Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Altar Candles: Creating Your Power Center

An altar is a place of power—your personal power—where you can make magic. By building a stone shrine, altar, or power center in your home, you can create a sacred place for daily conjuring, rituals, and
thinking. This will set the stage for you to focus your ideas and make them grow. Having a shrine in your home allows you to rid yourself of personal obstacles and invite friendly spirits into your space. Your
shrine will spark your inner flame and bring daily renewal. The more use an altar gets, the more energy it builds, making your spells even more effective. It should be an expression of your deepest self, filled with artifacts that hold personal resonance. Allow your altar to be a work in progress that changes with the seasons and reflects your inner cycles. I recommend starting with a flat surface, one at least two feet across each way for the four directions of the compass. Perhaps you have a favorite antique table, at once simple and ornate. I have set up my altar to face north, long believed to be the origin of primordial energy and associated with manifestation. North is also the direction of the hour of midnight, the “witching hour,” and an altar set up facing north at midnight promises potent magic.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Written in Stone

Gems and crystals can give us messages and warnings or powers of persuasion and perception. Here are a few examples:

  • A fossil or a gem containing a fossil, such as amber, will lengthen your life span.
  • Jasper carved into the shape of an arrow will be a magnet for good luck.
  • If your malachite jewelry chips or breaks, beware! It is warning you of danger.
  • Malachite gives great success to salespeople. Keep a malachite crystal in the cash register and wear it during trade shows, presentations, and meetings.
  • Moonstone is the dieter’s power stone and helps maintain youthful appearances and attitudes.
  • Serpentine worn around a new mother’s neck helps her flow of milk.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Stress-Reducing Stones

Alexandrite will bring lots of zest. Feeling depressed, worried, and blue? Citrine or jet can banish dark days. Stressed out? Rhyolite races to the rescue as well.

Certain green stones, such as chrysocolla and malachite, calm the mind, and green-flecked bloodstone is a stress buffer.

If you want to be uplifted, try jade. To become wiser, pick sapphire. To stay safe while traveling, pick dendritic agate.

To remain calm and overcome stress, choose blue lace agate. For more mental clarity, choose malachite. For a self-esteem boost, try rhodonite.

Herkimer diamonds are powerful and bring great vitality and exuberance into your life. They can redirect stress away from you with their absorptive abilities. Placing these rocks in your bedroom will cause the stress to melt away and help you relax and feel safe.

Dioptase is a gorgeous gemstone that nearly matches the color of green emeralds but lacks a similar hardness, which lowers its marketplace value. It can be found in Peru, Chile, Russia, Iran, and some sites in Africa. The true value of dioptase lies in its ability to help anyone experiencing mental stress. It lends balance to male and female energies and acts as a stabilizer. As an energy stone, dioptase can activate and awaken every chakra, invigorating the mind, body, and spirit. If you want to be really different, wear dioptase, and you will fascinate admirers with this beautiful stone and find peace of mind in the process.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Mystical Crystal DIY: Parking Pendant

Hang a red jasper crystal attached to a string on your rearview mirror in your car and your parking problems will soon be over. When you need a spot, touch the jasper and saw, “Squat, Squat, find me a spot!” Remember to always give thanks to the parking gods and goddesses to remain in their favor.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Energy Management—You and Your Crystals

The first thing you need to do with a crystal is to charge it, which means syncing it up with your personal frequency and vibrations. You’re placing your desires and wishes into the vessel of the crystal. The crystal’s inherent energies will come into play with your personal power, and your intentions can be manifested, or made real, through the crystal.

The very first step in this process, however, is the dedication of the crystal toward the greater good of all beings. An essential part of this process is the cleansing of the crystal in order to purify its energy. Although this is a straight-forward task, it is of supreme importance for your use of the crystal down the road. If a gem or stone is not as effective as you had hoped, the problem could stem from the initial dedication. Think of this primary step as the honing and direction of the intention. Here is how: Simply hold the crystal in the palm of your right hand, and in your mind picture a glow of light surrounding the stone.

When the rock is completely enveloped by light in your mind’s eye, state out loud, “This crystal is only for exacting good of the highest order. In this stone of the earth, there is only love and light.” I like to leave the crystal out in the light of the natural orbs of the sun and the moon for a twenty-four-hour period for the maximum dedication of light and love from the universe and the heavens above as part of the purification process. But, if time is of the essence, you can move right on to step number two, charging the crystal itself.

