Friday, May 7, 2021

Rose Quartz

No other mineral has a color anything like the pink and rose colors of rose quartz, which are caused by titanium and iron. Rose quartz, thankfully, comes in large enough masses that is has been used in many sacred statues, obelisks, and spheres. Although these crystals come from India, Madagascar, Germany, and North America, the best specimens come from mineral-rich Brazil.

A truly extraordinary type or rose quartz is the kind with rutile needles that create a gorgeous star effect. I aim to get one of these, perhaps to celebrate and mark the publication of this gem book! Rose quartz is an emotion stone and is particularly good for matters of the heart. It is gently soothing, slowly allowing the release of hurt and negative feelings and memories. I strongly recommend keeping pieces at home and at work where you can see them and instantly get a lift every time you look at your chunks of love.

Rose quartz engenders self-love, which we must have before we can really love anyone else. Self-forgiveness and self-acceptance are made possible with rose quartz meditation. I have a very large piece with a light centered at the base of my bed, and the warm pink glow immediately makes the room a comforting cocoon. The heat of the bulb also causes the stone to release cheery negative ions into my bedroom. Rose quartz is a crystal of tenderness, nurturing, compassion, sympathy, and faith.

This rock has healing power over the heart and the circulatory system, naturally, as well as the reproductive and cleansing organs. Traditionally, rose quartz is believed to abet fertility. It is especially good for sensitive souls—artists, musicians, writer, poets, and anyone of a gentle and receptive nature.

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