Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Iron Pyrite

Fool’s gold! Some of my friends say I’m a magpie because I am so attracted to shiny objects. Let’s count fool’s gold among them. I don’t care if it is a hundred times less valuable than actual gold, it is very pleasing to my magpie eyes, and every time I see it, I want to possess it. You’ll be happy to know that I have restrained myself (often with the help of friends) many times. Iron pyrite is usually the bright metallic yellow of its namesake but can also come in bright green and coppery colors, too. Minted in North America and South America, it is a crystal that has been mineralized, forming shiny clusters.

Iron pyrite enables the skin to ward off contaminants. It is a plus for the respiratory system and is said to aid oxygen flow. It also has a strong connection to the iron levels in the blood and therefore benefits the circulatory system. Most people get relief from digestive aliments, too.

I treasure iron pyrite for its nearly unmatched support to personal mental workings. It boosts creativity, intelligence, logic, and the ability to communicate and soothes fretfulness and angst. These crystal clusters radiate stability. Native Americans revered iron pyrite as a protective amulet. This money-bringing and creativity-boosting stone is a must for the studios and workstations of artistry provides income.

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