Friday, May 31, 2019

Crystal Clear (New or Waning Moon is Optimal)

Over  time,  you  will  doubtless  adorn  your  sacred  altar  space  with  many beautiful crystals.  Whenever you acquire a new crystal, you need to cleanse it.

Gather these elemental energies:
• A candle for fire
• A cup of water
• Incense for air
• A bowl of salt

Pass your crystal through the scented smoke of the incense and say:
Inspired with the breath of air

Pass the crystal swiftly through the flame of the candle and say:
Burnished by fire

Sprinkle the crystal with water and say:
Purified by water

Dip the crystal into the bowl of salt and say:
Empowered by the earth

Hold  the  crystal  before  you  with  both  hands  and  imagine  an  
enveloping, warm white light purifying the tool.

Now say:
Steeped in spirit and bright with light
Place the cleansed crystal upon your altar and say:
By craft made and by craft charged and changed, 
This crystal I will use for the purpose of good in this world.
In the realm of the gods and goddesses.
I hereby consecrate this crystal. 
Blessings to all, blessed be.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Moon Mojo: Clear A Space and Make It Yours (Waning Moon is Optimal)

To purify your space with as much of your own personal energy as possible, a broom you have crafted by hand is best. You don’t have to wait  until  you  are  holding  a  circle  or  performing  spellcraft;  it can be after a squabble with a loved one, to rid yourself of a bout of  the blues,  or  any  upset  you  need  to  sweep  right  out  of  your home. Many a kitchen witch begins the day with this simple ritual of  a  clean sweep  to  freshen  surroundings  and  to  make  room  for good energy in your life. This is, of course, not a white glove-type cleaning;  it  is  a symbolic  act  that  is  effective  in  maintaining  your home as a personal sanctuary.

You  can  make  your  own  purification  broom  from  straw  bound  together and attached to a fallen tree branch, or you can add mojo to a store-bought broom. Wrap copper wire around the bottom of your broom handle and also use it to bind straw to a sturdy stick or branch for the DIY kind. Venus-ruled copper lends an aura of beauty  and  keeps negativity  at  bay.  Attach  crystals  to  the  handle with glue to boost your broom’s power. Recommended crystal for space clearing and purification are as follows:

• Amber for good cheer
• Blue Lace Agate for tranquility and a peaceful home
• Coral for wellbeing
• Jet absorbs bad energy
• Onyx is a stone of protection
• Petrified Wood for security
• Tiger’s  Eye  will  protect  you  from  energy-draining  situations or  people
• Turquoise creates calm and relaxation

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Blowing in the Wind – A Charm (Waning Moon is Optimal)

When  the  moon  is  waning,  this  is  your  opportunity  to  release  anything that no longer serves in your life. We all need to embrace the winds  of  change  in    life,  clearing  away  the  old  and  making room for the new. This charm helps overcome upset and can help release anger and grudges. And isn’t this an important first step to happiness? What you’ll need: a  blustery day, access to the outdoors, basil and sage.

While it’s  not  mandatory  that  you  have  a  hill  for  this,  you  do  need an open area outside for happiness spells like this. It does need to be windy.

Take your herbs to your spot of choice with your back to the wind. Take the basil and sage and throw them up in the air as you visualize your problems blowing far, far away. Repeat this charm aloud:

No more fear and doubt and pain
Nothing to lose and only joy to gain.

Now, turn around and face into the wind. Speak aloud:

May the winds of change be kind to me
And bring about happiness and glee.
Stress-free and happy I will be.

Close  your  eyes  and  feel  the  breeze  on  your  skin  and  blowing  through your hair. Stand still for a few more moments, focused on the release of your problems and the acceptance of peace and the calm that lies ahead in your future. 

