Friday, April 9, 2021


The authors of the Bible mentioned jasper quite a lot; their great city of heaven is reputed to have jasper walls. The opaque kind of chalcedony is a common stone here on Earth. In fact, it is found on every continent. It occurs in shades of brown, yellow, blue, green, and red, as well as combinations of these colors, often displayed in exquisite striations. Jasper has been ground up into powder and added to healing elixirs for thousands of years. The stone offers encouraging effects, but they tend to happen gradually over a long period of time. Patience is required. Jasper is an energy crystal and also a stone of sensuality, engendering immense ardor.

* Brown jasper can connect you to the earth and also to past lives, helping with regression memories and uncovering all patterns that have clung on from incarnation to incarnation. If you are interested in exploring previous incarnations, wear brown jasper rings or
bracelets on your left arm and pay attention to your dreams, which will be revealed!

* Yellow jasper is the spirit rock, an aid during any spiritual work. It is also a great stone to take on a trip, a traveler’s support. Yellow jasper offers vigor and touches upon the endocrine system. Wear a yellow jasper ring on your right hand on your next trip and you will enjoy lively dreams.

* Blue jasper impacts the sacral and heart chakras and makes travel in the astral plane possible. This is a powerfully mystical crystal.
Blue jasper can put you into the spirit realm yet keep you anchored to the earthly plane. It is perfect for any soul work. If you want to embark on a new spiritual practice or even deepen your meditation, this gem will set you on the proper path

* Green jasper is great for the skin and for the mind; if you are thinking too much about any one thing, green jasper will dispel the obsession. Women, including myself, also value this shade because it prevents bloating. For clear skin and an even clearer mind, wear green jasper!

* Red jasper can bring emotions that lie beneath the surface to the forefront for healing. This stone is connected strongly to the root chakra, the source of sexual energy and kundalini. If you would like to explore the sacred sexual practice of tantra, both partners could wear red jasper, the stone of passion. Red jasper can be a tool for rebirth and finding justice.

Jasper is a nurturing stone and can create a sense of wholeness through chakra alignment. I need to place jasper on my desk, as well, as it is a great organizational crystal and would help me see all my various projects through to completion. This is a stone that balances the male and female energies. Jasper will ground you, and the lovely spectrum of shades can help you care for yourself, body and soul.

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