We all have unexpected expenses that come out of the blue—car repairs, medical bills, or helping a loved one in need. I had the latter with my family and had to reach deep into my coffers to heed the call. When you need to recover quickly financially, this coin spell will fill the bill, literally.
Gather together
* athame
* 3 gold (or yellow) candles
* frankincense or myrrh incense
* 3 yellow or gold-colored crystals, such as tiger’s eye, amber, citrine, yellow jade, or another favorite of yours
* 3 pieces of yellow- or gold-colored fruit, such as yellow apples or oranges
* 13 coins of different denominations
* a green or gold jar with a lid
Timing: Perform this spell on the evening of a new moon or during a waxing moon phase.
Make a quickie temporary altar wherever you pay your bills and handle your money—maybe it is your desk or perhaps the kitchen table. Use your athame to create the circle of magic in this soon-to-be-sacred space. Place the candles, incense, crystals, and fruit on the temporary altar and arrange them into three groups so each group contains a crystal, piece of fruit, and candle. Light your candles and the incense. One by one, take the coins in your hand and pass them through the incense smoke. Place the coins in the jar. Now take the crystals in your hand and pass them through the smoke, then place in the jar and seal. Pick up one piece of fruit at a time and touch to your third eye (in the middle of your forehead). Pray aloud:
This offering I make as my blessing to all,
Comfort and earthly gifts upon us shall fall.
Fill my coffers with silver and gold.
In this time of great need, I will be bold.
For the good of all, young and old.
Fill my coffers with silver and gold.
And so it is.
Extinguish the candles and incense and place on your altar for future use, as well as the vessel containing the coins. When you go to sleep, dream of everyone you love, including yourself, receiving a harvest of material and spiritual wealth.