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Healing Power of Flowers

For centuries, flower essences have been used to heal many ills.
Image result for beautiful photos of flower essences]

While the health food shop versions are handy, they are also very spendy. You can make your own flower essences at home. Start by making a mother tincture– the most concentrated form of the essence – which can then be used to make stock bottles. The stock bottles are used to make dosage bottles for the most diluted form of the essence, which is the one you actually take.
What you will need to make a sun-infused essence:
 Fresh pure water or distilled water, 3 quarts
 Clear glass 2 ½ quart mixing bowl
 A dark green, blue or green glass 8 ounce sealable bottle
 Organic brandy or vodka
 Freshly picked flower specific to the malady being treated
 Clean, dry cheesecloth for straining.
Ideally, you begin early in the morning with your chosen flowers picked by 9 am at the latest. This all ensures three hours of sunlight before the noon hour, after which the sunlight is less effective, even draining.
Fill the bowl with the fresh water; to avoid touching them, gingerly place the flowers on the surface of the water, using tweezers or chopsticks very carefully add until the surface is covered. Let the bowl sit in the sun for three to four hours or until the flowers begin to fade.
Now, delicately remove the flowers, being careful not to touch the water. Fill your colored glass bottle with the strained flower essence water and top the other half off with the organic brandy or vodka (40% proof is advised to prolong the shelf life to three months if stored in a cool, dark cupboard.). This is your mother tincture; label it with the date and the name of the flower such as “Rose Water, July 14th, 2018.” Use any remaining essence water to the water the flowers you’ve been working with and murmur a prayer of gratitude for the beauty and healing power.
To make a stock bottle from your mother tincture, fill a 30ml dropper bottle 3/4 with brandy and 1/4 with spring water, then add three drops of the mother tincture. This will last at least three months and enable you to make lots of dosage bottles which are the ones you actually take.
To make the dosage bottle for any flower essence just add 2 or 3 drops of the stock bottle to another 30ml dropper bottle of 1/4 brandy and 3/4 distilled water. Anytime, you need some of this gentle medicine, place 4 drops of this under your tongue or sip in a glass of water 4 times a day or as often as you feel the need. You canʼt overdose on flower remedies, though more frequent, rather than larger, doses are much more effective.
Flower essences mixed with 30 millimeters distilled water can also be used as the following remedies:

Addiction: skullcap, agrimony
Anger: nettle, blue flag, chamomile
Anxiety: garlic, rosemary, aspen, periwinkle, lemon balm, white chestnut, gentian
Bereavement: honeysuckle
Depression: borage, sunflower, larch, chamomile, geranium, yerba santa, black cohosh, lavender, mustard
Exhaustion: aloe, yarrow, olive, sweet chestnut
Fear: poppy, mallow, ginger, peony, water lily, basil, datura
Heartbreak: heartsease, hawthorn, borage
Lethargy: aloe, thyme, peppermint
Stress: dill, echinacea, thyme, mistletoe, lemon balm
Spiritual blocks: oak, ginseng, lady’s slipper

Friday, May 24, 2019

Waning Moon Money Magic

To  attract  money,  fill  a  big  pot  with  fresh  water  and  place  it  on  your  altar  during  the  waxing  moon.  Pour  a  cup  of  milk  with  a  tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of ground clove into the pot as an offering. Toss handfuls of dried chamomile and mint into the cauldron. Say aloud:

I call upon you, gods and goddesses of old, to fill my purse with gold. I 
offer you mother’s milk and honey sweet.

With  harm  to  none  and  blessings  to  thee,  I  honor  you  for bringing  me  health and prosperity.

Place  the  offering  bowl  on  your  altar  and  leave  the  aromatic  mixture there to instill your kitchen with the energy of abundance. After four  hours  and  forty-four  minutes,  go  outside  your  home and  pour the  offering  into  your  kitchen  garden  or  into  the  roots of a shrub. Then bow in appreciation of the kindness of the gods and goddesses.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Happy Home Spell (Waning Moon Phase is Optimal)

To  anoint  your  home  and  turn  it  into  a  protective  shield  for  you and your loved ones, rub any of the following essential oils on your doorjambs: cinnamon, clove, dragon’s blood, myrrh. Walk through the door into your home and close it securely. Take the remaining  essential oils and rub a bit on every other door and window. Light anointed white candles and place them in the windows and chant the words of the spell:

My home is my temple.
Here I love and love, 
Safe and secure 
Both below and above.
And so it is by magic sealed.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

