This little spell will take you far inside yourself. It will greatly empower you and instill in you a much deeper understanding of who you are and what you are here to do. Each of us is as individual as a snowflake, and our souls are imprinted with a stamp of specialness. The closer you get to the revelation of your soul’s mission, the more you will know why you are here, and more importantly, what you are here to do. While the preparation takes a bit of time, the incantation is 5 minutes of pure magic.
Gather together
* compass
* 1 votive candle
* pine essential oil
* a 1 quart (1 liter) glass jar
* incense
Timing: The best time to perform this spell is during the new moon, when the night sky is at its darkest.
Go outside and find a solitary space in which you can cast a circle. Use the compass to find true north. When you feel comfortable and safe to begin, cast a circle of energy in the center of the circle. Anoint your candle with the essence of pine, a tree that stays strong, green, and alive all through the winter. Place the candle in the glass jar and light it, setting both carefully and securely on the ground. Then light the incense with the flame of the candle and stick it into the ground beside the votive candle. Breathe slowly and deeply; make yourself mindful that you are here in the darkest night, celebrating the sacred. As you breathe, look at the majesty of nature and the world around you. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Listen to the silence that encompasses you. Now open your heart completely to the awesome power of the universe and the magic both inside and outside of you. Touch your third eye, the chakric place in the center of your forehead. With your eyes closed, speak aloud this rhyme:
Here beneath the moonless sky,
I open my heart and wonder why I am here.
Tonight, I will learn
The reason why I yearn
To serve the Goddess and the God.
This night, I’ll hear the reason
I serve this darkest winter season.
Guardians, I call on you now!
Remain at the center of the circle and keep your eyes closed. You may hear an inner voice, or you may hear an outer voice right beside your ear. Listen calmly, staying centered with your two feet on the ground. You will know when it is time for you to seal the circle and leave with your new message and mission. When you move, you will initiate the closing of the circle. Thank the guardians as you close the sacred space, being sure to leave everything exactly as you found it. Incense, jar, compass, candles, and matches all leave with you.
When you return home, write your message on a slip of paper and place it on your altar, where it will be hidden from any eyes but yours. Place the candle, jar, and any remaining incense on your altar and burn it for a few minutes each dark moon night.
Final thought: You may also want to begin a special journal of your thoughts, inspirations, and actions regarding the message you received. You have now embarked on an exciting new phase of your life’s journey. Your journal will help you as you make discovery after discovery. Your journal may evolve into a Book of Shadows, or it may one day become a book like this!
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