Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Celestite takes its name from the heavenly blue color for which it is favored, though its range of hues includes shades of white and yellow. Celestite, mined for its salts and the strontium it contains, has another connection to the sky in that it is used in fireworks where it flames a fiery crimson. Celestite has occurred notably in the Great Lakes Region of North America as well as in Sicily, Germany, and Madagascar. It is sometimes mistaken for its look-alike, barite, but a flame test will tell the truth. If the flame is a pale green, the mineral is barite, but if it is red, it is most certainly celestite.

Celestite, which resonates with all the chakras, is most powerful. A geode of celestite crystal is believed to be filled with angel energy and brings the highest consciousness. It is a great balancing stone, creating attunement with high intellect and evening out male and female energies within any person.

Celestite is the stone to keep with you before any speaking engagements or writing that you need to do and do well. It aids the flow of thoughts and words. Most interestingly of all, it is a “listening stone.” Hold a piece of celestite and listen carefully to the voice within; the wisdom from this stone will reveal your deepest intuition and lead you to the right action. Meditation is greatly assisted by this crystal, as it is believed to hold the wisdom of the archangels. In meditation, you can ask celestite for any knowledge you need and it will be made known to you, whether it is a memory of a past life, a vision, or an out-of- body experience. Celestite is also a dream stone to keep by your bed for insight into the meaning of your night visions.

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