White Light of Love: A Waning Moon

To light the flower of love in your heart, time this charm for the waning of  a  New  Moon.  Place  a  green  candle  beside  a  white  lily,  rose or freesia. Make sure it is a posy of personal preference. White flowers have the greatest perfume and either of these beauties will impart your home with a pleasing aura. I like to float a gardenia in a clear bowl of fresh water, truly the essence of the divine. Light the candle and hold the flower close to your heart. Pray, 

Steer me to the highest light; 
guide me to beauty and truth.
Much have I to give.
Much have I to live.
Bright blessings to one and all.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Blessed Balm Spell (Waning Moon is Optimal)

Simmer  this  mixture  whenever  you  feel  the  need  to  infuse  your home and heart with the energies of protection. A waning moon is  the time  to  banish  old  negative  energy.  This  will  safeguard  you  and your  loved  ones  from  outside  influences  that  could be negative or disruptive. Set your intention and gather together the following herbs:

¼ cup rosemary 
1 teaspoon dill weed
4 bay laurel leaves
cup cedar
1 tablespoon basil
1 teaspoon juniper berries
1/8 cup sage

Mix your herbs together by hand. While you are doing this, close your eyes and visualize your home as a sacred place protected by a boundary of glowing white light. Add the herbs to a pan filled with simmering water. When the aromatic steam rises, intone:

By my own hand, I have made this balm;
This divine essence contains my calm.
By my own will, I make this charm;
This precious potpourri protects all from harm.
With harm to none and health to all, 
Blessed be!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Dispelling Blocks: Full Moon Incantation

Is  something  getting  in  your  way?  Do  you  feel  stalled  out  and  overcome    with    procrastination?    To    overcome    any    blocks    obstructing  your  creativity  and  productivity,  you  can  dispel  the  negative  energy  by  going  for  a  walk  in  the  nearest  park.  Find  a round, flat rock, six to ten inches wide. This will become an altar supplied  directly  to  you  by  Mother  Nature,  and  it  will  have  the  purest  energy.  Begin  by  charging  this  stone  on  the  full  moon  at   your  home  altar.  Light  a  white  candle  for  purification,  and  then  place your hand on the stone and chant three times:

Bad energy, take flight!
Goddess of Night, shine bright.
Moon of tonight, you give us delight.
Fill this stone with your light,
Imbue it with all your magic and might,
Surround it with your protective sight.
So mote it be.

Ideally,  you’ll  want  to  perform  this  spell  three  times  on  three  consecutive full moons before you begin drawing upon its energy. Like your altar, your stone will be a reservoir you can turn to any time you feel  stuck  or  uninspired.  This  rock  will  emanate  with  a  quiet power you can draw from whenever you need.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Spring Full Moon: Invocation of the Flower Moon

This  dazzling  spring  Flower  Moon  is  an  optimal  opportunity  to  strive for the new, to initiate a phase of transformation that will last long after the Full Moon has waxed into darkness. This invocation honors the season, planting seeds of positive change in your life to bloom for years to come. Start by gathering red and green apples, candles of the same colors, and seed corn from a gardening store, along with three stalks of lavender and three long strands of night-blooming jasmine. Leave these offerings on your altar all day. 

When the Full Moon of May reaches the highest point in the night sky, light one red and one green candle on your kitchen altar. Wind the jasmine  and  lavender  into  a  crown  for  the  top  of  your  head,  breathing in the lovely scent the flowers produce. Holding an apple in each  hand,  speak  this  spell  while  circling  the  altar  clockwise three times.

Moon of Flowers; light the way to change tonight,
Through the power of Earth and Air, Water and Fire.
As I bite this fruit of knowledge, I am thus inspired.
All possibilities are before me. And so it is.

