Friday, May 21, 2021


Here we have one of the oldest stones known to man. The Egyptians loved turquoise amulets and gifted them to their dead. The famous tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamen was replete with turquoise, lapis, carnelian, and carved-stone talismanic figures such as scarabs. Egyptians were mining turquoise in 3200 B.C. in Sinai, and it has been held in the highest regard by many ancient peoples. The ancient Mexicans gave this stone the ultimate respect, using it only for the gods; it was never worn by mere mortals.

Turquoise is a copper-based stone, giving it the delightful blue-green coloring. the name comes from a word meaning “Turkish stone,” as it first traveled to Europe along the Silk Route from Turkey. The black-veined specimens are called Navajo turquoise and are especially beloved for the grounding they provide. This stone opens the heart chakra and also affords a heart-centered quality, a loving connection with others. Turquoise releases negative emotions and draws out unsettling vibrations. If you use turquoise as a “drawing stone,” I recommend that you place it on the ground afterward, because the earth can absorb and process the negativity that is no longer inside you.

Turquoise will help you find your deepest, truest self. It is a spirit stone that inspires and uplifts, literally offering elevation to the chakras. Turquoise tunes in to an individual’s energy and projects it into the world. The stone tunes in to an individual’s energy and projects it into the world The stone gives gratitude and generosity and is a sign of friendship. Found all around the world, turquoise is revered in Native American and Asian traditions. These ancient cultures have had a belief that survives to this day that turquoise is a representation of the earth and sky.

The properties of this stone are as practical as they are spiritual—igniting intuition and enabling the wearer to grow toward wholeness. As a healer, turquoise can be placed gently upon an area of affliction for quick pain relief. It is especially helpful for headaches. Worn as a necklace, this stone touches upon the throat chakra, enabling eloquence in speech and encouraging absolute honesty. Turquoise is regarded as a planet-loving crystal, offering protection and preservation to the environment.

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