All stones possess natural energies of their very own. You want to merge your energies with those of your crystals so that the crystals will be in sync with your vibratory channel. Remain mindful of the great power your stones have and you will be in a good position to work with it. Consider carefully what kind of energy you want to place into your crystal. Take a stone that has been cleansed by sitting in a bowl of sea salt overnight and in the light of the sun for a day. Sit in a comfortable position and hold the crystal in your right hand. Focus on the energy you desire your crystal to hold and project it into the stone. Bear in mind, the use of crystal magic should not be used solely for your purposes, but also for the greater good. Please make sure you’re projecting positive energy and not anger or hatred. You should ask aloud for your crystal to work together with you for the highest good. You are doing creative visualization here, so keep concentrating until you can see and feel the energy flowing into the stone. You will feel when the charging, or programming, is complete; your intuition will tell you.

While it is not the best-case scenario, you can charge a stone for someone else. For example, if you have a friend who is very ill and halfway around the world, you could charge the crystal with positive, healing energy and send it to your friend to help him. Ask the crystal to work for the highest good of this person and then release that crystal to him.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Rings of Rejuvenation

Gemstones and crystals have transformative powers and magic that has been worked with since olden days. Bring birthstone blessings into your life by using these Rings of Rejuvenation.

Sapphire has violet energy. Worn on the first Saturday of the month on the middle finger of the right hand two hours before sunset, the stone is said to be a curative for kidney ailments, epilepsy, tumors, and sciatica.

Diamond, which contains rays of indigo light, is good for maintaining the health of the eyes and nose, managing asthma and laziness, and maintaining sobriety, especially if worn on the right pinkie on Friday during the waxing moon.

Emerald has green light rays and can help with the heart, ulcers, cancer, asthma, and influenza. Wear emerald on the right pinkie on Wednesday two hours after dawn.

Pearls radiate orange rays and operate as a curative if worn on Monday morning by the individual afflicted with insanity, diabetes, colic, or fever.

Topaz has blue rays and helps with laryngitis, paralysis, hysteria, scarlet fever, and assorted glandular disorders if worn on the right ring finger on Thursday mornings.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Elemental Dragons and Spirits

Elemental Dragons 



Cardinal Points

Dragon Name



Land and Moonbeams



Clear Dark Green


Oceans and Rivers





Breezes and Wind








Pure Red

Light Side of the Soul





Dark Side of the Soul





Elemental Spirits


Spirit Name


Attracted By

Rulers Of


Gnomes or Trolls


Salts and Powders

Riches and Treasure


Nymphs or Undines


Washes and Solutions

Plants and Healings


Sylphs or Zephyrs


Oils and Incense

Knowledge and Inspiration




Fire and Incense

Freedom and Change

Monday, August 22, 2022

Wild Women

For your celebratory mask-making ceremonies, you can and should design your own wild woman images. You can also choose from a list of classical goddess images, such as:

  • Peacock Woman is Juno whose totem is the royally plumed bird
  • Winged Isis wears the sun disk on her head r Medusa has snakes for hair
  • Sphinx is an image of eternal mystery
  • Saints are holy women with halos
  • Mermaid goddesses wear tricorn crowns
  • Imps and some underworld goddesses have horns
  • Diana has the crescent moon on her head
  • Fairies have butterfly-like wings and antennae at times
  • Elves have pointed ears
  • Dryads are tree nymphs with leafy crowns
  • Anima Mundi, the “soul of the world,” has a crown of stars

Friday, August 19, 2022

Magical Intentions


The following words correspond to various planets and elements. See below to learn more.

Banishing: Saturn, fire

Beauty: Venus, water

Courage: Mars, fire

Divination: Mercury, air

Employment: Sun, Jupiter

Energy: Sun, Mars, fire

Exorcism: Sun, fire

Fertility: Moon, planet Earth

Friendship: Venus, water

Happiness: Venus, Moon, water

Healing and Health: Moon, Mars (to burn away disease), fire (the same), water

Home: Saturn, Earth, water

Joy and Happiness: Venus, water 

Love: Venus, water

Money and Wealth: Jupiter, Earth 

Peace: Moon, Venus

Power: Sun, Mars, fire

Protection: Sun, Mars, fire

Psychism: Moon, water

Sex: Mars, Venus, fire

Sleep: Moon, water

Spirituality: Sun, Moon

Success: Sun, fire

Travel: Mercury

Wisdom and Intelligence: Mercury, air

Thursday, August 18, 2022

God and Spirit Correspondences

The following lists and tables contain information on magical goals and their related deities.

