Sunday, June 6, 2021

Lepidolite—Letting-Go Stone

Lepidolite should be called the letting-go stone. It’s like a fresh breeze coming into a room filled with stale air. In elixir form, it’s a wonderful way to deal with addictive behavior or to ride yourself of old patterns that no longer serve you or are potentially unhealthy. This uncommon mica, an ore of lithium, has only recently come onto the gem and mineral market. It is shiny and plate-like in appearance, usually occurring in a pretty, pearly pink or purple color. On occasion, it appears white, and very rarely, it shows up in gray or yellow. This mineral occurs in Brazil, Russia, California, and a few spots throughout Africa. My favorite specimens are the single, large sheets of the lovely mica, which are called books and are an unforgettable violet.

Lepidolite is a great stone for getting a handle on anger issues. It soothes unresolved resentments, hatred, and frustrations. It is another mental stone and amplifies thoughts. Lepidolite is almost like a fairy stone in that it attracts positive energy, brightens spirits, and increases intuition. This is one powerful chakra healer, particularly for the heart and root chakras. One of the most important uses for this stone, albeit with great care, is for healing issues resulting from incest. Lepidolite is so powerful that you can even help manic depression and schizophrenia with it. While I usually have pleasant Piscean dreams, I had a bout with upsetting dreams and nightmares, and lepidolite came to my aid.

If you are lucky enough to come across a lepidolite that has fused with a rubellite tourmaline, then you have a rare rock indeed, and one that has double the power of any other lepidolite. This mauve mica is a commanding tuner for the etheric body, raising the frequency, tone, and pitch of energy in your head. Chakra healers have reported that lepidolite sends energy in a gentle and profoundly medicinal way from the heart chakra to the crown chakra and back again, strengthening the “cord” attaching the etheric body to our body and soul, and to the here and now.

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