Thursday, November 25, 2021

Lavender and Mint Energy Cleanser: Clearing Vibrational Clutter

In order to do any ritual work, you must first clear the clutter that can create blocks. Banish the old, bad energy from your house by following this spell. Make your energy-clearing tea by bringing four cups of water to a full rolling boil; remove from heat and add in four sprigs of fresh lavender and four sprigs of fresh mint. If it is winter and there is no access to fresh herbs, one tablespoon each of dried lavender and dried mint will do nicely. Steep the herbal tea covered for at least four minutes or as long as ten minutes if there is a lot of energetic clutter. Once it cools, dip your finger in the tea and sprinkle it throughout your home. If you feel the need to clear out any remaining clouds of psychic clutter, add diluted lavender mint tea water to your cleanser when you wash floors or surfaces. The scent of calm and clarity will lift the spirits of all who enter your space.

Herbal Clutter Busters

Sweetgrass: Native Americans have burned braided sheaves of sweetgrass for centuries. It is so scentful, it can even be wafted around as a wand to clear “energy without lighting it. Native folks also brew a tea from it to use as an astringent body and hair rinse; you can do this by steeping a tablespoon of the dried chopped sweetgrass for five minutes in a standard teapot or two cups of boiling water. It is also used as an adornment either woven into braids or as a crown. They go by the philosophy that “strong hair means a strong mind.” This power herb cleanses both body, soul, and your home, but its highest use is for rituals when you burn it to call forth the ancestors and send away anything unwanted.

Copal: Mexican and South American tribal healers and modern shamans gather this tree resin to employ as ceremonial incense throughout the year. You can still smell the sweetly pungent smoke of copal on the Day of the Dead as it helps us connect with our ancestors and loved ones who passed to the other side. While burning it is part of the ritual, it is also believed by shamans and healers to help tap into the spiritual realm. Copal also has the power to bring about total relaxation. As with other resins, burn it on a small disc of incense charcoal, which can be acquired at your local spiritual supply shop or botanica.

Palo Santo: This dried wood plays an important role in South American cultures, where it is burned to clear spaces of bad energy. It also activates a higher power in those who use it. Smelling the scent of Palo Santo clears out psychic clutter and purifies both you and your environment. It is said it literally burns away negative thoughts in your mind, a deeply powerful experience.

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