Deities and Their Domains

Agriculture: Adonis, Amon, Aristaeus, Baldur, Bonus Eventus, Ceres, Consus, Dagon, Demeter, Dumunzi, Esus, Gahanan, Inari, Osiris, Saturn, Tammuz, Thor, Triptolemus, Vertumnus, Yumcaa, Zochipilli

Arts: Athena, Ea, Hathor, Odin, Thor

Astrology: Albion

Cats: Bast, Freya

Childbirth: Althea, Anahita, Bes, Camenta, Cihuatcoatl, Cuchavira, Isis, Kuan Yin, Laima, Lucina Meshkent

Communications: Hermes, Janus, Mercury

Courage: Tyr

Dreams: Geshtinanna, Morpheus, Nanshe

Earth: Asia, Consus, Daghda, Enlil, Frigga, Gaea, Ge, Geb, Kronos, Ninhursag, Ops, Prithivi, Rhea, Saturn, Sif, Tellus

Fertility: Amnu, Anaitis, Apollo, Arrianrhod, Asherali, Astarte, Attis, Baal, Bacchus, Bast, Bona Dea, Boucca, Centeotle, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Cybele, Daghda, Demeter, Dew, Dionysus, Eostre, Frey, Freya, Frigg, Indra, Ishtar, Ishwara, Isis, Kronos, Ono, Lulpercus, Min, Mut, Mylitta, Ningirsu, Ops, Osiris, Ostara, Pan, Pomona, Quetzalcoatl, Rhea, Rhiannon, Saturn, Selkhet, Sida, Tane, Telepinu, Telluno, Tellus Mater, Thunor, Tlazolteotl, Yarilo, Zarpanitu

Good Luck and Fortune: Bonus Eventus, Daikoku, Fortuna, Ganesa, Jorojin, Laima, Tyche

Healing: Apollo, Asclepius, Bast, Brigid, Eir, Gula, Ixlilton, Khnos, Paeon

Journeys: Echua, Janus

Law, Truth, and Justice: Astraea, Maat, Misharu, Themis

Love: Aizen Myo-O, Alpan, Angus, Aphrodite, Asera, Astarte, Asthoreth, Belili, Creirwy, Cupid, Dzydzilelya, Eros, Erzulie, Esmeralda, Fenrua, Freya, Frigg, Habondia, Hathor, Inanna, Ishtar, Kades, Kama, Kivan-Non, Kubaba, Melusine, Menu, Minne, Mamaja, Odudua, Olwen, Oshun, Prenda, Rao, Sauska, Tlazoletotl, Turan, Venus, Xochipilli, Zochiquetzal

Lunar Magic: Aah, Anahita, Artemis, Asherali, Astarte, Baiame, Bendis, Diana, Gou, Hathor, Hecate, Ilmaqah, Ishtar, Isis, Jacy, Kabul, Khons, Kilya, Lucina, Luna, Mah, Mama Quilla, Mani, Menu, Metzli, Myestaa, Nanna, Pah, Selene, Sin, Soma, Taukiyomi, Thoth, Varuna, Yarikh, Yerak, Zamna

Marriage: Airyaman, Aphrodite, Aryan, Bes, Bah, Ceres, Errata, Frigg, Hathor, Hera, Hymen, Juno, Patina, Saluki, Svarog, Thalassa, Tutunis, Vor, Xochipilli

Music and/or Poetry: Apollo, Benten, Bragi, Brigid, Hathor, Odin, Orpheus, Thoth, Untunktahe, Woden, Xolotl

Reincarnation: Hera, Khensu, Ra

Sea: Amphitrite, Benten, Dylan, Ea, Enoil, Glaucus, Leucothea, Manannan Mac Lir, Neptune, Nereus, Njord, Paldemon, Phorcys, Pontus, Poseidon, Proteus, Shoney, Yamm

Shapeshifting: Freya, Volkh, Xolotl

Sky: Aditi, Anshar, Anu, Dyaus, Frigg, Hathor, Horus, Joch-Huva, Jupiter, Kumarbis, Nut, Obatala, Rangi, Svarog, Tane, Thor, Tiwaz, Ukko, Uranus, Varuna, Zeus

Sleep: Hypnos (also see the list of deities who rule over dreams)

