Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Birthstones and Astrogemology

Birthstones are very special stones that have traditionally been correlated with every month of the year. Hallmark didn’t invent the concept of birthstones, however; it came from the Bible! In Exodus chapters 28 and 39, there is much discussion about a burnished and stone-set breastplate of the High Priest of the Hebrews. Here is the biblical description of the breastplate:

And he made the breastplate, artistically woven like the workmanship of the ephod, of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen. They made the breastplate square by doubling it; a span was its length and a span its width when doubled. And they set in it four rows of stones: a row with a sardius, a topaz, and an emerald was the first row; the second row, a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond; the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper. They were enclosed in settings of gold in their mountings. There were twelve stones according to the names of the sons of Israel: according to their names, engraved like a signet, each one with its own name according to the twelve tribes. (NKJV, Exod. 39:8-14)

These twelve stones from the famous breastplate became linked with the twelve signs of the zodiac, resulting in our cherished modern tradition of birthstones. The long history of birthstones has many more chapters, but an important point to know is that your birthstone is yours by divine right and birthright. I know I was thrilled when I found out amethyst was mine, even though it was ranked as semiprecious. All I knew was that it was purple, my favorite color.

What you need to know about your birthstone is that it is a major power source for you. You should have at least one piece of jewelry made from your birthstone, and treat it as the special stone it is. You should also keep this sacred personal stone around in other forms as well. I have a candleholder made of a large amethyst geode on my mantelpiece surrounded by candles. Just lighting the candle immediately calms and centers me. I realize you can’t do that with diamonds, although Herkimer diamonds can be substituted nicely. If you are a January Capricorn, for instance, and your birthstone is garnet, you can have an entire set, or parure, of garnet jewelry—rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces—for the fullest expression of birthstone power. Surround yourself with your birthstone energy and you will feel at peace, filled with well-being from your gem-fired glow.

Here is the classic list of birthstones by month.

  • JANUARY: garnet, a stone symbolizing a light and loyal heart and lasting affection
  • FEBRUARY: amethyst, a sexy and sensitive stone; Cleopatra’s royal ring
  • MARCH: aquamarine, long known as a soothsayer’s stone, and bloodstone, long known as the martyr’s stone
  • APRIL: diamond, the traditional engagement ring, which represents the power of love
  • MAY: emerald, a lovely green stone of protection
  • JUNE: pearl, moonstone, and alexandrite—all moon and sea stones powered by water
  • JULY: ruby, the most highly prized gem of all and a symbol of the essence of life
  • AUGUST: peridot, the ancient symbol of the sun, and sardonyx, an intelligence-enhancing stone
  • SEPTEMBER: sapphire, a true blue gem that represents the purity of the soul
  • OCTOBER: opal, said to contain the beauty of all other gems, and tourmaline, a stone of inspiration
  • NOVEMBER: topaz, a stone of royalty, named for the Sanskrit word for fire
  • DECEMBER: turquoise, which brings luck, and zircon, the traveler’s stone

Mixing Crystals

Here are some tips about stones not to mix together in jewelry, as their energies cancel each other out:

    -Carnelian counteracts amethyst, as it connects more strongly with the body.

    -Lapis lazuli stimulates the mind, and blue lace agate relaxes it.

    -Lapis lazuli and turquoise are also opposites, although I can’t help but notice that this didn’t stop the         Egyptians from using them together!

    -Turquoise dampens the energy of malachite.

    -Diamonds and turquoise have such different energies that they conflict.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Magic Metals: Brass, Bronze, & Platinum


Brass is the result of combining copper and zinc. You may be surprised to learn that brass has been used successfully to treat hair loss! Healers favor it as a detoxifier and cleanser for people who have too much metal in their bloodstreams. Brass is also a strengthening alloy for the body and supports gems and crystals in their energies and abilities to interact in a positive way with your body. The iron content in the brass is what makes it a real stabilizer. The healing and protective powers of brass are enhanced if it is worn as a brooch in the shape of a dog, falcon, or snake.

Brass is a wealth attractor and has often been used as a shiny substitute for the much more costly gold. The ancients loved placing their gems in brass for the way it made the beautiful colors really stand out.


Bronze is also an alloy of zinc and copper and has the same healing power as brass but with one exception—bronze is said to give greater strength of character. My favorite aspect of bronze is that it helps folks conceive of and achieve their goals.


