Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Sage Wisdom

Every kitchen gardener should grow an indoor pot of sage, if not a big patch in your garden. Sage is a must to have on hand for clearing energy. It also increases psychic potential. Whether your passion is growing an artful garden, throwing pots, cookery, or music, you can stay in better touch with your personal muse or guardian spirit with an aromatic sage wand. Head out to your garden or the sunny spot on the deck where your hardiest sage grows. Take three large and extra-long sticks of your favorite incense and bind strands of sage around the incense with purple thread. Tie it off, let it dry, and you have a sage wand. Before any creative endeavor, you can light this wand and wave it around your workspace, filling the area with inspiration. (Use a medium-size shell or bowl to catch any ashes or loose sage leaves as you cense your space.) Close your eyes and meditate upon the healing work you will begin.

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