Friday, December 10, 2021

Your Chakras

First Chakra—Patchouli Grounds Your Root Chakra

Patchouli balances the root chakra at the base of your spine. Represented by the color red and associated with the then physical element of earth, the root chakra is about grounding to the physical world and basic survival and self-preservation. Using patchouli will enable you to be grounded and have more stability, stillness, prosperity, and robust health, as well as a sense of safety and security. This essential oil also helps you overcome fatigue and feeling down.

Second Chakra—Neroli Balances Your Sacral Chakra

Neroli essential oil stabilizes the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen between the pelvis and the navel center, a few inches below the belly button. Associated with the element of water and the color orange, it represents vitality and passion and is associated with the sacral vertebra as well as the reproductive organs and the body’s circulatory system. A balanced sacral chakra carries the following characteristics: ability to enjoy pleasure, emotional intelligence, sexual satisfaction, passion, and the ability to embrace change. This essential oil brings the energy of pure love and lightness of being, driving away sorrows and bringing a peaceful, stable sense of calm. Neroli also opens you to love within yourself and the freedom of allowing love to flow freely.

Third Chakra—Pine Invigorates Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Pine essential oil is connected to the solar plexus chakra, which is located above the navel and correlates with the color yellow and the element of fire. The solar plexus chakra represents willpower, motivation, and vigor and is associated with the pancreas, liver, spleen, stomach, lower back muscles, and the metabolism and digestion. A balanced solar plexus chakra gives rise to confidence, warmth, self-discipline, steadiness, and a positive sense of self. Pine essential oil is an oil for the restoration of the heart when your emotions have become hard or jaded. This oil releases you from old wounds, letting you move forward without the baggage of the past and bringing the ability to experience your emotions in real time versus playing out echoes from the past. This oil allows you to move forward. You will feel replenished and new, which will allow you to bring growth and inner peace to your future relationships.

Fourth Chakra—Rose Oil Opens Your Heart Chakra

Rose essential oil will open and balance your heart chakra and bring self-acceptance and love into your life. This chakra center is associated with the color green and the element of air, and it is related to the lymph glands, heart, rib cage, lungs, skin, arms, hands, circulation, and the immune system. A balanced heart chakra will lead to the following characteristics in an individual: healthy self-esteem, contentment, compassion, acceptance, and peace of mind. Use rose essential oil’s scent for releasing blocked feelings stored in the chest, internalized grief, melancholy, and repressed emotions.

Fifth Chakra—Lavender Aids Your Throat Chakra

Lavender essential oil is connected to the throat chakra, which correlates to the colors blue or turquoise and the element of spirit or ether. The throat chakra is about speaking, self-expression, and communication and is associated with the thyroid, esophagus, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and the sense of hearing. A balanced throat chakra will support the following characteristics: clear communication with others and self, good listening skills, good sense of time, and a full voice. Lavender essential oil brings spiritual growth by helping you integrate your experiences, bringing an expanded awareness and perspective. This oil will help you communicate more effectively.

Sixth Chakra—Sandalwood Awakens Your Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and is represented by the color indigo and the element of light. The third eye chakra represents self-reflection and knowledge. It is also associated with the pituitary gland, left brain hemisphere, left eye, nose, ears, sinuses, conscious mind, the endocrine system, neurological system, and small muscle control. A balanced third eye chakra will yield strong intuition, good memory, ease remembering dreams, the ability to visualize, and a guiding vision for life. Sandalwood essential oil abets meditation and is used by healers and spiritual leaders worldwide as it brings an inner awareness and sense of ease in engaging with higher consciousness. Sandalwood helps break down illusions, helping you align with your most authentic self.

Seventh Chakra—Lime Energizes Your Crown Chakra

Lime essential oil is for the crown chakra at the very top of your head. Represented by violet and the element of thought, this chakra is the center of self-knowledge, self-will, and divine connection. It is associated with the pineal gland, pituitary gland, cerebral cortex, cerebrum, the right eye, the right brain hemisphere, the central nervous system, the subconscious mind, and large muscle control. A balanced crown chakra will produce wisdom, intelligence, the ability to analyze, spiritual connection, and open mindedness. Lime is a great essential oil to use for cutting and detaching energy cords that no longer serve you. This oil is useful for enhancing your perception of the truth inside any situation. It allows you to release any illusion that you may have confused with reality.

Here are a few more suggestions:

  • Root Chakra: Cypress
  • Sacral Chakra: Ylang-ylang
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Ginger
  • Heart Chakra: Jasmine
  • Throat Chakra: Roman Chamomile
  • Third Eye Chakra: Rosemary
  • Crown Chakra: Frankincense

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