Platinum is an extremely precious metal and makes for a very special setting for gems and jewels. Careful consideration must be given to what crystals are placed into a platinum setting, as they need to have energies that can stand up to the high energy of this metal. Diamonds have a strong enough brilliance, and their power is enhanced when set in platinum. Ruby, tourmaline, sapphire, and emerald are other good choices for platinum settings.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Written in Stone

Gems and crystals can give us messages and warnings or powers of persuasion and perception. Here are a few examples:

    -A fossil or a gem containing a fossil, such as amber, will lengthen your life span.

    -Jasper carved into the shape of an arrow will be a magnet for good luck.

    -If your malachite jewelry chips or breaks, beware! It is warning you of danger.

    -Malachite gives great success to salespeople. Keep a malachite crystal in the cash register and wear it         during trade shows, presentations, and meetings.

    -Moonstone is the dieter’s power stone and helps maintain youthful appearances and attitudes.

    -Serpentine worn around a new mother’s neck helps her flow of milk.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Magic Metals: Copper

This is the metal most consciously worn as a healer, as evidenced by the many copper bracelets you see on wrists. If worn on the left side of the body, copper is thought to have the power to actually prevent sickness. The latest fad I’ve noticed has golfers embracing copper to help strengthen their wrists to improve their swings. Healers place their faith in copper’s power to heal the body and mind based on its power as a conductor. Copper supports and reinforces the mineral content of gems and crystals so they interact better with your body. One school of thought propounds the belief that a crystal wand wound with copper is super-powered. You will notice that some of the healing rocks discussed in this book have copper as a trace element, which greatly amps up their power. Some of these copper-ore gemstones are azurite, chrysocolla, malachite, and turquoise. Copper reacts best with stones containing a lot of metal and reacts very little with stones that lack metal ore in their makeup. Tiger’s-eye, aventurine, rhodonite, and mica are metal-rich stones whose energies combine beautifully with copper. Do not place most crystalline stones in copper; the same holds true with pearls and coral. Amethyst is one of the only crystalline stones that will work well with copper. Copper also cooperates with gold and silver, and a multi-metal bracelet with the right stone is a powerful piece for healing!

Copper is found around the world and has been utilized since ancient times for tools, for decoration, and for jewelry. It has played a significant role in the cultures of the Greeks and Romans, Native Americans, Egyptians, and peoples in India, China, and Japan. Copper, which is ruled by Venus, was believed to be able to protect against evil and is said to attract love, especially if set with emeralds. The Egyptians relied upon copper for the ritual of burying the dead. Copper is deeply ingrained in our human history for its use as sacred knives, candleholders in early churches, Asian prayer diagrams, purification vessels, and countless other holy instruments.

This metal stimulates the flow of energy throughout the body and also the mind. Anyone who suffers from lethargy should wear copper to get out of his or her rut. That reminds me—where are my copper bracelet and wand? Copper is believed to be a helpmate to the body’s blood, soft tissue, immune system, metabolism, and mucous membranes. It has also been credited with being a purifier, lending feelings of freedom and possibility, and having positive effects on self- esteem, communication skills, and confidence levels. Even better, it is known as a lucky metal, and you’ll be twice as lucky if you combine it with cat’s-eye, coral, opal, or Apache tear. Quite frankly, who could ask for anything more?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Sowing the Seeds of Change

Nature is the ultimate creator. Get an array of seed packets, and plant newness in your life. If your thumb is not the greenest, I suggest nasturtiums, which will grow in any soil and seem to thrive on neglect.

On a new-moon day, draw a square in your yard or planter with a natural wand—a willow branch or an oak stick, for example—and mark each corner with a candle and a stone:

    -orange candle and stone for higher intelligence (onyx or jasper),

    -green candle and stone for creativity and growth (jade, peridot, or malachite),

    -blue candle and stone for serenity and goodness (lapis lazuli, turquoise, or celestite),

    -white candle and stone for purification (Herkimer diamond, quartz, or limestone).

Repeat this chant as you light each candle:

    “Great Gaia, I turn to you to help me renew,

    Under this new moon and in this old earth. Blessed be.”

Poke the seeds under the soil with your fingers and tramp them down with your wand. Gently water your new-moon garden, and affirmative change will begin that very day.