Eat  from  both  apples  until  you  are  fully  satisfied,  and  then  bury  twelve  corn  seeds  and  the  cores  in  the  rightmost  corner  of  your  garden.  With  the  spring  rains  and  summer  sun,  your  intentions will flower into being. By the fall full moon, you will harvest the bounty of change from this spell, with great gratitude.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Stone Cold Magic: Your Crystal Conjuring Shrine

By building a stone shrine, altar, or power center in your home, you can create  a  place  for  daily  conjuring,  rituals,  and  thinking.  This will set the stage for you to focus your ideas and make them grow. Having a shrine in your home allows you to rid yourself of personal  obstacles  and  invite  friendly  spirits.  Your  shrine  will  spark  your  inner  flame  and  bring  daily  renewal.  The  more  use  an  altar  gets,  the more energy it builds, making your spells even more effective.

Create  your  shrine  on  a  low  table  covered  in  a  white  scarf.  Set  rainbow  candles  in  an  arc  and  then  add  black  and  white  candles.  Place   a   heatproof   bowl   containing   amber   incense   (good   for   creativity  and  healing),  and  place  it  in  the  center  of  the  rainbow,  surrounded  by  quartz.  You  should  also  keep  a  stick  of  sage  or  a  seashell on your altar for cleansing the space every day.

Prosperity  stones  should  be  placed  to  the  far  left  on  the  altar,  in  the money corner. Romance crystals should sit to the far right on the altar. The  rest  of  your  altar  should  consist  of meaningful,  personal  symbols.  They  should  reflect  your  spiritual  aspirations.  I  keep   fresh wildflowers in a vase, a statue of a goddess, abalone shells, a  magnetite obelisk, and a rock-crystal ball on my altar. An obelisk  or pyramid  on  your  altar  can  be  used  for  writing  out  desires  and wishes.  You  can  use  just  about  anything—photos  of  loved  ones,  religious images, and so forth.

With your altar, you can create a bridge between your outer and inner worlds. It can even be a place where you commune with the deepest and most hidden parts of yourself. An altar is where you can honor the rhythms of the season and the rhythms of your own life. An altar is a touchstone, a place to see the sacred and incorporate it  into  your  life  each  and  every  day.  It  can  be  your  special  corner  of  the  world  where  you  can  rest  and  connect  with  your  spiritual center. Creating and augmenting your altar every day is one of the most soul-nourishing acts you can do.

Following  is  a  comprehensive  overview  of  different  crystals  and  
what their presence on your altar will mean:

Altar    Crystal:    amazonite,    aventurine,    carnelian,    chrysolite,    
chrysoprase, citrine, green tourmaline, malachite, yellow fluorite
What They Mean: Creativity

Altar Crystal: amethyst, azurite, celestite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, 
selenite, smoky quartz, sodalite, star sapphire, yellow calcite
What They Mean: Intuition

Altar  Crystal:  amethyst,  magnetite,  rhodochrosite,  rose  quartz,  
twinned rock crystals
What They Mean: Love

Altar   Crystal:   bloodstone,   carnelian,   citrine,   dendritic   agate,   
diamond, garnet, hawk’s-eye, moss agate, peridot, ruby, tiger’s-eye, 
topaz, yellow sapphire
What They Mean: Prosperity

Altar Crystal: amber, apache tear, chalcedony, citrine, green calcite, 
jade, jet, smoky quartz
What They Mean: Protection

Altar  Crystal:  azurite,  chalcedony,  chrysocolla,  green  tourmaline,  
hematite, rutilated quartz, tiger’s-eye
What They Mean: Self-Assurance

Altar     Crystal:     amber,     aventurine,     blue     jade,     dioptase,     
Herkimer  diamond,  jasper,  kunzite,  moonstone,  onyx,  peridot,  
quartz, rhodonite
What They Mean: Serenity

Altar Crystal: carnelian, obsidian, quartz, selenite, sodalite, topaz
What They Mean: Success

Altar  Crystal:  agate,  aventurine,  bloodstone,  calcite,  chalcedony,  
citrine, dioptase, emerald, garnet, orange calcite, ruby, topaz
What They Mean: Vigor

Altar  Crystal:  emerald,  fluorite,  Herkimer  diamond,  moldavite,  
serpentine, yellow calcite

What They Mean: Wisdom

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Archangel Protection Rite: Angelica Hex Breaker (Waxing or Full Moon)

