the fullest expression of birthstone power. Surround yourself with your birthstone energy and you will feel at peace, filled with well-being from your gem-fired glow.

Here is the classic list of birthstones by month.

  • JANUARY: garnet, a stone symbolizing a light and loyal heart and lasting affection
  • FEBRUARY: amethyst, a sexy and sensitive stone; Cleopatra’s royal ring
  • MARCH: aquamarine, long known as a soothsayer’s stone, and bloodstone, long known as the martyr’s stone
  • APRIL: diamond, the traditional engagement ring, which represents the power of love
  • MAY: emerald, a lovely green stone of protection
  • JUNE: pearl, moonstone, and alexandrite—all moon and sea stones powered by water
  • JULY: ruby, the most highly prized gem of all and a symbol of the essence of life
  • AUGUST: peridot, the ancient symbol of the sun, and sardonyx, an intelligence-enhancing stone
  • SEPTEMBER: sapphire, a true blue gem that represents the purity of the soul
  • OCTOBER: opal, said to contain the beauty of all other gems, and tourmaline, a stone of inspiration
  • NOVEMBER: topaz, a stone of royalty, named for the Sanskrit word for fire
  • DECEMBER: turquoise, which brings luck, and zircon, the traveler’s stone

Mixing Crystals

Here are some tips about stones not to mix together in jewelry, as their energies cancel each other out:

    -Carnelian counteracts amethyst, as it connects more strongly with the body.

    -Lapis lazuli stimulates the mind, and blue lace agate relaxes it.

    -Lapis lazuli and turquoise are also opposites, although I can’t help but notice that this didn’t stop the         Egyptians from using them together!

    -Turquoise dampens the energy of malachite.

    -Diamonds and turquoise have such different energies that they conflict.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Magic Metals: Brass, Bronze, & Platinum


Brass is the result of combining copper and zinc. You may be surprised to learn that brass has been used successfully to treat hair loss! Healers favor it as a detoxifier and cleanser for people who have too much metal in their bloodstreams. Brass is also a strengthening alloy for the body and supports gems and crystals in their energies and abilities to interact in a positive way with your body. The iron content in the brass is what makes it a real stabilizer. The healing and protective powers of brass are enhanced if it is worn as a brooch in the shape of a dog, falcon, or snake.

Brass is a wealth attractor and has often been used as a shiny substitute for the much more costly gold. The ancients loved placing their gems in brass for the way it made the beautiful colors really stand out.


Bronze is also an alloy of zinc and copper and has the same healing power as brass but with one exception—bronze is said to give greater strength of character. My favorite aspect of bronze is that it helps folks conceive of and achieve their goals.


Platinum is an extremely precious metal and makes for a very special setting for gems and jewels. Careful consideration must be given to what crystals are placed into a platinum setting, as they need to have energies that can stand up to the high energy of this metal. Diamonds have a strong enough brilliance, and their power is enhanced when set in platinum. Ruby, tourmaline, sapphire, and emerald are other good choices for platinum settings.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Written in Stone

Gems and crystals can give us messages and warnings or powers of persuasion and perception. Here are a few examples:

    -A fossil or a gem containing a fossil, such as amber, will lengthen your life span.

    -Jasper carved into the shape of an arrow will be a magnet for good luck.

    -If your malachite jewelry chips or breaks, beware! It is warning you of danger.

    -Malachite gives great success to salespeople. Keep a malachite crystal in the cash register and wear it         during trade shows, presentations, and meetings.

    -Moonstone is the dieter’s power stone and helps maintain youthful appearances and attitudes.

    -Serpentine worn around a new mother’s neck helps her flow of milk.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Magic Metals: Copper

This is the metal most consciously worn as a healer, as evidenced by the many copper bracelets you see on wrists. If worn on the left side of the body, copper is thought to have the power to actually prevent sickness. The latest fad I’ve noticed has golfers embracing copper to help strengthen their wrists to improve their swings. Healers place their faith in copper’s power to heal the body and mind based on its power as a conductor. Copper supports and reinforces the mineral content of gems and crystals so they interact better with your body. One school of thought propounds the belief that a crystal wand wound with copper is super-powered. You will notice that some of the healing rocks discussed in this book have copper as a trace element, which greatly amps up their power. Some of these copper-ore gemstones are azurite, chrysocolla, malachite, and turquoise. Copper reacts best with stones containing a lot of metal and reacts very little with stones that lack metal ore in their makeup. Tiger’s-eye, aventurine, rhodonite, and mica are metal-rich stones whose energies combine beautifully with copper. Do not place most crystalline stones in copper; the same holds true with pearls and coral. Amethyst is one of the only crystalline stones that will work well with copper. Copper also cooperates with gold and silver, and a multi-metal bracelet with the right stone is a powerful piece for healing!

Copper is found around the world and has been utilized since ancient times for tools, for decoration, and for jewelry. It has played a significant role in the cultures of the Greeks and Romans, Native Americans, Egyptians, and peoples in India, China, and Japan. Copper, which is ruled by Venus, was believed to be able to protect against evil and is said to attract love, especially if set with emeralds. The Egyptians relied upon copper for the ritual of burying the dead. Copper is deeply ingrained in our human history for its use as sacred knives, candleholders in early churches, Asian prayer diagrams, purification vessels, and countless other holy instruments.

This metal stimulates the flow of energy throughout the body and also the mind. Anyone who suffers from lethargy should wear copper to get out of his or her rut. That reminds me—where are my copper bracelet and wand? Copper is believed to be a helpmate to the body’s blood, soft tissue, immune system, metabolism, and mucous membranes. It has also been credited with being a purifier, lending feelings of freedom and possibility, and having positive effects on self- esteem, communication skills, and confidence levels. Even better, it is known as a lucky metal, and you’ll be twice as lucky if you combine it with cat’s-eye, coral, opal, or Apache tear. Quite frankly, who could ask for anything more?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Sowing the Seeds of Change

Nature is the ultimate creator. Get an array of seed packets, and plant newness in your life. If your thumb is not the greenest, I suggest nasturtiums, which will grow in any soil and seem to thrive on neglect.

On a new-moon day, draw a square in your yard or planter with a natural wand—a willow branch or an oak stick, for example—and mark each corner with a candle and a stone:

    -orange candle and stone for higher intelligence (onyx or jasper),

    -green candle and stone for creativity and growth (jade, peridot, or malachite),

    -blue candle and stone for serenity and goodness (lapis lazuli, turquoise, or celestite),

    -white candle and stone for purification (Herkimer diamond, quartz, or limestone).

Repeat this chant as you light each candle:

    “Great Gaia, I turn to you to help me renew,

    Under this new moon and in this old earth. Blessed be.”

Poke the seeds under the soil with your fingers and tramp them down with your wand. Gently water your new-moon garden, and affirmative change will begin that very day.