Solar Magic: Amaterasu, Apollo, Atum, Baldur, Bochia, Dazhbog, Helios, Hiruku, Horus, Hyperion, Inti, Legba, Lugh, Mandulis, Mao, Marduk, Maui, Melkart, Mithra, Orunjan, Paiva Perun, Phoebus, Ra, Sabazius, Samas, Sams, Shamash, Sol, Surya, Texcatlipoca, Tonatiuh, Torushompek, Utto, Vishnu, Yhi

Vengeance: Nemesis

Wealth and Prosperity: Daikoku, Jambhala, Kuber, Plutus, Thor

Weatherworking: Adad, Acolus, Agni, Amen, Baal, Bragi, Burlash, Catequil, Chac-Mool, Chernabog, Donar, Fomagata, Ilyapa, Indra, Jove, Jupiter, Kami-Nari, Koza, Lei-Kung, Marduk, Nyame, Perkunas, Pillan, Pulug, Quiateot, Raiden, Rammon, Rudra, Shango, Sobo, Summanus, Taki-Tsu-Hilo, Tawhaaki, Tawhiri, Tefnut, Thor, Thunor, Tilo, Tinia, Typhoeus, Typhon, Yu- Tzu, Zeus, Zu

Wisdom: Aruna, Athena, Atri, Baldur, Brigid, Dainichi, Ea, Enki, Fudo-Myoo, Fugen Bosatsu, Fukurokuju, Ganesha, Minerva, Nebo, Mimir, Oannes, Odin, Oghama, Quetzalcoatl, Sia, Sin, Thoth, Vohumano, Zeus 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Saturn’s Return

The rhythm of the planets in each of our charts is also a determining factor. One astrological factor that determines when a woman becomes a crone is when she reaches her second Saturn Return, which is when Saturn returns for the second time to the place it occupied when she was born. Usually, this occurs sometime between the ages of fifty-four and fifty-eight. Because Saturn is the planet of wisdom, it is also a “teaching planet.” Saturn moves slowly and gives us all time to grow into our wisdom. A good astrological natal chart can teach you much about yourself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A Full Moon By Any Other Name

Many of our full moon names come from medieval books of hours and also from North American Native Americana. Here are other, rarer names from these two traditions that you may want to use in your lunar rituals.

January: Old Moon, Chaste Moon

February: Hunger Moon

March: Crust Moon, Sugar Moon, Sap Moon, or Worm Moon 

April: Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Fish Moon

May: Milk Moon, Corn Planting Moon, Dyad Moon

June: Hot Moon, Rose Moon

July: Buck Moon, Hay Moon

August: Barley Moon, Wyrt Moon, Sturgeon Moon

September: Green Corn Moon, Wine Moon

October: Dying Grass Moon, Travel Moon, Blood Moon, Moon of Changing Seasons

November: Frost Moon, Snow Moon 

December: Cold Moon, Oak Moon 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Numbers: Numerology and Meanings

The following is based on the ancient Pythagorean system (on which modern-day numerology is based). If any number keeps appearing to you in various forms, pay attention to the meanings for that number.

One: Independence, new beginnings, self-development, oneness with life, individuality, progress and creativity

Two: A balance of yin and yang energies (the polarities) of the universe, self-surrender, putting others first, a dynamic attraction to one another, knowledge that comes from balancing the two opposites

Three: Trinity, mind-body-spirit, threefold nature of divinity, expansion, expression, communication, fun, self-expression, giving outwardly, openness and optimism (this number related to the Wiccan 3-by-3 law—whatever you send out, you will receive threefold)

Four: Security, foundations, four elements and the four directions, self-discipline through work and service, productivity, organization, wholeness

Five: Feeling free, self-emancipation, active, physical, impulsive, energetic, changing, adventuresome, resourceful, travel, curiosity, free soul, excitement, and change

Six: Self-harmony, compassion, love, service, social responsibility, beauty, the arts, generosity, concern, caring, children, balance, community service

Seven: Inner life and inner wisdom, seven chakras and seven heavens, birth and rebirth, religious strength, sacred vows, path of solitude, analysis, contemplation

Eight: Infinity, material prosperity, self-power, abundance, cosmic consciousness, reward, authority, leadership

Nine: Humanitarianism, selflessness, dedication of your life to others, completion, endings, universal compassion, tolerance, and wisdom

Master Numbers

In the Pythagorean tradition, master numbers were thought to have a special power and significance of their own.

Eleven: Developing intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual healing, other metaphysical faculties

Twenty-two: Unlimited potential of mastery in any area— spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental

Thirty-Three: All things are possible 

Thursday, August 11, 2022


This list can be useful when choosing candles for magical rituals or spells, tinting bath salts, or designing entire rituals around herbal products. Some differences of opinion do exist and color itself is a magical system. Use your instinct. Here is what each of the colors represents so that you can select the right ones for your magical ritual.

