Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Symbolic Inscriptions: A Spell to Connect with Your Subconscious

If you wish to make direct contact with your unconsciousness, here is a way to see through the veil between the two worlds and enter the recesses of your mind.

At any herbal store or metaphysical shop, obtain dry mugwort leaves and dried patchouli, as well as some wormwood if possible. The latter is a bit harder to come by, but worth the try. It is the active agent in absinthe. 

Crumble any of these herbs between your hands until it is gently ground into an almost powdery consistency. Pour the herb into a baking pan. Make sure the crumbled herb dust is evenly spread over the surface of the pan. 

Light yellow candles (from your creativity altar) and close your eyes. Take the forefinger of your left hand and touch the center of the pan. Run your finger back and forth in a completely random pattern—don’t think, just rely on your instincts for two minutes. Open your eyes, look at the pattern you have drawn, and write down what the symbols and designs bring to mind. Also write down the thoughts you were having while you were “drawing.” Some of my friends have found that they unconsciously wrote words, which they then used to start a poem or novel, or which generated an idea for a painting.

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