Thursday, February 29, 2024

Money-attraction Herbs

As a kitchen witch and gardening enthusiast, I am always seeking to learn more about how the power of herbs, plants, roots, and flowers can be used in the craft. Grow your wealth, literally, with these handy herbs.

* Allspice berries bring good luck: Gather seven berries and place in a small pouch to carry in your pocket or purse for a week. On the seventh day, place the berries in your fireproof dish and burn them with cinnamon incense while making your wish for whatever you want.

* Basil is a major herb of abundance as well as love. Drop a few fresh basil leaves on the floor of your kitchen and sweep them out of your home with your magical broom while speaking this charm: “Scarcity is out the door; no longer will I be poor. Health and wealth, be here now. Harm to none, so mote it be.”

* Cinnamon has come to be called the “Sweet Money Spice” and this delightfully scented herb is a bringer of luck and will make a business more prosperous. Sprinkle a dash of ground cinnamon on the threshold of your front door, store, or business and watch the wealth walk in!

* Cloves are herbs of good fortune and even help in gambling. They also bring people together and bind them. If you need to turn your luck around, use cloves in spellwork as an herbal element or in incense or potpourri to create energy of abundance.

* Ginger root can speed up any magic. You can grind up the dried ginger root into powder; adding this to your money-attraction spells will bring the funds much sooner. Ginger tea brings money your way, briskly!

* Nutmeg is another spice beloved by gamesmen and gamblers. Carry a whole nutmeg in your pocket and your luck will improve the same day.

* Thyme is a common herb that will attract money to your home. Every time you cook with it you are drawing abundance and wealth toward you. Drink thyme tea for a quick fortune turnaround and fast money magic with this spell, “It is time for money to come my way; good luck is mine. Money thyme is mine with blessings for all.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Set Your Intention to Be a Master Manifestor

I learned the art of intention-setting some years ago and quickly incorporated it into my morning rituals. Upon waking, sometimes even before I open my eyes, I set my intention for the day—it only takes a minute! It can be about work, financial challenges, a problem I am dealing with, relationships, health, hopes and dreams— anything, as long as it is also for the good of all. It has become a morning prayer for me, quick and quiet. I simply state my intention, such as, “I intend that my presentation today at work will go really well and I will feel joy as it is happening and set the stage for success for this product launch, for the good of all. I am grateful for this wonderful day. And so it is.” During the peak of my money woes, I would get very specific and set intentions for the exact amount of money I needed to make the mortgage payments, pay credit card bills, etc. Granular detail is good when manifesting so it is fine to say how much you want when intending with money.

Keep these other tips in mind:

    * Avoid using words with any negative charge to them, such as “can’t,” “but,” and “won’t,” and amplify     your intention with a statement of gratitude immediately after.

    * Always state your intention as if it is happening now and not in the future. Be specific and intend             without limit.

    * Your intentions do not always have to be personal to you and intending for the greater good of all             contributes to a positive global shift.

    * By setting intentions every day, you will soon become a master manifestor. I intend that for you!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Prosperity Intention

I had a very scary financial situation in 2008, right before the “credit crunch,” which became known as The Great Recession. I had moved in with my fiancé and we bought a home together at the very edge of San Francisco with a teeny Pacific Ocean view. He worked in tech and his earnings were much more than mine but we never gave it a second thought. It was a modest home but we loved it and I threw myself into gardening, sowing herb beds, arranging sacred shrines and all the lovely aspects of Wiccan nesting.

He passed away unexpectedly before our marriage and before the shock of that even subsided, I was hit with bills for funeral arrangements, house payments, hospital bills, and myriad unforeseen expenses that left me close to broke and going underwater on the mortgage. I was deep in grief but knew I had to get myself out. I needed to sell the house as quickly as possible, find an affordable place to rent in the San Francisco Bay Area, pack up and move and also earn more money.

In times like these, group magic is called for. I asked a group of girlfriends who had been very supportive during all the “travails if they would meet with me once a week for Intending. They were happy to help and curious, too. The first time we met, we all set an intention for a desired outcome or need—I couldn’t help but notice that all their intentions were more achievable than mine—and brought potluck food to share.

We began our group ritual by going round the circle and stating our gratitude for all we do have in our lives.

Next we each set our intention regarding our desired need or outcome. Kara said, “I need a free bookcase for my baby’s books and toys. I ask this for the good of all. And so it is.”

Our circle was a small and loving group of five women so it took less than 5 minutes for us to set our individual intentions. Afterward, I spoke my deep thanks for their support and we shared the food.

