Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ritual for Letting Go

Truth be told, many of us have hoarded to some extent in our lives. I joke to my friends and family that I have “paper issues” with all my books and magazines, but I also amass colored glass vases and bottles, interesting chairs, and quirky candleholders. And much more. At a certain point, I realized that things had gotten out of control and that what had once been an interesting collection of “objects” was quickly headed toward “Cat Lady Hoarder Next Door.” When I really looked at my home, I knew I needed to give away a lot of things I didn’t really even see anymore. Nevertheless, it’s hard. We love our shiny objects! The following spell for letting go will transform both you and your home.

“Rite for Releasing

Take a few of the items you are giving away (selling on eBay is a good idea, too!) and place them on a little table, then put the table somewhere near the front door. You are setting up a temporary altar. Gather a white candle, copal incense, and a sage leaf in a white dish, along with a small white sheet of paper and a black pen.

Light the candle and the incense and intone:

As I walk in wisdom, this I know,

Material goods are meant to flow.

I rid myself of blocks so I can grow.

With this rite, I am letting go!

And so it is.

Take each item and name it as you release it; for example, “Purple dish, with grace and gratitude, I let you go!” Make a brief note of each possession to be released on the piece of paper.

After you have recorded all the items, read your list aloud, then carefully light the piece of paper and burn it in the white dish while repeating the spell words above. When the paper has burned to ash, snuff the candle while the ashes cool down completely. Take the dish outside the door and toss the thoroughly cooled ashes into the air and wind. Now, go back in and pack up the newly released items and get them out of your house into the trunk of your car, a storage shed, or the nearest Goodwill or recycling/reuse center. The important thing is to get all those things out of your house so the energy flow inside is improved. If you moved bigger pieces such as shelves or chairs, I highly things out of your house so the energy flow inside is improved. If you moved bigger pieces such as shelves or chairs, I highly recommend a ritual floor wash. Once you have done that, the energy in your home will shimmer and sparkle with freshness!

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