Wednesday, May 12, 2021


This gem is ruled by the energy of the sun and was considered to be the stone of nobility. One of the most precious of all gems, ruby is at least as valuable as diamond—and is more valuable than diamond if unflawed. The red beauty is especially revered in China and India, where it is seen as a harbinger of health and happiness. In days long past, both these countries believed that a fading of the stone warned of impending problems. Like most other stones in the pink and red shade of the spectrum, ruby is a heart stone and corresponds strongly with this chakra. Ruby heals the heart and carries the red ray of emotional wellness through the expression of love. This divine energy and as such there is a striving for the highest love vibration. Ruby brings joy into your life and gives you permission to follow your bliss.

Most commonly found in India, Sri Lanka, and North America, this jewel comes in a range of colors, from a really vivid red to a deep purplish crimson. The most valuable occurrence of this precious stone is the delicate rose color. You should be careful before selecting any ruby, as this gem is another energy amplifier. Ruby will magnify whatever energy is there to begin with, whether is positive or negative. Its energy is extremely intense. Ruby’s red color can quickly give rise to passions of a romantic and sexual nature as well as of anger and rage. You must bear this in mind when wearing ruby and remain conscious of your feelings.

People who do energy work and healing say that this gem can fill in and repair holes in the aura. Ruby affects the root chakra and is therefore connected to our most primal drives as humans—sex and survival. Ruby is a stone of loyalty, confidence and courage. It will protect you. If you are exhausted, this wonder worker will replenish your drained chi and restore you to peak levels of vitality, strength, and stamina. Ruby is also said to eliminate blockages of the reproductive system and encourage healthy energy flow. It is even good for hypoglycemia.

I love this jewel because it helps overcome and eradicate negative thought patterns and habits. Ruby holds the singular power of love for the self and for others. If set in white or yellow gold, ruby’s regenerative love power is greatly enhanced.

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