Thursday, September 28, 2023

Crown Chakra Tonic for Insight


This magical hair tonic will clear your mind, awaken your senses, and open your crown chakra (the energy point at the top of your head), preparing the way for telepathic insight.

Gather together

    * 2-ounce (55ml) squeeze bottle

    * 4 drops rosewood essential oil

    * 2 tablespoons rosemary essential oil

    * a palmful of plain unscented hair conditioner

Timing: Ideally, perform this ritual when the sun or moon is in the truth-seeking signs of Gemini or Sagittarius for greatest effect.

Combine the oils and conditioner in the bottle. Shake well and pour onto your freshly shampooed hair while singing:

    Sweetness, born of Rose,Fly me on the wings of dreams.

    We are made of sacred earth, purest water, Sacred fire, wildest wind.

    Blessing upon me. Blessing upon thee.

    So mote it be.

At the very least, you will have visions and great clarity. You might even realize your true destiny. Wear your new wisdom gloriously, like a crown.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Getting Grounded in Yourself: Chakra Centering Visualization


The best way to prepare for personal ritual is to center yourself. I call this “doing a readjustment,” and I believe this is especially important in our overscheduled and busy world. Doing a readjustment helps pull you back into yourself and gets your priorities on track again. Only when you are truly centered can you do the genuine inner work of self-development that is at the core of ritual.

Centering takes many forms. Experiment on your own to find out what works best for you. My priestess pal Kat, for example, does a quick meditation that she calls “the chakra check-in.” The chakra system comprises energy points in the astral body, an energetic aura attached to your physical body that is associated with various endocrine glands in the physical body. My friend closes her eyes and sits lotus-fashion (with her legs crossed, feet on thighs—but if you are on a bus or about to attend a meeting, you can do this centering exercise just sitting down, feet on the floor—and visualizes the light and color of each chakra. She brings to mind each chakra and mentally runs energy up and down her spine, from bottom to top, pausing at each chakra point. After she does this a few times, a soothing calm surrounds her. I have seen her perform her “chakra check-in” at trade shows and in hotel lobbies, surrounded by the hubbub of many people. She is an ocean of calm at the center of a storm. By working with your chakras, you can become much more in touch with your body and soul.

The root chakra is at the base of your spine and is associated with passion, survival and security, and the color red.

Above it is the sacral chakra in the abdominal region, which corresponds to such physical urges as hunger and sex, and the color orange.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with personal power, and the color yellow.

The heart chakra is the emotional center, for all strong feelings from love and happiness to the opposite. It is also associated with spiritual development, the higher self, and the color green.

The throat chakra is considered the center of communication, and is blue in color.

The third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead and is associated with intuition, and the color indigo.

The crown chakra at the very top of your head is your connection to the universe, and is violet in color.

Prior to performing a ritual, try this centering exercise. Take a comfortable sitting position and find your pulse. Keep your fingers on your pulse until you feel the steady rhythm of your own heart. Now begin slowly breathing, in rhythm with your heartbeat. Inhale for four beats, hold for four beats, and then exhale for five beats. Repeat this pattern for six cycles. People have reported that although it seems hard to match up with the heartbeat at first, with a little bit of practice, your breath and heartbeat will synchronize. Your entire body will relax as you are filled with calm.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Embody the Goddess of Life: Venus Rising Invocation

 Coconut milk creates a rich, moisturizing bath and leaves skin silky smooth. Ylang ylang is a heady, exotic scent that is lightened and heightened by the citrusy note of the orange.

Gather together

  • 2 drops ylang ylang essential oil
  • 3 drops orange essential oil
  • 1 can (14fl oz/400ml) of coconut milk

Timing: Both Venus-ruled Taurus and Libra sun and moon signs are very romantic, making them the perfect times for this goddess invocation.

Combine the essential oils with the coconut milk and add to a tubful of warm water.

Pray aloud to Venus:

Goddess of love and grace,

Bringer of all we so enjoy.

Fill both me and this space

With felicity, peace, and joy.

With harm to none, so mote it be.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sensual Soak: Scorpio Moon Rite

Moon in Scorpio is the time to explore bodily pleasures. Sandalwood, amber, and vetiver are all rich, earthy scents that combine well together.

Gather together

  • 5 drops sandalwood essential oil
  • 5 drops amber essential oil
  • 2 drops vetiver essential oil
  • ½ cup (90g) Epsom salts
  • ½ cup (70g) baking soda

Combine the essential oils with the Epsom salts and stir in the baking soda. Mix well to create a richly scented paste. You can use a couple of different ways: either slather it onto yourself and shower off with a loofah and thick washcloth or, and this is my favorite way to soak up this earthly pleasure, roll it into a ball after you mix it and place under the faucet as you are running a hot bath. The entire room will smell like paradise. Soak it all in, lie back, and enjoy this fully.