The next morning, I got a call from Kara. She said, “You are not going to believe this but I walked outside of our apartment building and there was a bookcase. It looks new and it’s white and exactly what I had in mind. Wow, that intending stuff really works!” Kara is exactly right. The group magic of setting intentions that are good for you and also for everyone on the planet really does work. It took a month but I got everything on my list, too. Goddess is good. Friends are great.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Prosperity Pouches: DIY Charm Bags

A charm bag is a little bag or pouch filled with objects charged with magic for a specific intent. You can charge the objects with magic by placing them on your altar for 24 hours or, for a 5-minute fix, use spellwork, as suggested here.

Gather together

    * 12 inches (30cm) green cord or string

    * 1 green candle

    * thyme or cinnamon incense

    * a small muslin or cloth bag/pouch (that could fit in the palm of your hand)

    * bolline

    * 1 cinnamon stick

    * 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves

    * 3 pebble-size crystals of green jade, peridot, or turquoise

Set the cord or string aside and place all the other items on your altar. Stand at your altar and light the candle and incense. Pick up the pouch and smudge it in the sweet smoke of the incense while saying the following spell:

    My life is blessed and this I know.

    Into this bag, prosperity will flow.

    I see the future is bright wherever I go,

    My life is blessed; this much I know.

    With harm to none; so mote it be.

Using your bolline, cut the cinnamon stick into 3 pieces. Cut the green cord or string into 3 pieces. Place the basil, crystals, and cinnamon into the pouch. Now take the pieces of green cord and, one at a time, tie the end of the bag securely. Keep it with you in your pocket and into your life, money will flow.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Money Flow: Feng Shui Fountain

Water fountains are good feng shui and can enhance your prosperity quotient. For those of us who can’t pull off a fountain in our home or garden, this works just as well to get the money flowing.

Gather together

    * at least 8 small, smooth river rocks

    * a large green bowl or tall vase

    * enough water to fill the container

    * your prosperity wand

Stand in the front door area of your home and identify which is the far-left corner. This is the prosperity area and, therefore, the perfect place for this ritual. Place the smooth river rocks in the bottom of the bowl or vase and carefully pour in the water so you avoid spilling any. Take up your wand and speak aloud:

    In the name of the Goddess, I dedicate this space.

    Peace and prosperity flows throughout this place.

    Everyone here will enjoy abundance and grace.

    With harm to none. So mote it be.

Gently stir the surface of the water with your wand so it swirls and circles. Repeat the spell, then bow and say thank you to the energies of abundance.

Remove the stones from the vessel and pour the water onto the roots of the nearest tree or one of your larger potted plants, ideally right outside your home. Keep the stones in the far left corner of your home for continual good feng shui. This will keep the flow of abundance in your personal space.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Artemis, Goddess of the Healing Moon

Artemis is one of the best-known goddesses and, as it turns out, is one of the most needed as she is a healing divinity. She is the Greek goddess of the moon. In her Roman form, Diana, she is the deity to whom Dianic witches and priestesses are devoted. She is a bringer of luck, the goddess of the hunt, and a powerful deity for magic and spellwork. As the huntress, she can help you search out anything you are looking for, whether it is tangible or intangible. As a lunar deity, she can illuminate you. Invoke Artemis when you want to practice moon magic, by saying aloud “I call upon you, beloved Artemis.” I suggest you study her mythology further to design original lunar ceremonies. Enshrine her by dedicating an altar or sacred space to her to bring about any of her marvelous qualities and to bring about healing.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Goddess of Healing: Artemis Invocation

Creating a healing altar will safeguard your physical health and that of your loved ones. Your altar is your sacred workspace. It is charged with your personal power. Set up your healing altar facing north, the direction associated with the energy of manifestation. North is also the direction of the hour of midnight, the “witching hour,” and an altar set up facing north at midnight promises potent magic. Your shrine to the healing craft should be highly personal and represent all that signifies wellness to you.

This altar is dedicated to the goddess Artemis (see right).

Gather together

    * white fabric

    * 2 green candles, for health, in green glass holders or votive glasses

    * a small statue of Artemis, or a moon-shaped symbol to represent her

    * incense such as sandalwood, camphor, or frankincense

    * healing crystals and objects that bring comfort

To ensure healthful beginnings, drape the white fabric over your altar to make a tabula rasa, or altar equivalent to a blank slate. Take the candles and position them in the two farthest corners of the altar. Place the Artemis statue at the center of the altar. Place an incense burner between the two candles and light the incense.

Now adorn your altar with objects that symbolize healing energy to you. You may perhaps choose a candleholder carved from a chunk of amethyst crystal, which contains healing properties; an abalone shell with the iridescent magic of the oceans; a sweet-smelling bundle of sage; a small citrus plant bursting with the restorative power of vitamins; or a bowl of curative salts from the sea.

These symbolic items, and any others that you select, will energize your altar with the magic that lives inside you. It is also important that the altar be pleasing to your eye and “makes you feel good when you look at it so that you want to spend time there each and every day. After you have been performing rituals there for a while, a positive healing energy field will radiate from your altar.