When you feel pain somewhere in your
body, it is a small voice that needs to be listened to. It could be old energy
that needs to be released or a blockage or imbalance.

I was in a hit-and-run
auto accident where I was hit by a drunk driver who plowed through a red light
and totaled my car, and very nearly me. As I hit the brake, my foot and ankle
were shattered, rather like a porcelain teacup thrown with great force. The
doctors wanted to amputate my leg, but I managed to talk them out of it. I had
to learn to walk again, but I can walk and even dance and run again after lots
of physical therapy and healing. But nowadays whenever I hit the brake too
hard, I feel pain because my body remembers. The tissue and bones old the
memory imprint of that awful day and the terrible trauma.
Crystals have very mild and serene ways
of tranquilizing negative energy and releasing the pain. In my case, I ever so
gently rub the crystal across my ankle. (Carnelian works well because it is
said to be good for healing bones, but quartz can also serve the purpose.) The
stone feels cool and calming as the pain dissipates. I can also visualize the
pain going into the crystal, and the crystal forming a prism that contains the
pain. At first, this was very frightening for me, but I found that rose quartz
helped me deal with my fear. I placed the rose quartz over the heart area, the
solar plexus, and as the crystal touched upon the heart chakra, I felt the fear
dissolving while the pain gradually lessened. Turquoise and carnelian are also
good for this.
I once had a copper bracelet set with
onyx, coral, and turquoise from a Cherokee reservation that was so effective at
treating wrist pain that it finally disintegrated from overuse. Copper is
unmatched for dealing with edema, the swelling and inflammation that can be
caused by arthritis, repetitive stress injuries, sports-related soreness, and
many other issues.
Malachite has a lot of the mineral
copper in it, so a pendant, ring, or bracelet with malachite can be a great
agent for pain reduction. Iron-rich magnetite is another pain absorber.
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