Tuesday, April 20, 2021


This milky, bluish white feldspar gemstone cut from albite is beloved of the world over for its pleasant and somewhat mysterious smooth surface. Moonstone is quite obviously connected to the moon and is as soothing to the psyche as it is pleasing for the eye. The gem is associated with sensitivity, psychic ability, loyalty, sleep and dreams, emotional balance, and femininity. Moonstone is related to all the feminine organs and also the cleansing organs, especially the skin. This stone has a very rare ability to help with eating disorders, particularly overeating. it can calm the stomach and adjust the vibrations so you are directed to eat the proper amount in the future. Moonstone opens the heart chakra and, very importantly, helps overcome any anger or hard emotions toward the self. Pagans have seen this as a Goddess crystal for millennia and see it as a source for nurturing, wisdom, and intuition. A moonstone is a powerfully protective and loving talisman for pregnant women. In India, moonstone is sacred and very lucky, but is even more valued in the subcontinent because it helps make you more spiritual. Moonstone is at its very best on your behalf if worn in a ring with a silver setting.

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