White: Protection, purification, peace, truth, binding, sincerity, chastity, happiness, exorcism, spirituality, tranquility

Red: Protection, strength, health, energy, vigor, lust, sex, passion, courage, exorcism, love, power

Black: Absorbing and destroying negativity, healing severe diseases, banishing, attracting money

Light Blue: Understanding, tranquility, healing, patience, happiness, overcoming depression

Dark Blue: Change, flexibility, subconscious mind, psychic perception, healing

Green: Finances, money, fertility, prosperity, growth, good luck, employment, beauty, youth, success in gardening

Gray: Neutrality, cancellation, stalemate
Yellow: Intellect, charm, attraction, study, persuasion,

confidence, divination, psychic power, wisdom, vision

Brown: Working magic for animals, healing animals, the home

Pink: Love, honor, fidelity, morality, friendship

Orange: Adaptability, stimulation, attraction, encouragement, all legal matters

Purple: Power, healing severe disease, spirituality, medication, exorcism, ambition, business progress, and tension relief 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Sun Sign Correspondences

Birth Date: March 21 to April 19
Sun Sign: Aries
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Diamond, amethyst, topaz, garnet, iron, steel
Color: Red

Birth Date: April 19 to May 20
Sun Sign: Taurus
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Coral, sapphire, emerald, turquoise, agate, zircon, copper
Color: Azure

Birth Date: May 20 to June 21
Sun Sign: Gemini
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Aquamarine, agate, amber, emerald, topaz, aluminum
Color: Electric blue

Birth Date: June 21 to July 22
Sun Sign: Cancer
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Opal, pearl, emerald, moonstone, silver
Color: Pearl, rose

Birth Date: July 22 to August 22
Sun Sign: Leo
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Diamond, ruby, gold, sardonyx, chrysoberyl
Color: Orange

Birth Date: August 22 to September 23
Sun Sign: Virgo
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Jade, rhodonite, sapphire, carnelian, aluminum
Color: Gray blue

Birth Date: September 23 to October 23
Sun Sign: Libra
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Opal, sapphire, jade, quartz, turquoise, copper
Color: Pale orange

Birth Date: October 23 to November 22
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Bloodstone, topaz, aquamarine, jasper, silver
Color: Dark red

Birth Date: November 22 to December 21
Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Lapis lazuli, topaz, turquoise, coral, tin
Color: Purple

Birth Date: December 21 to January 20
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Onyx, jet, ruby, lead, malachite
Color: Brown

Birth Date: January 20 to February 19
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Aquamarine, jade, fluorite, sapphire, zircon, aluminum
Color: Green

Birth Date: February 19 to March 21
Sun Sign: Pisces
Lucky and Protective Stones and Minerals: Amethyst, alexandrite, bloodstone, stitchite, silver
Color: Ocean blue 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Days, Planets, Colors, and Goals

Day: Sunday
Planet: Sun
Correspondence: Exorcism, healing, prosperity
Color: Orange, white, yellow
Incense: Lemon, frankincense

Day: Monday
Planet: Moon
Correspondence: Agriculture, animals, female fertility, messages, reconciliation, voyages
Color: Silver, white, gray
Incense: African violet, honeysuckle, myrtle, willow, wormwood

Day: Tuesday
Planet: Mars
Correspondence: Courage, physical strength, revenge, military honors, surgery, breaking negative spells
Color: Red, orange
Incense: Dragon’s blood, patchouli

Day: Wednesday
Planet: Mercury
Correspondence: Knowledge, communication, divination, writing, business transactions
Color: Yellow, gray, violet, all opalescent hues
Incense: Jasmine, lavender, sweet pea

Day: Thursday
Planet: Jupiter
Correspondence: Luck, health, happiness, legal matters, male fertility, treasure, wealth, employment
Color: Purple, indigo
Incense: Cinnamon, musk, nutmeg, sage

Day: Friday
Planet: Venus
Correspondence: Love, romance, marriage, sexual matters, physical beauty, friendships, partnerships
Color: Pink, green, aqua, chartreuse
Incense: Strawberry, rose, sandalwood, saffron, vanilla

Day: Saturday
Planet: Saturn
Correspondence: Spirit, communication, meditation, psychic attack or defense, locating lost or missing persons
Color: Black, gray, indigo
Incense: Poppy seeds, myrrh