Whenever you are going through a hard  time or have fears for your family, try this ritual. Angelica, also called the “Heavenly Guardian  Flower,” is said to first  bloom on Archangel Michael’s name day. This positive plant is part of the carrot family and is a tall, hollow-stemmed plant with umbrella-shaped clusters of pale white flowers, tinged with green. Candying the stalks in sugar was an old-fashioned favorite, and  was also traditionally used to cure colds and relieve coughs. Nowadays, seeds are used to make chartreuse, a digestive and uniquely tasty liqueur. This guardian flower is a protector,  as one might expect for a plant  associated with archangels, and is used to reverse curses, break hexes and fend off negative energies. Drying and curing the root is a  traditional talisman, and it can be carried in your pocket or in an amulet to bring a long life. Many a wise woman has used angelica leaves in baths and spellwork to rid a household of dark spirits. If the bad energy is  intense, burn  the angelica  leaves with  frankincense to exorcise them from your space. While you are protecting yourself and your home from negativity during this angelica smudging session, you will also experience  heightened psychism. Pay close attention to your dreams after this; important messages will come through.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Peace and Healing Potpourri (Waxing or Full Moon)

Sometimes, we all need a quick fix and this is exactly what this herbal mélange can do for you. Draw some fresh water and simmer this mixture on your stove whenever you feel the need to infuse your space with protection or do an energetic turnaround from negative to  positive.  A  bad  day  at  work,  family  squabble,  an  unfortunate incident  in  your  neighborhood:  instead  of  just  muddling  along,  
you  can  do  something  about  it  and  your  creation  of  the  positive will  help  you  and  your  loved  one  as  well  as  your  neighbors.  This powerful potpourri will also safeguard from outside influences that can be disruptive. Set your intention and gather these herbs from your stores:

• 7 cinnamon sticks
• ¼ cup rosemary
• 4 Bay laurel leaves
• 1/8 cup sage
• 1 teaspoons juniper berries

Mix the herbs together by hand. While you are sifting, close your eyes and visualize your home protected by a boundary of glowing white light. Imagine the light running throughout you to the herbs in your hand,  charging them with the energy of safety, sanctity and protection. Add the herbs to slowly simmering water and breathe in the newly charged air. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Ritual Herbs: Using Mother Nature's Magic

Refer to this list whenever you are setting up your altar and setting your intention for ritual work.

  • Benzoin can be used for purification, prosperity, work success, mental acuity, and memory.
  • Camphor can be used for healing, divining the future, curbing excess, especially romantic obsessions, and a surfeit of sexuality.
  • Cinnamon refreshes and directs spirituality. It is also handy for healing, money, love, lust, personal power, and success with work and creative projects.
  • Clove is good for bringing money to you, for protection, for your love life and for helping evade and deter negative energies.
  • Copal is good for love and purification.
  • Frankincense is another spiritual essence that purifies and protects.
  • Lavender is a plant for happiness, peace, true love, long life and chastity. It is an excellent purifier that helps with sleep. 
  • Myrrh has been considered since ancient times to be deeply sacred. It aids personal spirituality, heals and protects, and can help ward off negative spirits and energies.
  • Nutmeg is a lucky herb that promotes good health and prosperity and encourages fidelity.
  • Patchouli stimulates and grounds while engendering both sensuality and encourages fidelity.
  • Peppermint is an herb of purification, healing, and love. It supports relaxation and sleep as it helps to increase psychic powers.
  • Rosemary is good for purification, protection, healing, relaxation and intelligence. It attracts love and sensuality, helps with memory, and can keep you youthful.
  • Sage brings wisdom, purification, protection, health and a long life. It can help make your wishes come true.
  • Sandalwood is a mystical, healing, protecting essence that helps attract the objects of your hopes and desires and disperses negative energies and spirits.
  • Star anise is a lucky herb that aids divination and psychism.
  • Tonka bean brings courage and draws love and money.
  • Vanilla brings love and enriches your mental capacity.
  • Wood aloe is good for dressing or anointing talismans and amulets you want to use for protection.
amulets you want to use for protection.