If you want to keep this for the future or give as a thoughtful gift, you can store in a lidded container or roll into bath bombs and let them dry on wax paper or paper towels. This recipe can make three palm-size bath bombs. Note: you will be asked for more!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Awaken the Imagination: Age of Aquarius Spell


Often, our state of mind grows restless when life becomes too routine. Inspiration and imagination will remedy this instantly.

Gather together:

  • 1 green candle
  • 1 yellow candle
  • an amethyst crystal
  • a green apple
  • a small pine branch

Timing: Check your favorite celestial calendar to plan this spell for when the moon is in the sign of brilliance, Aquarius.

At one hour before midnight, place the two candles on your altar. Next to them, place the crystal, apple, and pine branch.

At 11:11 pm, hold the apple in the palm of your right hand and speak the following spell while circling the candlelit altar clockwise four times:

    Sun and moon, awaken me tonight

    With the power of Earth and Air, Fire and Water.

    As I bite this fruit of knowledge, I am inspired.

    All possibilities are before me. And so it is.

Eat the apple, then bury the seeds in your garden or in a potted plant. You will walk on a path new with promise of anything you can imagine. Keep the crystal and pine on your altar for as long as you wish and they will spark inspiration every time you see them.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Sanctuary Spell: Rose-water Rite

 Three simple ingredients—a pink candle, a red rose, and water—can bestow a powerful steadying and calming influence. The rose signifies beauty, love for yourself and others, blossoming, budding, the earth, your heart, and peace. The candle stands for the yellow flame of the East, unity, harmony, focus, higher intention, and the light of the soul. Water is cleansing, free flowing, affects emotions, and stands for the West. This spell can be done alone or in a group where you pass the bowl around.

Timing: Sun or moon in Venus-ruled Libra is a sweet time to share this rite with those you care for.

Float a red rose in a clear bowl of water, and light a pink candle beside the rose. With the fingers of your left hand, gently stir the water and speak aloud this blessing:

    I give myself life and health, refreshing water for my spirit.

    I give myself time to rest, and space to grow.

    I am love. My heart is as big as the world.

    I am peace of mind. So be it, now and always.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Floral Fortification: Vesta’s Hearth Offering

The sign of Cancer is very much oriented toward love of home and family as well as security. Mixed dried flowers, otherwise known as potpourri, are now a popular household staple. It was a medieval custom to have them in the house, revived by the Victorians. Use different combinations for desired magical results; they help create sacred sanctuary space.

Gather together

  • 1 cup (20g) of dried rose petals
  • 1 cup (20g) of dried marigold
  • 1 cup (20g) of dried lily petals
  • a basket or bowl for the flower blend
  • clove essential oil
  • cinnamon essential oil

Timing: Either sun or moon in Cancer is a perfect time for this offering to the goddess of happy homes.

Put all the dried posies in the basket or bowl and sprinkle them with the essential oils. Place the mixture on the south point of your altar for the duration of a moon cycle. The sweet and spicy scent of the potpourri will spread a positive and protective energy to your home and your magical workings. A wreath of these same flowers with garlic cloves added will protect you from harm and illness. If you are a working witch, a small, sweet-smelling bowl of potpourri on your desk will provide constant comfort. If you have a fireplace, keep some on the mantle as an offering to the domestic goddess Vesta, she who keeps the home fire burning. When the scent has faded, burn it in your cast iron cauldron or a fireplace as an offering to her. Speak this invocation when making the offering:

    Vesta, goddess of home and hearth,

    Stand guard over this place I love.

    Keep safe the ones I love.

    This night, we breathe in peace.

    These flowers are my offering to you.

    So mote it be.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Gratitude Prayer Spell

Gratitude is not only uplifting but feels wonderful. There is powerful magic in recognizing all that you possess.

Timing: When moon or sun is in the sign of Taurus it is the time of prosperity and security. Time this ritual for a Thursday during that lunar or solar sign as Thursday is “Thor’s Day” and the day of abundance. It is also the perfect time to acknowledge the gifts of life.

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Think about your blessings. What are you grateful for at this moment? Breathe steadily and deeply, inhaling and exhaling slowly for a few minutes. Now pray aloud:

    Good gods and Goddess, giver of all the fruits of this earth,

    Thank you for all bounty, beauty, and well-being,

    Bless all who give and receive these gifts.

    I am made of sacred earth, purest water, sacred fire, and wildest wind.

    Blessings upon me. Blessings upon we and thee.

    So mote it be.

Record your blessings in a journal or in your Book of Shadows. You should perform this gratitude prayer spell periodically and look back at your blessings and reflect upon them. This is also a wonderful grace to say at the family meal to offer thanks for all we are given.